path: root/apfilo.f90
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apfilo.f90')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apfilo.f90 b/apfilo.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c933b91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apfilo.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+module appgraphics_filo
+use filo
+implicit none
+ type, extends(editorConfig) :: apEditorConfig
+ integer::window
+ integer::x, y, w, h
+ end type apEditorConfig
+ function initApEditor(win, x, y, w, h) result(E)
+ use appgraphics, only: getmaxx, getmaxy
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in)::win
+ integer, intent(in), optional::x, y, w, h
+ type(apEditorConfig)::E
+ call initEditor(E)
+ E%window = win
+ if(present(x)) then
+ E%x = x
+ else
+ E%x = 0
+ end if
+ if(present(y)) then
+ E%y = y
+ else
+ E%y = 0
+ end if
+ if(present(w)) then
+ E%w = w
+ else
+ E%w = getmaxx()
+ end if
+ if(present(h)) then
+ E%h = h
+ else
+ E%h = getmaxy()
+ end if
+ call updateApEditorSize(E)
+ end function initApEditor
+ subroutine updateApEditorSize(E)
+ use appgraphics
+ implicit none
+ class(apEditorConfig), intent(inout)::E
+ E%screencols = 0
+ do while(textwidth(repeat('X', E%screencols+1)) < E%w)
+ E%screencols = E%screencols + 1
+ end do
+ E%screenrows = E%h / textheight('XXX')
+ E%cx = max(E%cx, E%screencols)
+ E%cy = max(E%cy, E%screenrows)
+ end subroutine updateApEditorSize
+ subroutine drawApEditor(E)
+ use appgraphics
+ implicit none
+ class(apEditorConfig), intent(inout)::E
+ integer::irow, icol, icollast
+ integer::x, y, rh
+ character(len=:), pointer::row_text
+ call setcurrentwindow(E%window)
+ call resetviewport()
+ call setviewport(E%x, E%y, E%x+E%w, E%y+E%h, .TRUE.)
+ call clearviewport()
+ y = 0
+ do irow = 1+E%rowoff, E%rowoff + E%screenrows
+ x = 0
+ rh = 0
+ row_text => E%row(irow)%string_pointer()
+ if(.not. associated(row_text)) then
+ rh = textheight('XXX')
+ else
+ if(E%coloff+1 > len(row_text)) then
+ rh = textheight('XXX')
+ else
+ icol = 1 + E%coloff
+ icollast = min(E%coloff+E%screencols, len(row_text))
+ call outtextxy(x, y, row_text(icol:icollast))
+ rh = textheight(row_text(icol:icollast))
+ end if
+! if(irow == E%cy .and. icol == E%cx) then
+! call bar(x, y, x+3, y+rh)
+! end if
+ end if
+ ! Cursor
+ if(irow - E%rowoff - 1 == E%cy) then
+ if(.not. associated(row_text) .or. E%cx == 1) then
+ x = 0
+ else
+ ! Width calculations are all messed up by trimming
+ ! being performed in textwidth
+ x = index(row_text(icol:icol+E%cx-2), ' ')
+ do while(x > 0)
+ x = x + icol - 1
+ row_text(x:x) = '_'
+ x = index(row_text(icol:icol+E%cx-2), ' ')
+ end do
+ x = textwidth(row_text(icol:icol+E%cx-2))
+ end if
+ call bar(x, y-rh-1, x+3, y+1)
+ end if
+ if(associated(row_text)) then
+ deallocate(row_text)
+ row_text => null()
+ end if
+ y = y + rh
+ end do
+ call resetviewport()
+ end subroutine drawApEditor
+end module appgraphics_filo \ No newline at end of file