diff options
4 files changed, 177 insertions, 146 deletions
diff --git a/captain/gemini.f90 b/captain/gemini.f90
index 7e849d6..b14078d 100644
--- a/captain/gemini.f90
+++ b/captain/gemini.f90
@@ -227,8 +227,10 @@ contains
- type(request)::req
- type(titan_request)::treq
+ class(request), pointer::req
+ type(gemini_request), target::greq
+ type(titan_request), target::treq
! Requested file
@@ -297,7 +299,14 @@ contains
call read_request(ssl, text_request)
call write_log("Initializing object", LOG_DEBUG)
- call req%init(text_request)
+ if(get_protocol(text_request) == "gemini") then
+ call greq%init(text_request)
+ req => greq
+ else
+ call treq%init(text_request, ssl)
+ req => treq
+ end if
call write_log("Request object created", LOG_DEBUG)
@@ -309,7 +318,6 @@ contains
resp = api_request_gemini(req)
call write_log("resp filename is: '"//trim(resp%body_filename)//"'", LOG_DEBUG)
else if(req%protocol == "titan") then
- call treq%init_from_request(req, ssl)
resp = api_request_titan(treq)
end if
@@ -328,9 +336,8 @@ contains
if(req%protocol == "gemini") then
- resp = external_request_gemini(req)
+ resp = external_request_gemini(greq)
else if(req%protocol == "titan") then
- call treq%init_from_request(req, ssl)
resp = external_request_titan(treq)
end if
diff --git a/captain/queryutils.f90 b/captain/queryutils.f90
index 3a736dd..c8a5d44 100644
--- a/captain/queryutils.f90
+++ b/captain/queryutils.f90
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ implicit none
procedure :: init => query_init
+ procedure :: init_with_separator => query_init_generic
procedure :: destroy => query_destroy
procedure :: component_count => query_component_count
procedure :: get_value_by_index => get_query_value_from_index
diff --git a/captain/response.f90 b/captain/response.f90
index 02ed6dd..a82f53d 100644
--- a/captain/response.f90
+++ b/captain/response.f90
@@ -65,24 +65,20 @@ implicit none
character(len=:), pointer::page => null()
character(len=:), pointer::query_string => null()
character(len=:), pointer::token => null()
- character(len=4)::method = "GET"
- type(cookies)::c
- procedure :: init => request_init
+ procedure :: init_basics => request_init
procedure :: destroy => request_destroy
procedure :: last_component => request_last_component
procedure :: path_component => request_component
procedure :: path_component_int => request_component_int
procedure :: path_starting_with_component => request_component_starting_with
procedure :: component => request_component_func
- procedure :: is_get => request_is_get
- procedure :: is_post => request_is_post
procedure :: has_query => request_has_query
procedure :: is_authenticated_user => request_is_authenticated_user
procedure :: set_token => request_set_token
@@ -91,6 +87,31 @@ implicit none
end type request
+ type, extends(request) :: http_request
+ character(len=4)::method = "GET"
+ type(cookies)::c
+ contains
+ procedure :: init => http_request_init
+ procedure :: is_get => request_is_get
+ procedure :: is_post => request_is_post
+ procedure :: clear_token => http_request_clear_token
+ procedure :: destroy => http_request_destroy
+ end type http_request
+ type, extends(request) ::gemini_request
+ contains
+ procedure :: init => gemini_request_init
+ end type gemini_request
type, extends(request) :: titan_request
@@ -100,7 +121,7 @@ implicit none
- procedure :: init_from_request => titan_request_init
+ procedure :: init => titan_request_init
procedure :: destroy => titan_request_destroy
procedure :: write_to => titan_write_to_filename
@@ -108,6 +129,23 @@ implicit none
+ function get_protocol(url)
+ implicit none
+ character(len=*), intent(in)::url
+ character(6)::get_protocol
+ integer::i
+ i = index(url, "://")
+ if(i < 1) then
+ get_protocol = "gemini"
+ else
+ get_protocol = url(1:i-1)
+ end if
+ end function get_protocol
function gemini_session_link_url(link, session_token) result(res)
implicit none
@@ -139,7 +177,7 @@ contains
end function gemini_session_link_url
- subroutine request_init(self, str, server_explicit, protocol_explicit, method, cookiestring)
+ subroutine request_init(self, fullurl, query_start_char, query_separator)
use logging
use utilities, only: toupper
use captain_db, only: get_session_auth_db
@@ -147,60 +185,37 @@ contains
implicit none
class(request) :: self
- character(*), intent(in)::str
- character(*), intent(in), optional::server_explicit, protocol_explicit, method, cookiestring
+ character(*), intent(in)::fullurl
+ character(len=1), intent(in)::query_start_char, query_separator
character(len=:), allocatable::temppage
integer::i, j, n
- n = len_trim(str)
+ n = len_trim(fullurl)
allocate(character(len=n) :: self%url)
- self%url = trim(str)
+ self%url = trim(fullurl)
call write_log("URL: "//self%url, LOG_NORMAL)
- i = index(str, "://")
- if(i <= 0 .and. present(protocol_explicit)) then
- allocate(character(len=len_trim(protocol_explicit)) :: self%protocol)
- self%protocol = protocol_explicit
- i = 1
- else
- allocate(character(len=(i-1)) :: self%protocol)
- self%protocol = str(1:i-1)
- i = i + 3
- end if
+ i = index(fullurl, "://")
+ allocate(character(len=(i-1)) :: self%protocol)
+ self%protocol = fullurl(1:i-1)
+ i = i + 3
call write_log("Protocol: "//self%protocol, LOG_DEBUG)
! We only want to "assume" the server if a :// was never found
- if(i == 1 .and. present(server_explicit)) then
- allocate(character(len=len_trim(server_explicit)) :: self%server)
- self%server = server_explicit
- ! This string, in CGI cases, actually represents the SCRIPT root,
- ! so we need to skip ahead of it in the URL if it is there...
- i = index(str, self%server)
- if(i > 0) then
- i = i + len(self%server)
- else
- i = 1
- end if
- else
- j = index(str(i:n), "/")
- if(j <= 0) then
- j = len_trim(str) + 1 - i
- end if
- allocate(character(len=(j-1)) :: self%server)
- self%server = str(i:(i+j-1))
- i = j+i-1
+ j = index(fullurl(i:n), "/")
+ if(j <= 0) then
+ j = len_trim(fullurl) + 1 - i
end if
+ allocate(character(len=(j-1)) :: self%server)
+ self%server = fullurl(i:(i+j-1))
+ i = j+i-1
call write_log("Server: "//self%server//"|", LOG_DEBUG)
- j = index(str, "?")
+ j = index(fullurl, query_start_char)
if(j == 0) then
if(n-i+1 == 0) then
allocate(character(len=1) :: self%location)
@@ -210,19 +225,20 @@ contains
call write_log("i n: "//trim(msg), LOG_DEBUG)
allocate(character(len=(n - i + 1)) :: self%location)
- call write_log("str(i:n): "//str(i:n), LOG_DEBUG)
- self%location = str(i:n)
+ self%location = fullurl(i:n)
end if
call write_log("Location: "//self%location, LOG_DEBUG)
+ call self%q%init()
allocate(character(len=(n-j)) :: self%query_string)
- self%query_string = str(j+1:n)
- call write_log("Query: "//self%query_string, LOG_DEBUG)
+ self%query_string = fullurl(j+1:n)
+ call self%q%init_with_separator(query_separator, self%query_string)
allocate(character(len=(j-i)) :: self%location)
- self%location = str(i:j-1)
- call write_log("Location: "//self%location, LOG_DEBUG)
+ self%location = fullurl(i:j-1)
end if
! and page, which is really just a last location if there is an extension...
@@ -234,11 +250,6 @@ contains
self%page = temppage
end if
- if(present(method)) then
- self%method = method
- call toupper(self%method)
- end if
if(associated(self%query_string)) then
call self%q%init(self%query_string)
@@ -250,15 +261,6 @@ contains
call self%q%init()
end if
- if(present(cookiestring)) then
- call self%c%init(cookiestring)
- if(.not.associated(self%token) .and. associated(self%c%get_value("token"))) then
- self%token => self%c%get_value("token")
- end if
- else
- call self%c%init()
- end if
if(associated(self%token)) then
self%auth_level = get_session_auth_db(self%token)
@@ -298,6 +300,62 @@ contains
end function request_component_start_location
+ subroutine gemini_request_init(self, str)
+ implicit none
+ class(gemini_request), intent(out)::self
+ character(len=*), intent(in)::str
+ call self%request%init_basics(str, "?", "&")
+ end subroutine gemini_request_init
+ subroutine http_request_init(self, str, server_explicit, protocol_explicit, method, cookiestring)
+ use captain_db, only: get_session_auth_db
+ use auth_levels, only: AUTH_NONE
+ implicit none
+ class(http_request), intent(out)::self
+ character(len=*), intent(in)::str
+ character(*), intent(in), optional::server_explicit, protocol_explicit, method, cookiestring
+ character(len=1024)::fullurl
+ fullurl = " "
+ if(present(protocol_explicit) .and. present(server_explicit)) then
+ fullurl = trim(protocol_explicit)//"://"//trim(server_explicit)//trim(str)
+ else
+ fullurl = trim(str)
+ end if
+ call self%request%init_basics(fullurl, "?", "&")
+ if(present(method)) then
+ self%method = method
+ call toupper(self%method)
+ else
+ self%method = "GET"
+ end if
+ if(present(cookiestring)) then
+ call self%c%init(cookiestring)
+ if(.not.associated(self%token) .and. associated(self%c%get_value("token"))) then
+ self%token => self%c%get_value("token")
+ end if
+ else
+ call self%c%init()
+ end if
+ if(associated(self%token)) then
+ self%auth_level = get_session_auth_db(self%token)
+ else
+ self%auth_level = AUTH_NONE
+ end if
+ end subroutine http_request_init
function request_is_authenticated_user(self)
use captain_db
implicit none
@@ -433,7 +491,7 @@ contains
function request_is_get(self) result(res)
implicit none
- class(request)::self
+ class(http_request)::self
res = (self%method == "GET")
@@ -443,7 +501,7 @@ contains
function request_is_post(self) result(res)
implicit none
- class(request)::self
+ class(http_request)::self
res = (self%method == "POST")
@@ -478,21 +536,22 @@ contains
class(request), intent(inout)::self
+ self%token => null()
+ self%auth_level = 0
- if(associated(self%token)) then
- safe_to_deallocate = .not. (associated(self%c%get_value("token"), self%token) .or. &
- associated(self%q%get_value("token"), self%token))
- if(safe_to_deallocate) then
- deallocate(self%token)
- end if
- end if
+ end subroutine request_clear_token
+ subroutine http_request_clear_token(self)
+ implicit none
+ class(http_request), intent(inout)::self
self%token => null()
self%auth_level = 0
- end subroutine request_clear_token
+ end subroutine http_request_clear_token
! This routine is needed if we're stripping session identifiers
! in Gemini URLs
@@ -563,10 +622,20 @@ contains
call self%clear_token()
call self%q%destroy()
- call self%c%destroy()
end subroutine request_destroy
+ subroutine http_request_destroy(self)
+ implicit none
+ class(http_request) :: self
+ call self%request%destroy()
+ call self%c%destroy()
+ end subroutine http_request_destroy
subroutine response_destroy(resp)
use utilities, only: delete_file
implicit none
@@ -727,65 +796,28 @@ contains
end subroutine response_set_filename_using_allocation
- function titan_get_request_value( full_location, label) result(p)
- implicit none
- character(*), intent(in)::full_location, label
- character(len=:), pointer::p
- integer::i, j, n, label_width
- label_width = len_trim(label)
- n = len_trim(full_location)
- i = index(full_location, ";"//trim(label)//"=")
- j = index(full_location(i+1:n), ";")
- if(j<=0) then
- j = n
- else
- j = j+i-1
- end if
- i = i + label_width + 2
- allocate(character(len=(j-i+1))::p)
- p = full_location(i:j)
- end function titan_get_request_value
- subroutine titan_request_init(self, regular_request, ssl_connection)
+ subroutine titan_request_init(self, str, ssl_connection)
implicit none
- class(request), intent(inout)::regular_request
+ character(len=*), intent(in)::str
character(len=:), pointer::size_text
integer::i, ierr
- self%url => regular_request%url
- regular_request%url => null()
- self%protocol => regular_request%protocol
- regular_request%protocol => null()
- self%server => regular_request%server
- regular_request%server => null()
- self%query_string => regular_request%query_string
+ call self%request%init_basics(str, ";", ";")
- i = index(regular_request%location, ";")
- allocate(character(len=(i-1)) :: self%location)
- self%location = regular_request%location(1:i-1)
- size_text => titan_get_request_value(regular_request%location, "size")
+ size_text => self%q%get_value("size")
read(size_text, '(I16)', iostat=ierr) self%size
if(ierr /= 0) then
self%size = 0
end if
- self%mimetype => titan_get_request_value(regular_request%location, "mime")
- self%token => titan_get_request_value(regular_request%location, "token")
+ self%mimetype => self%q%get_value("mime")
+ self%token => self%q%get_value("token")
self%ssl_connection = ssl_connection
@@ -795,16 +827,7 @@ contains
implicit none
- if(associated(self%mimetype)) then
- deallocate(self%mimetype)
- end if
- if(associated(self%token)) then
- if(.not. associated(self%q%get_value("token"), self%token)) then
- deallocate(self%token)
- end if
- end if
+ self%token => null()
call request_destroy(self)
end subroutine titan_request_destroy
diff --git a/captain/web.f90 b/captain/web.f90
index e7ade4f..f808eae 100644
--- a/captain/web.f90
+++ b/captain/web.f90
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ contains
use config
implicit none
- type(request), intent(in)::req
+ class(request), intent(in)::req
type(template), intent(inout)::page
@@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ contains
end subroutine handle_basic_template_components
subroutine build_request_object(req)
- use server_response, only:request
+ use server_response, only:http_request
use logging
implicit none
- type(request), intent(out)::req
+ type(http_request), intent(out)::req
character(len=:), allocatable::url, script_name, cookie
integer::url_size, cookie_size
@@ -1004,7 +1004,7 @@ contains
use utilities, only: build_date
implicit none
- type(request), intent(in)::req
+ class(request), intent(in)::req
@@ -1197,13 +1197,13 @@ contains
use page_template
use config, only: template_filepath, global_permissions
use logging
- use server_response, only:request, response
+ use server_response, only:http_request, response
use http_post_utilities
use query_utilities, only: query
use http_codes
implicit none
- type(request), intent(in)::req
+ type(http_request), intent(in)::req
@@ -1284,7 +1284,7 @@ contains
end function handle_post
subroutine handle_request()
- use server_response, only:request, response
+ use server_response, only:http_request, response
use logging
use request_utils
use http_codes
@@ -1293,7 +1293,7 @@ contains
use utilities, only: echo_file_stdout
implicit none
- type(request)::req
+ type(http_request)::req