!># Build Backend Console !> This module provides a lightweight implementation for printing to the console !> and updating previously-printed console lines. It used by `[[fpm_backend_output]]` !> for pretty-printing build status and progress. !> !> @note The implementation for updating previous lines relies on no other output !> going to `stdout`/`stderr` except through the `console_t` object provided. !> !> @note All write statements to `stdout` are enclosed within OpenMP `critical` regions !> module fpm_backend_console use iso_fortran_env, only: stdout=>output_unit implicit none private public :: console_t public :: LINE_RESET public :: COLOR_RED, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_RESET character(len=*), parameter :: ESC = char(27) !> Escape code for erasing current line character(len=*), parameter :: LINE_RESET = ESC//"[2K"//ESC//"[1G" !> Escape code for moving up one line character(len=*), parameter :: LINE_UP = ESC//"[1A" !> Escape code for moving down one line character(len=*), parameter :: LINE_DOWN = ESC//"[1B" !> Escape code for red foreground color character(len=*), parameter :: COLOR_RED = ESC//"[31m" !> Escape code for green foreground color character(len=*), parameter :: COLOR_GREEN = ESC//"[32m" !> Escape code for yellow foreground color character(len=*), parameter :: COLOR_YELLOW = ESC//"[93m" !> Escape code to reset foreground color character(len=*), parameter :: COLOR_RESET = ESC//"[0m" !> Console object type console_t !> Number of lines printed integer :: n_line = 1 contains !> Write a single line to the console procedure :: write_line => console_write_line !> Update a previously-written console line procedure :: update_line => console_update_line end type console_t contains !> Write a single line to the standard output subroutine console_write_line(console,str,line,advance) !> Console object class(console_t), intent(inout) :: console !> String to write character(*), intent(in) :: str !> Integer needed to later update console line integer, intent(out), optional :: line !> Advancing output (print newline?) logical, intent(in), optional :: advance character(3) :: adv adv = "yes" if (present(advance)) then if (.not.advance) then adv = "no" end if end if !$omp critical if (present(line)) then line = console%n_line end if write(stdout,'(A)',advance=trim(adv)) LINE_RESET//str if (adv=="yes") then console%n_line = console%n_line + 1 end if !$omp end critical end subroutine console_write_line !> Overwrite a previously-written line in standard output subroutine console_update_line(console,line_no,str) !> Console object class(console_t), intent(in) :: console !> Integer output from `[[console_write_line]]` integer, intent(in) :: line_no !> New string to overwrite line character(*), intent(in) :: str integer :: n !$omp critical n = console%n_line - line_no ! Step back to line write(stdout,'(A)',advance="no") repeat(LINE_UP,n)//LINE_RESET write(stdout,'(A)') str ! Step forward to end write(stdout,'(A)',advance="no") repeat(LINE_DOWN,n)//LINE_RESET !$omp end critical end subroutine console_update_line end module fpm_backend_console