# Fortran Package Manager A prototype version. ## Getting started ### Install Haskell To install [Haskell Stack](https://haskellstack.org/) on Linux without root access, follow the [manual download](https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/install_and_upgrade/#manual-download_2) procedure: ``` wget https://get.haskellstack.org/stable/linux-x86_64-static.tar.gz tar xaf linux-x86_64-static.tar.gz ``` and put the `stack` binary in your path, for example: ``` export PATH="$PATH:`pwd`/stack-2.1.3-linux-x86_64-static/" ``` ### Download this repository ``` git clone https://github.com/fortran-lang/fpm cd fpm ``` ### Build and Test fpm Build fpm using: ``` stack build ``` To test: ``` stack test ``` To install: ``` stack install ``` On Linux, the above command installs `stack` to `${HOME}/.local/bin`. ### Building your Fortran project with fpm fpm understands the basic commands: * `fpm build` - build your library, executables and tests * `fpm run` - run executables * `fpm test`- run tests The command `fpm run` can optionally accept the name of the specific executable to run, as can `fpm test`; like `fpm run specifc_executable`. Command line arguments can also be passed to the executable(s) or test(s) with the option `--args "some arguments"`. See additional instructions in the [Packaging guide](PACKAGING.md).