path: root/common
diff options
authorJeffrey Armstrong <jeff@approximatrix.com>2021-04-14 10:54:27 -0400
committerJeffrey Armstrong <jeff@approximatrix.com>2021-04-14 10:54:27 -0400
commit05b91a7ca0aace044621d8db1e82f4772181d893 (patch)
tree44bf7c8c284c3363f353553c12046e5ca4de40b7 /common
parent14441b7f0d6dd0a101b38a4500fe1f662ae00215 (diff)
Fixed binary transfers to maintain file integrity. Added globbed file upload capabilities. Fixed memory overrun issues due to problems parsing ls output.
Diffstat (limited to 'common')
4 files changed, 61 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/common/jessl.f90 b/common/jessl.f90
index a03df09..5ad90fd 100644
--- a/common/jessl.f90
+++ b/common/jessl.f90
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ contains
implicit none
- character, dimension(:), intent(out)::buf
+ character(len=1), dimension(:), intent(out)::buf
diff --git a/common/protocol.f90 b/common/protocol.f90
index 992283c..46838b8 100644
--- a/common/protocol.f90
+++ b/common/protocol.f90
@@ -179,7 +179,8 @@ contains
- write(unit_number, '(A1)', advance='no') buffer(i)
+ !write(unit_number, '(A1)', advance='no') buffer(i)
+ write(unit_number) buffer(i)
end if
@@ -251,35 +252,43 @@ contains
if(conn%code == CONNECTION_OPEN) then
- successes(1) = send_string(conn%ssl, trim(url), trimming=.false.)
- successes(2) = send_string(conn%ssl, ";token="//trim(token), trimming=.false.)
+ successes(1) = send_string(conn%ssl, trim(url), trimming=.false., allow_trailing_null=.false.)
+ successes(2) = send_string(conn%ssl, ";token="//trim(token), &
+ trimming=.false., allow_trailing_null=.false.)
if(present(is_plain_text)) then
if(is_plain_text) then
- successes(3) = send_string(conn%ssl, ";mime=text/plain", trimming=.false.)
+ successes(3) = send_string(conn%ssl, ";mime=text/plain", &
+ trimming=.false., allow_trailing_null=.false.)
- successes(3) = send_string(conn%ssl, ";mime=application/octet-stream", trimming=.false.)
+ successes(3) = send_string(conn%ssl, ";mime=application/octet-stream", &
+ trimming=.false., allow_trailing_null=.false.)
end if
- successes(3) = send_string(conn%ssl, ";mime=application/octet-stream", trimming=.false.)
+ successes(3) = send_string(conn%ssl, ";mime=application/octet-stream", &
+ trimming=.false., allow_trailing_null=.false.)
end if
write(file_length_text, '(I14)') file_length
file_length_text = adjustl(file_length_text)
- successes(4) = send_string(conn%ssl, ";size="//trim(file_length_text)//c_carriage_return//c_new_line, trimming=.false.)
+ successes(4) = send_string(conn%ssl, &
+ ";size="//trim(file_length_text)//c_carriage_return//c_new_line, &
+ trimming=.false., &
+ allow_trailing_null=.false.)
if(all(successes, 1)) then
total_written = 0
bytes_read = read_into_buffer(unit_number, buffer)
- Print *, "bytes read for sending: ", bytes_read
+ !Print *, "bytes read for sending: ", bytes_read
do while(bytes_read > 0)
bytes_written = ssl_write(conn%ssl, buffer(1:bytes_read))
total_written = total_written + bytes_written
bytes_read = read_into_buffer(unit_number, buffer)
- Print *, "bytes read for sending now: ", bytes_read, " and so far, we wrote", total_written
+ !Print *, "bytes read for sending now: ", bytes_read, " and so far, we wrote", total_written
end do
if(total_written >= file_length) then
diff --git a/common/request.f90 b/common/request.f90
index d7b3120..fe4d970 100644
--- a/common/request.f90
+++ b/common/request.f90
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ contains
end subroutine get_server_from_url
- function send_string(ssl, str, trimming) result(success)
+ function send_string(ssl, str, trimming, allow_trailing_null) result(success)
use iso_c_binding
use jessl
implicit none
@@ -226,12 +226,13 @@ contains
character(*), intent(in)::str
- logical, intent(in), optional::trimming
+ logical, intent(in), optional::trimming, allow_trailing_null
integer::chars_sent_this_time, chars_sending
+ logical::end_with_null
character, dimension(bufsize)::buffer
@@ -245,6 +246,11 @@ contains
string_length = len_trim(str)
end if
+ end_with_null = .true.
+ if(present(allow_trailing_null)) then
+ end_with_null = allow_trailing_null
+ end if
success = .true.
start_send = 1
do while(start_send <= string_length)
@@ -259,7 +265,7 @@ contains
end do
! A null character seems necessary at the end of the request
- if(i >= string_length) then
+ if(i >= string_length .and. end_with_null) then
chars_sending = chars_sending + 1
buffer(chars_sending) = c_null_char
end if
diff --git a/common/utilities.F90 b/common/utilities.F90
index ddc0c79..981dee3 100644
--- a/common/utilities.F90
+++ b/common/utilities.F90
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ contains
character(DIR_LIST_STRING_LENGTH), dimension(:), pointer::res
character(len=:), pointer::tempfile
- integer::dcount, total_count, unum, ierr, i
+ integer::dcount, total_count, unum, ierr, i, n
tempfile => generate_temporary_filename()
res => null()
@@ -344,24 +344,33 @@ contains
open(newunit=unum, file=tempfile, action='read')
- ! First line is "total ###"
- read(unum, '(A)', iostat=ierr) line
dcount = 0
total_count = 0
+ ! Count directories first
read(unum, '(A)', iostat=ierr) line
do while(ierr == 0)
if(line(1:1) == 'd') then
dcount = dcount + 1
end if
- total_count = total_count + 1
+ ! ls puts a nonsense entry first. harmless, but we don't want it
+ if(line(1:6) /= "total ") then
+ total_count = total_count + 1
+ end if
read(unum, '(A)', iostat=ierr) line
end do
- if((total_count - dcount) > 0) then
- allocate(res(total_count - dcount))
+ n = total_count - dcount
+ !print *, "Total: ", total_count, "Dirs:", dcount, "Files:", n
+ if(n > 0) then
+ allocate(res(n))
+ !print *, "Size: ", size(res)
! Now call ls, but group directories first
call execute_command_line("ls --group-directories-first "//trim(directory)//" > "//trim(tempfile), &
@@ -369,11 +378,24 @@ contains
open(newunit=unum, file=tempfile, action='read')
i = 0
+ ! First, skip directories
+ do while(i < dcount)
+ read(unum, '(A)', iostat=ierr) line
+ if(line(1:6) /= "total ") then
+ i = i + 1
+ end if
+ end do
+ ! Now we can read files
+ i = 0
read(unum, '(A)', iostat=ierr) line
- do while(ierr == 0 .and. i <= total_count)
- i = i + 1
- if(i > dcount) then
- res(i-dcount) = trim(line)
+ do while(ierr == 0 .and. i < n)
+ if(line(1:6) /= "total ") then
+ i = i + 1
+ res(i) = trim(line)
+ !print *, i, trim(res(i))//"|"
end if
read(unum, '(A)', iostat=ierr) line