path: root/captain/requtils.f90
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Diffstat (limited to 'captain/requtils.f90')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/captain/requtils.f90 b/captain/requtils.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01c4472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/captain/requtils.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+module request_utils
+implicit none
+ pure function success_code(req)
+ use gemini_protocol, only: GEMINI_SUCCESS => STATUS_SUCCESS
+ use server_response, only: request
+ implicit none
+ class(request), intent(in)::req
+ integer::success_code
+ if(req%protocol == 'gemini') then
+ success_code = GEMINI_SUCCESS
+ else
+ success_code = HTTP_SUCCESS
+ end if
+ end function success_code
+ pure function notfound_code(req)
+ use gemini_protocol, only: GEMINI_FAIL => STATUS_PERMFAIL
+ use http, only: HTTP_FAIL => HTTP_CODE_NOTFOUND
+ use server_response, only: request
+ implicit none
+ class(request), intent(in)::req
+ integer::notfound_code
+ if(req%protocol == 'gemini') then
+ notfound_code = GEMINI_FAIL
+ else
+ notfound_code = HTTP_FAIL
+ end if
+ end function notfound_code
+ subroutine basic_mimetype(actual_filename, mimetype)
+ use utilities, only: get_one_line_output_shell_command
+ implicit none
+ character(*), intent(in)::actual_filename
+ character(*), intent(out)::mimetype
+ logical::exists
+ ! Check for gemini first since it's fake...
+ if(index(actual_filename, ".gmi") /= 0) then
+ mimetype = "text/gemini"
+ else
+ inquire(file=actual_filename, exist=exists)
+ if(exists) then
+ call get_one_line_output_shell_command("mimetype -b "//trim(actual_filename), mimetype)
+ else
+ ! If it doesn't exist, use the extension dumbly
+ if(index(actual_filename, ".txt") /= 0) then
+ mimetype = "text/plain"
+ else if(index(actual_filename, ".json") /= 0) then
+ mimetype = "text/plain"
+ else if(index(actual_filename, ".html") /= 0) then
+ mimetype = "text/html"
+ else if(index(actual_filename, ".css") /= 0) then
+ mimetype = "text/css"
+ ! Just a catch-all, whatever...
+ else
+ mimetype = "application/octet-stream"
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ end subroutine basic_mimetype
+ function is_request_static(req)
+ use server_response
+ use logging
+ implicit none
+ class(request), intent(in)::req
+ logical::is_request_static
+ character(64)::first, last
+ character(4)::ext
+ integer::j
+ call req%path_component(1, first)
+ call req%last_component(last)
+ j = index(last, ".", back=.true.)
+ if(j > 0) then
+ ext = last(j+1:len_trim(last))
+ else
+ ext = " "
+ end if
+ call write_log("Static check: "//trim(first), LOG_DEBUG)
+ is_request_static = ((trim(first) == "releases") .or. &
+ (trim(first) == "uploads") .or. &
+ (trim(first) == "results") .or. &
+ (trim(first) == "static") .or. &
+ (trim(first) == "favicon.txt") .or. &
+ (trim(first) == "instructions" .and. trim(ext) == "json"))
+ end function is_request_static
+ function request_static(req) result(resp)
+ use logging
+ use config
+ use utilities
+ use server_response
+ use special_filenames
+ implicit none
+ class(request), intent(in)::req
+ type(response)::resp
+ character(64)::category
+ character(256)::filename
+ logical::exists
+ resp%temporary_file = .false.
+ call req%path_component(1, category)
+ call req%path_component(2, filename)
+ resp%body_filename => get_special_full_filename(trim(category), trim(filename))
+ inquire(file=resp%body_filename, exist=exists)
+ if(.not. exists) then
+ resp%code = notfound_code(req)
+ call write_log("File did not exist: "//resp%body_filename, LOG_NORMAL)
+ else
+ resp%code = success_code(req)
+ call basic_mimetype(resp%body_filename, resp%body_mimetype)
+ end if
+ end function request_static
+end module request_utils \ No newline at end of file