diff options
4 files changed, 812 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ap_kilo.prj b/ap_kilo.prj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d989da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ap_kilo.prj
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ "Root":{
+ "Folders":[],
+ "Name":"+ap_kilo (apkilo.exe)",
+ "Files":[{
+ "filename":".\\apfilo.f90",
+ "enabled":"1"
+ },{
+ "filename":".\\driver.f90",
+ "enabled":"1"
+ },{
+ "filename":".\\filo.f90",
+ "enabled":"1"
+ },{
+ "filename":".\\kilo.c",
+ "enabled":"0"
+ }]
+ },
+ "Name":"ap_kilo (apkilo.exe)",
+ "Options":{
+ "Compiler Options":{
+ "Fortran Flags":"",
+ "Link Flags":"-lappgraphics -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 -lcomctl32 -luuid -loleaut32 -lole32",
+ "C Flags":""
+ },
+ "Architecture":0,
+ "Type":0,
+ "Revision":2,
+ "Windows GUI":0,
+ "File Options":{
+ "Library Directories":["Default Add-On Directory"],
+ "Build Directory":"build",
+ "Module Directory":"modules",
+ "Include Directories":["Default Add-On Include Directory"]
+ },
+ "Target":"apkilo.exe",
+ "Fortran Options":{
+ "Use C Preprocessor":"false",
+ "Runtime Diagnostics":"false",
+ "Floating Point Exception Trap":0,
+ "Cray Pointers":"false",
+ "Enable Coarrays":"false",
+ "Enable OpenMP":"false",
+ "Initialize Variables to Zero":"false",
+ "Default Double for Real":"false"
+ },
+ "Code Generation Options":{
+ "CPU Specific":"false",
+ "Processor":"generic",
+ "Aggressive Loops":"false",
+ "Debugging":"true",
+ "Optimization Mode":0,
+ "Profiling":"false"
+ },
+ "Build Dependencies":1,
+ "Launch Options":{
+ "Working Directory":"",
+ "Launch Using MPI":"false",
+ "Keep Console":"true",
+ "External Console":"false",
+ "Command Line Arguments":"",
+ "Build Before Launch":"true"
+ },
+ "Build Options":{
+ "Makefile":"Makefile.sf",
+ "Auto Makefile":"true"
+ },
+ "Linker Options":{
+ "Static Linking Mode":7,
+ "Link MPI Library":"false",
+ "Link LAPACK":0
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apfilo.f90 b/apfilo.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c933b91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apfilo.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+module appgraphics_filo
+use filo
+implicit none
+ type, extends(editorConfig) :: apEditorConfig
+ integer::window
+ integer::x, y, w, h
+ end type apEditorConfig
+ function initApEditor(win, x, y, w, h) result(E)
+ use appgraphics, only: getmaxx, getmaxy
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in)::win
+ integer, intent(in), optional::x, y, w, h
+ type(apEditorConfig)::E
+ call initEditor(E)
+ E%window = win
+ if(present(x)) then
+ E%x = x
+ else
+ E%x = 0
+ end if
+ if(present(y)) then
+ E%y = y
+ else
+ E%y = 0
+ end if
+ if(present(w)) then
+ E%w = w
+ else
+ E%w = getmaxx()
+ end if
+ if(present(h)) then
+ E%h = h
+ else
+ E%h = getmaxy()
+ end if
+ call updateApEditorSize(E)
+ end function initApEditor
+ subroutine updateApEditorSize(E)
+ use appgraphics
+ implicit none
+ class(apEditorConfig), intent(inout)::E
+ E%screencols = 0
+ do while(textwidth(repeat('X', E%screencols+1)) < E%w)
+ E%screencols = E%screencols + 1
+ end do
+ E%screenrows = E%h / textheight('XXX')
+ E%cx = max(E%cx, E%screencols)
+ E%cy = max(E%cy, E%screenrows)
+ end subroutine updateApEditorSize
+ subroutine drawApEditor(E)
+ use appgraphics
+ implicit none
+ class(apEditorConfig), intent(inout)::E
+ integer::irow, icol, icollast
+ integer::x, y, rh
+ character(len=:), pointer::row_text
+ call setcurrentwindow(E%window)
+ call resetviewport()
+ call setviewport(E%x, E%y, E%x+E%w, E%y+E%h, .TRUE.)
+ call clearviewport()
+ y = 0
+ do irow = 1+E%rowoff, E%rowoff + E%screenrows
+ x = 0
+ rh = 0
+ row_text => E%row(irow)%string_pointer()
+ if(.not. associated(row_text)) then
+ rh = textheight('XXX')
+ else
+ if(E%coloff+1 > len(row_text)) then
+ rh = textheight('XXX')
+ else
+ icol = 1 + E%coloff
+ icollast = min(E%coloff+E%screencols, len(row_text))
+ call outtextxy(x, y, row_text(icol:icollast))
+ rh = textheight(row_text(icol:icollast))
+ end if
+! if(irow == E%cy .and. icol == E%cx) then
+! call bar(x, y, x+3, y+rh)
+! end if
+ end if
+ ! Cursor
+ if(irow - E%rowoff - 1 == E%cy) then
+ if(.not. associated(row_text) .or. E%cx == 1) then
+ x = 0
+ else
+ ! Width calculations are all messed up by trimming
+ ! being performed in textwidth
+ x = index(row_text(icol:icol+E%cx-2), ' ')
+ do while(x > 0)
+ x = x + icol - 1
+ row_text(x:x) = '_'
+ x = index(row_text(icol:icol+E%cx-2), ' ')
+ end do
+ x = textwidth(row_text(icol:icol+E%cx-2))
+ end if
+ call bar(x, y-rh-1, x+3, y+1)
+ end if
+ if(associated(row_text)) then
+ deallocate(row_text)
+ row_text => null()
+ end if
+ y = y + rh
+ end do
+ call resetviewport()
+ end subroutine drawApEditor
+end module appgraphics_filo \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/driver.f90 b/driver.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8008e81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/driver.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+program driver
+use appgraphics
+use appgraphics_filo
+use filo
+implicit none
+ type(apEditorConfig)::E
+ integer::mywindow
+ integer::key, delta, rowoff
+ logical::cursor_moved
+ mywindow = initwindow(640, 480, dbflag=.true., closeflag=.true.)
+ call settextstyle(MONOSPACE_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 20)
+ call setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, WHITE)
+ E = initApEditor(mywindow)
+ if(.not. editorOpen(E, "kilo.c")) then
+ Print *, "Error opening file..."
+ stop
+ end if
+ call drawApEditor(E)
+ call swapbuffers()
+ do while(.true.)
+ call startidle(50)
+ do while(kbhit())
+ cursor_moved = .false.
+ rowoff = E%rowoff
+ key = getch()
+ ! Special character
+ if(key == 0) then
+ key = getch()
+ delta = 0
+ select case(key)
+ case(KEY_UP)
+ E%cy = max(E%cy - 1, 1)
+ cursor_moved = .true.
+ case(KEY_DOWN)
+ E%cy = min(E%cy + 1, E%screenrows)
+ cursor_moved = .true.
+ case(KEY_LEFT)
+ E%cx = max(E%cx - 1, 0)
+ cursor_moved = .true.
+ case(KEY_RIGHT)
+ E%cx = min(E%cx + 1, E%screencols)
+ cursor_moved = .true.
+ case(KEY_PGUP)
+ delta = -1*E%screenrows
+ case(KEY_PGDN)
+ delta = E%screenrows
+ end select
+ rowoff = rowoff + delta
+ rowoff = max(rowoff, 0)
+ rowoff = min(rowoff, E%numrows - E%screenrows)
+ else
+ select case(key)
+ case(8) ! Backspace
+ call editorDelChar(E)
+ case default
+ call editorInsertChar(E, char(key))
+ end select
+ cursor_moved = .TRUE.
+ end if
+ if(rowoff /= E%rowoff .or. cursor_moved) then
+ e%rowoff = rowoff
+ call drawApEditor(E)
+ call swapbuffers()
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+end program driver \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/filo.f90 b/filo.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3918d8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/filo.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+module filo
+implicit none
+ type :: erow
+ integer::idx
+ character(len=1), dimension(:), allocatable::chars
+ contains
+ procedure :: size => row_size
+ procedure :: string_pointer => row_string_pointer
+ end type
+ type :: editorConfig
+ integer::cx, cy ! Cursor position in characters
+ integer::rowoff ! Offset of row displayed
+ integer::coloff ! Offset of column displayed
+ integer::screenrows
+ integer::screencols
+ integer::numrows
+ type(erow), dimension(:), allocatable::row
+ integer::dirty
+ character(len=:), pointer::filename
+ end type
+ interface editorInsertRow
+ module procedure editorInsertRowString
+ module procedure editorInsertRowArray
+ module procedure editorInsertRowEmpty
+ end interface
+ pure function row_size(er)
+ implicit none
+ integer::row_size
+ class(erow), intent(in)::er
+ if(allocated(er%chars)) then
+ row_size = size(er%chars)
+ else
+ row_size = 0
+ end if
+ end function row_size
+ function row_string_pointer(er) result(str)
+ implicit none
+ class(erow), intent(in)::er
+ character(len=:), pointer::str
+ integer::i
+ if(row_size(er) == 0) then
+ str => null()
+ else
+ allocate(character(len=row_size(er)) :: str)
+ do i = 1, row_size(er)
+ str(i:i) = er%chars(i)
+ end do
+ end if
+ end function row_string_pointer
+ subroutine editorInsertRowEmpty(E, at)
+ implicit none
+ class(editorConfig), intent(inout)::E
+ integer, intent(in)::at
+ type(erow), dimension(:), allocatable::ertmp
+ if(at > E%numrows + 1) then
+ return
+ end if
+ allocate(ertmp(E%numrows+1))
+ if(allocated(E%row) .and. E%numrows > 0) then
+ ertmp(1:E%numrows) = E%row
+ end if
+ call move_alloc(ertmp, E%row)
+ if(at /= E%numrows+1) then
+ E%row(at+1:E%numrows+1) = E%row(at:E%numrows)
+ E%row(at+1:E%numrows+1)%idx = E%row(at+1:E%numrows+1)%idx+1
+ end if
+ E%row(at)%idx = at
+ E%numrows = E%numrows + 1
+ E%dirty = E%dirty + 1
+ end subroutine editorInsertRowEmpty
+ subroutine editorInsertRowArray(E, at, arr)
+ implicit none
+ class(editorConfig), intent(inout)::E
+ integer, intent(in)::at
+ character, dimension(:)::arr
+ if(at > E%numrows + 1) then
+ return
+ end if
+ call editorInsertRowEmpty(E, at)
+ allocate(E%row(at)%chars(size(arr)))
+ E%row(at)%chars = arr
+ end subroutine editorInsertRowArray
+ subroutine editorInsertRowString(E, at, s)
+ implicit none
+ class(editorConfig), intent(inout)::E
+ integer, intent(in)::at
+ character(*)::s
+ character, dimension(:), allocatable::ctmp
+ integer::i
+ if(at > E%numrows+1) then
+ return
+ end if
+ if(len(s) == 0) then
+ call editorInsertRowEmpty(E, at)
+ else
+ allocate(ctmp(len(s)))
+ do i=1, len(s)
+ ctmp(i) = s(i:i)
+ end do
+ call editorInsertRowArray(E, at, ctmp)
+ deallocate(ctmp)
+ end if
+ end subroutine editorInsertRowString
+ subroutine editorFreeRow(er)
+ implicit none
+ type(erow), intent(inout)::er
+ deallocate(er%chars)
+ end subroutine editorFreeRow
+ subroutine editorDelRow(E, at)
+ implicit none
+ class(editorConfig), intent(inout)::E
+ integer, intent(in)::at
+ if(at > E%numrows) then
+ return
+ end if
+ call editorFreeRow(E%row(at))
+ if(at < E%numrows) then
+ E%row(at:E%numrows-1) = E%row(at+1:E%numrows)
+ E%row(at:E%numrows-1)%idx = E%row(at:E%numrows-1)%idx-1
+ end if
+ E%numrows = E%numrows - 1
+ E%dirty = E%dirty + 1
+ end subroutine editorDelRow
+ function editorRowsToString(E) result(res)
+ implicit none
+ class(editorConfig), intent(in)::E
+ character(len=:), pointer::res
+ integer::totlen
+ integer::j, k, i
+ totlen = 0
+ do j=1,E%numrows
+ totlen = totlen + E%row(j)%size()
+ end do
+ totlen = totlen + E%numrows*len_trim(new_line(' '))
+ allocate(character(len=totlen) :: res)
+ i = 1
+ do j=1, E%numrows
+ do k=1,E%row(j)%size()
+ res(i:i) = E%row(j)%chars(k)
+ i = i + 1
+ end do
+ res(i:i+len_trim(new_line(' '))) = new_line(' ')
+ i = i + len_trim(new_line(' '))
+ end do
+ end function editorRowsToString
+ subroutine editorRowInsertChar(E, er, at, c)
+ implicit none
+ class(editorConfig), intent(inout)::E
+ type(erow), intent(inout)::er
+ integer, intent(in)::at
+ character, intent(in)::c
+ integer::padlen
+ character, dimension(:), allocatable::ctmp
+ if(at > er%size()) then
+ padlen = at - er%size()
+ allocate(ctmp(er%size() + padlen + 1))
+ ctmp(1:er%size()) = er%chars
+ if(padlen > 0) then
+ ctmp(er%size()+1:er%size()+padlen) = ' '
+ end if
+ else
+ allocate(ctmp(er%size() + 1))
+ ctmp(1:at-1) = er%chars(1:at-1)
+ ctmp(at+1:er%size() + 1) = er%chars(at:er%size())
+ end if
+ ctmp(at) = c
+ call move_alloc(ctmp, er%chars)
+ E%dirty = E%dirty + 1
+ end subroutine editorRowInsertChar
+ subroutine editorRowAppendArray(E, er, arr)
+ implicit none
+ class(editorConfig), intent(inout)::E
+ type(erow), intent(inout)::er
+ character, dimension(:), intent(in)::arr
+ character, dimension(:), allocatable::ctmp
+ integer::i
+ allocate(ctmp(er%size()+size(arr)))
+ ctmp(1:er%size()) = er%chars
+ ctmp(er%size()+1:er%size()+size(arr)) = arr
+ call move_alloc(ctmp, er%chars)
+ E%dirty = E%dirty + 1
+ end subroutine editorRowAppendArray
+ subroutine editorRowAppendString(E, er, s)
+ implicit none
+ class(editorConfig), intent(inout)::E
+ type(erow), intent(inout)::er
+ character(*), intent(in)::s
+ character, dimension(:), allocatable::ctmp
+ integer::i
+ allocate(ctmp(len(s)))
+ do i=1,len(s)
+ ctmp(i) = s(i:i)
+ end do
+ call editorRowAppendArray(E, er, ctmp)
+ deallocate(ctmp)
+ end subroutine editorRowAppendString
+ subroutine editorRowDelChar(er, at)
+ implicit none
+ type(erow), intent(inout)::er
+ integer, intent(in)::at
+ character, dimension(:), allocatable::ctmp
+ if(er%size() < at) then
+ return
+ end if
+ if(er%size() == 1) then
+ deallocate(er%chars)
+ else
+ allocate(ctmp(er%size() - 1))
+ ctmp(1:at-1) = er%chars(1:at-1)
+ ctmp(at:er%size()-1) = er%chars(at+1:er%size())
+ call move_alloc(ctmp, er%chars)
+ end if
+ end subroutine editorRowDelChar
+ subroutine editorInsertChar(E, c)
+ implicit none
+ class(editorConfig), intent(inout)::E
+ character, intent(in)::c
+ integer::filerow, filecol
+ filerow = E%rowoff+E%cy
+ filecol = E%coloff+E%cx
+ !Print *, E%cy, filerow, E%rowoff, ':', E%cx, filecol
+ if(filerow >= E%numrows) then
+ do while(E%numrows < filerow)
+ call editorInsertRow(E, E%numrows, "")
+ end do
+ end if
+ call editorRowInsertChar(E, E%row(filerow), filecol, c)
+ if(E%cx == E%screencols - 1) then
+ E%coloff = E%coloff + 1
+ else
+ E%cx = E%cx + 1
+ end if
+ E%dirty = E%dirty + 1
+ end subroutine editorInsertChar
+ subroutine editorInsertNewline_fixcursor(E)
+ implicit none
+ class(editorConfig), intent(inout)::E
+ if(E%cy == E%screenrows) then
+ E%rowoff = E%rowoff + 1
+ else
+ E%cy = E%cy + 1
+ end if
+ E%cx = 0
+ E%coloff = 0
+ end subroutine editorInsertNewline_fixcursor
+ subroutine editorInsertNewline(E)
+ implicit none
+ class(editorConfig), intent(inout)::E
+ type(erow)::er
+ integer::filerow, filecol
+ character, dimension(:), allocatable::ctmp
+ filerow = E%rowoff+E%cy
+ filecol = E%coloff+E%cx
+ if(filerow > E%numrows) then
+ call editorInsertRow(E, filerow, "")
+ call editorInsertNewline_fixcursor(E)
+ return
+ else
+ er = E%row(filerow)
+ end if
+ filecol = min(er%size(), filecol)
+ if(filecol == 0) then
+ call editorInsertRow(E, filerow, "")
+ else
+ call editorInsertRow(E, filerow+1, er%chars(filecol:er%size()))
+ allocate(ctmp(filerow))
+ ctmp = er%chars(1:filerow)
+ call move_alloc(ctmp, er%chars)
+ end if
+ call editorInsertNewline_fixcursor(E)
+ end subroutine editorInsertNewline
+ subroutine editorDelChar(E)
+ implicit none
+ class(editorConfig), intent(inout)::E
+ integer::filerow, filecol
+ integer::deltax
+ filerow = E%rowoff+E%cy
+ filecol = E%coloff+E%cx
+ if(filerow > E%numrows) then
+ return
+ end if
+ if(filecol == 1) then
+ filecol = E%row(filerow - 1)%size()
+ if(E%row(filerow)%size() > 0) then
+ call editorRowAppendArray(e, E%row(filerow - 1), E%row(filerow)%chars)
+ end if
+ call editorDelRow(E, filerow)
+ if(E%cy == 1) then
+ E%rowoff = E%rowoff - 1
+ else
+ E%cy = E%cy - 1
+ end if
+ E%cx = filecol+1
+ if(E%cx > E%screencols) then
+ deltax = E%screencols - E%cx + 1
+ E%cx = E%cx - deltax
+ E%coloff = E%coloff + deltax
+ end if
+ else
+ call editorRowDelChar(E%row(filerow), filecol - 1)
+ if(E%cx == 0 .and. E%coloff > 0) then
+ E%coloff = E%coloff - 1
+ else
+ E%cx = E%cx - 1
+ end if
+ end if
+ E%dirty = E%dirty + 1
+ end subroutine editorDelChar
+ function editorOpen(E, filename) result(success)
+ implicit none
+ class(editorConfig), intent(inout)::E
+ character(*), intent(in)::filename
+ integer::unum, ios
+ logical::success
+ character(1024)::line
+ E%dirty = 0
+ if(associated(E%filename)) then
+ deallocate(E%filename)
+ end if
+ allocate(character(len=len(filename))::E%filename)
+ E%filename = filename
+ open(newunit=unum, file=filename, action="read", iostat=ios, status="old")
+ if(ios /= 0) then
+ success = .false.
+ return
+ end if
+ read(unum, '(A)', iostat=ios) line
+ do while(ios == 0)
+ call editorInsertRow(E, E%numrows+1, trim(line))
+ line = ' '
+ read(unum, '(A)', iostat=ios) line
+ end do
+ close(unum)
+ E%dirty = 0
+ E%cx = 1
+ E%cy = 1
+ success = .true.
+ end function editorOpen
+ function editorSave(E) result(success)
+ implicit none
+ class(editorConfig), intent(inout)::E
+ logical::success
+ character(len=:), pointer::buf
+ integer::unum, ios
+ buf => editorRowsToString(E)
+ if(.not. associated(buf)) then
+ success = .false.
+ return
+ end if
+ open(newunit=unum, file=E%filename, status='unknown', action='write', iostat=ios)
+ if(ios /= 0) then
+ success = .false.
+ return
+ end if
+ write(unum, *, iostat=ios) buf
+ close(unum)
+ success = .true.
+ E%dirty = 0
+ end function editorSave
+ subroutine initEditor(E)
+ implicit none
+ class(editorConfig), intent(out)::E
+ E%cx = 1
+ E%cy = 1
+ E%rowoff = 0
+ E%coloff = 0
+ E%numrows = 0
+ E%dirty = 0
+ end subroutine initEditor
+end module filo