!> Define tests for the `fpm_sources` module (parsing routines) module test_source_parsing use testsuite, only : new_unittest, unittest_t, error_t, test_failed use fpm_filesystem, only: get_temp_filename use fpm_source_parsing, only: parse_f_source, parse_c_source use fpm_model, only: srcfile_t, FPM_UNIT_PROGRAM, FPM_UNIT_MODULE, & FPM_UNIT_SUBMODULE, FPM_UNIT_SUBPROGRAM, FPM_UNIT_CSOURCE use fpm_strings, only: operator(.in.) implicit none private public :: collect_source_parsing contains !> Collect all exported unit tests subroutine collect_source_parsing(testsuite) !> Collection of tests type(unittest_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: testsuite(:) testsuite = [ & & new_unittest("modules-used", test_modules_used), & & new_unittest("intrinsic-modules-used", test_intrinsic_modules_used), & & new_unittest("include-stmt", test_include_stmt), & & new_unittest("program", test_program), & & new_unittest("module", test_module), & & new_unittest("program-with-module", test_program_with_module), & & new_unittest("submodule", test_submodule), & & new_unittest("submodule-ancestor", test_submodule_ancestor), & & new_unittest("subprogram", test_subprogram), & & new_unittest("csource", test_csource), & & new_unittest("invalid-use-stmt", & test_invalid_use_stmt, should_fail=.true.), & & new_unittest("invalid-include-stmt", & test_invalid_include_stmt, should_fail=.true.), & & new_unittest("invalid-module", & test_invalid_module, should_fail=.true.), & & new_unittest("invalid-submodule", & test_invalid_submodule, should_fail=.true.) & ] end subroutine collect_source_parsing !> Check parsing of module 'USE' statements subroutine test_modules_used(error) !> Error handling type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error integer :: unit character(:), allocatable :: temp_file type(srcfile_t), allocatable :: f_source allocate(temp_file, source=get_temp_filename()) open(file=temp_file, newunit=unit) write(unit, '(a)') & & 'program test', & & ' use module_one', & & ' use :: module_two', & & ' use module_three, only: a, b, c', & & ' use :: module_four, only: a => b', & & '! use module_not_used', & & ' implicit none', & & 'end program test' close(unit) f_source = parse_f_source(temp_file,error) if (allocated(error)) then return end if if (f_source%unit_type /= FPM_UNIT_PROGRAM) then call test_failed(error,'Wrong unit type detected - expecting FPM_UNIT_PROGRAM') return end if if (size(f_source%modules_provided) /= 0) then call test_failed(error,'Unexpected modules_provided - expecting zero') return end if if (size(f_source%modules_used) /= 4) then call test_failed(error,'Incorrect number of modules_used - expecting four') return end if if (.not.('module_one' .in. f_source%modules_used)) then call test_failed(error,'Missing module in modules_used') return end if if (.not.('module_two' .in. f_source%modules_used)) then call test_failed(error,'Missing module in modules_used') return end if if (.not.('module_three' .in. f_source%modules_used)) then call test_failed(error,'Missing module in modules_used') return end if if (.not.('module_four' .in. f_source%modules_used)) then call test_failed(error,'Missing module in modules_used') return end if if ('module_not_used' .in. f_source%modules_used) then call test_failed(error,'Commented module found in modules_used') return end if end subroutine test_modules_used !> Check that intrinsic modules are properly ignore subroutine test_intrinsic_modules_used(error) !> Error handling type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error integer :: unit character(:), allocatable :: temp_file type(srcfile_t), allocatable :: f_source allocate(temp_file, source=get_temp_filename()) open(file=temp_file, newunit=unit) write(unit, '(a)') & & 'program test', & & ' use iso_c_binding', & & ' use iso_fortran_env', & & ' use ieee_arithmetic', & & ' use ieee_exceptions', & & ' use ieee_features', & & ' implicit none', & & 'end program test' close(unit) f_source = parse_f_source(temp_file,error) if (allocated(error)) then return end if if (size(f_source%modules_provided) /= 0) then call test_failed(error,'Unexpected modules_provided - expecting zero') return end if if (size(f_source%modules_used) /= 0) then call test_failed(error,'Incorrect number of modules_used - expecting zero') return end if if ('iso_c_binding' .in. f_source%modules_used) then call test_failed(error,'Intrinsic module found in modules_used') return end if if ('iso_fortran_env' .in. f_source%modules_used) then call test_failed(error,'Intrinsic module found in modules_used') return end if if ('ieee_arithmetic' .in. f_source%modules_used) then call test_failed(error,'Intrinsic module found in modules_used') return end if if ('ieee_exceptions' .in. f_source%modules_used) then call test_failed(error,'Intrinsic module found in modules_used') return end if if ('ieee_features' .in. f_source%modules_used) then call test_failed(error,'Intrinsic module found in modules_used') return end if end subroutine test_intrinsic_modules_used !> Check parsing of include statements subroutine test_include_stmt(error) !> Error handling type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error integer :: unit character(:), allocatable :: temp_file type(srcfile_t), allocatable :: f_source allocate(temp_file, source=get_temp_filename()) open(file=temp_file, newunit=unit) write(unit, '(a)') & & 'program test', & & ' implicit none', & & ' include "included_file.f90"', & & ' character(*) :: include_comments', & & ' include_comments = "some comments"', & & ' contains ', & & ' include"second_include.f90"', & & 'end program test' close(unit) f_source = parse_f_source(temp_file,error) if (allocated(error)) then return end if if (size(f_source%modules_provided) /= 0) then call test_failed(error,'Unexpected modules_provided - expecting zero') return end if if (size(f_source%modules_used) /= 0) then call test_failed(error,'Incorrect number of modules_used - expecting zero') return end if if (size(f_source%include_dependencies) /= 2) then call test_failed(error,'Incorrect number of include_dependencies - expecting two') return end if if (.not.('included_file.f90' .in. f_source%include_dependencies)) then call test_failed(error,'Missing include file in include_dependencies') return end if if (.not.('second_include.f90' .in. f_source%include_dependencies)) then call test_failed(error,'Missing include file in include_dependencies') return end if end subroutine test_include_stmt !> Try to parse a simple fortran program subroutine test_program(error) !> Error handling type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error integer :: unit character(:), allocatable :: temp_file type(srcfile_t), allocatable :: f_source allocate(temp_file, source=get_temp_filename()) open(file=temp_file, newunit=unit) write(unit, '(a)') & & 'program my_program', & & 'use module_one', & & 'implicit none', & & 'integer :: module', & & 'module = 1', & & 'module= 1', & & 'module =1', & & 'module (i) =1', & & 'contains', & & 'subroutine f()', & & 'end subroutine f', & & 'end program my_program' close(unit) f_source = parse_f_source(temp_file,error) if (allocated(error)) then return end if if (f_source%unit_type /= FPM_UNIT_PROGRAM) then call test_failed(error,'Wrong unit type detected - expecting FPM_UNIT_PROGRAM') return end if if (size(f_source%modules_provided) /= 0) then call test_failed(error,'Unexpected modules_provided - expecting zero') return end if if (size(f_source%modules_used) /= 1) then call test_failed(error,'Incorrect number of modules_used - expecting one') return end if if (.not.('module_one' .in. f_source%modules_used)) then call test_failed(error,'Missing module in modules_used') return end if end subroutine test_program !> Try to parse fortran module subroutine test_module(error) !> Error handling type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error integer :: unit character(:), allocatable :: temp_file type(srcfile_t), allocatable :: f_source allocate(temp_file, source=get_temp_filename()) open(file=temp_file, newunit=unit) write(unit, '(a)') & & 'module my_mod', & & 'use module_one', & & 'interface', & & ' module subroutine f()', & & 'end interface', & & 'integer :: program', & & 'program = 1', & & 'program= 1', & & 'program =1', & & 'program (i) =1', & & 'contains', & & 'module procedure f()', & & 'end procedure f', & & 'end module test' close(unit) f_source = parse_f_source(temp_file,error) if (allocated(error)) then return end if if (f_source%unit_type /= FPM_UNIT_MODULE) then call test_failed(error,'Wrong unit type detected - expecting FPM_UNIT_MODULE') return end if if (size(f_source%modules_provided) /= 1) then call test_failed(error,'Unexpected modules_provided - expecting one') return end if if (size(f_source%modules_used) /= 1) then call test_failed(error,'Incorrect number of modules_used - expecting one') return end if if (.not.('my_mod' .in. f_source%modules_provided)) then call test_failed(error,'Missing module in modules_provided') return end if if (.not.('module_one' .in. f_source%modules_used)) then call test_failed(error,'Missing module in modules_used') return end if end subroutine test_module !> Try to parse combined fortran module and program !> Check that parsed unit type is FPM_UNIT_PROGRAM subroutine test_program_with_module(error) !> Error handling type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error integer :: unit character(:), allocatable :: temp_file type(srcfile_t), allocatable :: f_source allocate(temp_file, source=get_temp_filename()) open(file=temp_file, newunit=unit) write(unit, '(a)') & & 'module my_mod', & & 'use module_one', & & 'interface', & & ' module subroutine f()', & & 'end interface', & & 'contains', & & 'module procedure f()', & & 'end procedure f', & & 'end module test', & & 'program my_program', & & 'use my_mod', & & 'implicit none', & & 'end my_program' close(unit) f_source = parse_f_source(temp_file,error) if (allocated(error)) then return end if if (f_source%unit_type /= FPM_UNIT_PROGRAM) then call test_failed(error,'Wrong unit type detected - expecting FPM_UNIT_PROGRAM') return end if if (size(f_source%modules_provided) /= 1) then call test_failed(error,'Unexpected modules_provided - expecting one') return end if if (.not.('my_mod' .in. f_source%modules_provided)) then call test_failed(error,'Missing module in modules_provided') return end if if (.not.('module_one' .in. f_source%modules_used)) then call test_failed(error,'Missing module in modules_used') return end if if (.not.('my_mod' .in. f_source%modules_used)) then call test_failed(error,'Missing module in modules_used') return end if end subroutine test_program_with_module !> Try to parse fortran submodule for ancestry subroutine test_submodule(error) !> Error handling type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error integer :: unit character(:), allocatable :: temp_file type(srcfile_t), allocatable :: f_source allocate(temp_file, source=get_temp_filename()) open(file=temp_file, newunit=unit) write(unit, '(a)') & & 'submodule (parent) child', & & 'use module_one', & & 'end submodule test' close(unit) f_source = parse_f_source(temp_file,error) if (allocated(error)) then return end if if (f_source%unit_type /= FPM_UNIT_SUBMODULE) then call test_failed(error,'Wrong unit type detected - expecting FPM_UNIT_SUBMODULE') return end if if (size(f_source%modules_provided) /= 1) then call test_failed(error,'Unexpected modules_provided - expecting one') return end if if (size(f_source%modules_used) /= 2) then call test_failed(error,'Incorrect number of modules_used - expecting two') return end if if (.not.('child' .in. f_source%modules_provided)) then call test_failed(error,'Missing module in modules_provided') return end if if (.not.('module_one' .in. f_source%modules_used)) then call test_failed(error,'Missing module in modules_used') return end if if (.not.('parent' .in. f_source%modules_used)) then call test_failed(error,'Missing parent module in modules_used') return end if end subroutine test_submodule !> Try to parse fortran multi-level submodule for ancestry subroutine test_submodule_ancestor(error) !> Error handling type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error integer :: unit character(:), allocatable :: temp_file type(srcfile_t), allocatable :: f_source allocate(temp_file, source=get_temp_filename()) open(file=temp_file, newunit=unit) write(unit, '(a)') & & 'submodule (ancestor:parent) child', & & 'use module_one', & & 'end submodule test' close(unit) f_source = parse_f_source(temp_file,error) if (allocated(error)) then return end if if (f_source%unit_type /= FPM_UNIT_SUBMODULE) then call test_failed(error,'Wrong unit type detected - expecting FPM_UNIT_SUBMODULE') return end if if (size(f_source%modules_provided) /= 1) then call test_failed(error,'Unexpected modules_provided - expecting one') return end if if (size(f_source%modules_used) /= 2) then call test_failed(error,'Incorrect number of modules_used - expecting two') return end if if (.not.('child' .in. f_source%modules_provided)) then call test_failed(error,'Missing module in modules_provided') return end if if (.not.('module_one' .in. f_source%modules_used)) then call test_failed(error,'Missing module in modules_used') return end if if (.not.('parent' .in. f_source%modules_used)) then call test_failed(error,'Missing parent module in modules_used') return end if end subroutine test_submodule_ancestor !> Try to parse standard fortran sub-program (non-module) source subroutine test_subprogram(error) !> Error handling type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error integer :: unit character(:), allocatable :: temp_file type(srcfile_t), allocatable :: f_source allocate(temp_file, source=get_temp_filename()) open(file=temp_file, newunit=unit) write(unit, '(a)') & & 'subroutine my_sub(a)', & & ' use module_one', & & ' integer, intent(in) :: a', & & 'end subroutine my_sub' close(unit) f_source = parse_f_source(temp_file,error) if (allocated(error)) then return end if if (f_source%unit_type /= FPM_UNIT_SUBPROGRAM) then call test_failed(error,'Wrong unit type detected - expecting FPM_UNIT_SUBPROGRAM') return end if if (size(f_source%modules_provided) /= 0) then call test_failed(error,'Unexpected modules_provided - expecting zero') return end if if (size(f_source%modules_used) /= 1) then call test_failed(error,'Incorrect number of modules_used - expecting one') return end if if (.not.('module_one' .in. f_source%modules_used)) then call test_failed(error,'Missing module in modules_used') return end if end subroutine test_subprogram !> Try to parse standard c source for includes subroutine test_csource(error) !> Error handling type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error integer :: unit character(:), allocatable :: temp_file type(srcfile_t), allocatable :: f_source allocate(temp_file, source=get_temp_filename()) temp_file = temp_file//'.c' open(file=temp_file, newunit=unit) write(unit, '(a)') & & '#include "proto.h"', & & 'void c_func(int a) {', & & ' #include "function_body.c"', & & ' return', & & '}' close(unit) f_source = parse_c_source(temp_file,error) if (allocated(error)) then return end if if (f_source%unit_type /= FPM_UNIT_CSOURCE) then call test_failed(error,'Wrong unit type detected - expecting FPM_UNIT_CSOURCE') return end if if (size(f_source%modules_provided) /= 0) then call test_failed(error,'Unexpected modules_provided - expecting zero') return end if if (size(f_source%modules_used) /= 0) then call test_failed(error,'Incorrect number of modules_used - expecting zero') return end if if (size(f_source%include_dependencies) /= 2) then call test_failed(error,'Incorrect number of include_dependencies - expecting two') return end if if (.not.('proto.h' .in. f_source%include_dependencies)) then call test_failed(error,'Missing file in include_dependencies') return end if if (.not.('function_body.c' .in. f_source%include_dependencies)) then call test_failed(error,'Missing file in include_dependencies') return end if end subroutine test_csource !> Try to parse fortran program with invalid use statement subroutine test_invalid_use_stmt(error) !> Error handling type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error integer :: unit character(:), allocatable :: temp_file type(srcfile_t), allocatable :: f_source allocate(temp_file, source=get_temp_filename()) open(file=temp_file, newunit=unit) write(unit, '(a)') & & 'program test', & & 'use module_one', & & 'use :: ', & & 'end program test' close(unit) f_source = parse_f_source(temp_file,error) if (allocated(error)) then return end if end subroutine test_invalid_use_stmt !> Try to parse fortran program with invalid use statement subroutine test_invalid_include_stmt(error) !> Error handling type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error integer :: unit character(:), allocatable :: temp_file type(srcfile_t), allocatable :: f_source allocate(temp_file, source=get_temp_filename()) open(file=temp_file, newunit=unit) write(unit, '(a)') & & 'program test', & & ' include "', & & 'end program test' close(unit) f_source = parse_f_source(temp_file,error) if (allocated(error)) then return end if end subroutine test_invalid_include_stmt !> Try to parse incorrect fortran module syntax subroutine test_invalid_module(error) !> Error handling type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error integer :: unit character(:), allocatable :: temp_file type(srcfile_t), allocatable :: f_source allocate(temp_file, source=get_temp_filename()) open(file=temp_file, newunit=unit) write(unit, '(a)') & & 'module :: my_mod', & & 'end module test' close(unit) f_source = parse_f_source(temp_file,error) if (allocated(error)) then return end if write(*,*) '"',f_source%modules_used(1)%s,'"' end subroutine test_invalid_module !> Try to parse incorrect fortran submodule syntax subroutine test_invalid_submodule(error) !> Error handling type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error integer :: unit character(:), allocatable :: temp_file type(srcfile_t), allocatable :: f_source allocate(temp_file, source=get_temp_filename()) open(file=temp_file, newunit=unit) write(unit, '(a)') & & 'submodule :: child', & & 'end submodule test' close(unit) f_source = parse_f_source(temp_file,error) if (allocated(error)) then return end if write(*,*) '"',f_source%modules_used(1)%s,'"' end subroutine test_invalid_submodule end module test_source_parsing