path: root/captain/response.f90
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'captain/response.f90')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/captain/response.f90 b/captain/response.f90
index e172cc1..03d420e 100644
--- a/captain/response.f90
+++ b/captain/response.f90
@@ -25,13 +25,6 @@ use iso_c_binding
use query_utilities
implicit none
- integer, parameter::GEMINI_CODE_INPUT = 10
- integer, parameter::GEMINI_CODE_SUCCESS = 20
- integer, parameter::GEMINI_CODE_REDIRECT = 30
- integer, parameter::GEMINI_CODE_TEMPFAIL = 40
- integer, parameter::GEMINI_CODE_PERMFAIL = 50
- integer, parameter::GEMINI_CODE_BAD_REQUEST = 59
character(*), parameter::RESPONSE_JSON_OKAY = '{"status": "okay"}'
type :: response
@@ -55,6 +48,7 @@ implicit none
procedure :: destroy => response_destroy
procedure :: set_message => response_set_message
procedure :: set_url => response_set_url
+ procedure :: set_gemini_session_url => reponse_set_gemini_session_url
procedure :: set_body_contents => response_temp_file_contents
procedure :: set_filename => response_set_filename_using_allocation
procedure :: set_cookie_cmd => response_set_cookie_cmd
@@ -90,6 +84,10 @@ implicit none
procedure :: is_get => request_is_get
procedure :: is_post => request_is_post
procedure :: has_query => request_has_query
+ procedure :: is_authenticated_user => request_is_authenticated_user
+ procedure :: set_token => request_set_token
+ procedure :: remove_first_path_component => request_remove_first_path_component
+ procedure :: clear_token => request_clear_token
end type request
@@ -110,6 +108,37 @@ implicit none
+ function gemini_session_link_url(link, session_token) result(res)
+ implicit none
+ character(*), intent(in)::link
+ character(len=:), pointer, intent(in), optional::session_token
+ character(len=:), pointer::res
+ logical::prepend_session
+ integer::nl
+ nl = len_trim(link)
+ prepend_session = .false.
+ if(link(1:1) == "/") then
+ if(present(session_token)) then
+ if(associated(session_token)) then
+ nl = nl + 9 + len_trim(session_token)
+ prepend_session = .true.
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ allocate(character(len=nl)::res)
+ if(prepend_session) then
+ res = "/session-"//trim(session_token)//trim(link)
+ else
+ res = link
+ end if
+ end function gemini_session_link_url
subroutine request_init(self, str, server_explicit, protocol_explicit, method, cookiestring)
use logging
use utilities, only: toupper
@@ -269,6 +298,23 @@ contains
end function request_component_start_location
+ function request_is_authenticated_user(self)
+ use captain_db
+ implicit none
+ class(request), intent(in)::self
+ logical::request_is_authenticated_user
+ request_is_authenticated_user = .false.
+ if(associated(self%token)) then
+ request_is_authenticated_user = is_valid_session_db(self%token)
+ if(request_is_authenticated_user) then
+ call update_session_db(self%token)
+ end if
+ end if
+ end function request_is_authenticated_user
subroutine request_component(self, i_component, res)
use logging
implicit none
@@ -414,6 +460,73 @@ contains
end function request_has_query
+ subroutine request_set_token(self, token)
+ implicit none
+ class(request), intent(inout)::self
+ character(len=*), intent(in)::token
+ allocate(character(len=len_trim(token)) :: self%token)
+ self%token = token
+ end subroutine request_set_token
+ subroutine request_clear_token(self)
+ implicit none
+ class(request), intent(inout)::self
+ logical::safe_to_deallocate
+ if(associated(self%token)) then
+ safe_to_deallocate = .not. (associated(self%c%get_value("token"), self%token) .or. &
+ associated(self%q%get_value("token"), self%token))
+ if(safe_to_deallocate) then
+ deallocate(self%token)
+ end if
+ self%token => null()
+ end if
+ end subroutine request_clear_token
+ ! This routine is needed if we're stripping session identifiers
+ ! in Gemini URLs
+ subroutine request_remove_first_path_component(self)
+ implicit none
+ class(request), intent(inout)::self
+ character(len=:), pointer::first, newloc
+ integer::i, j, n
+ i = 1
+ if(self%location(1:1) == "/") then
+ i = i + 1
+ end if
+ n = len_trim(self%location)
+ j = index(self%location(i:n), "/") + (i-1)
+ if(j == 0) then
+ j = n
+ end if
+ ! First component should be self%location(i:j)
+ n = n - (j-i+1)
+ allocate(character(len=n)::newloc)
+ if(i > 1) then
+ newloc(1:1) = self%location(1:1)
+ end if
+ newloc(2:n) = self%location(j+1:len_trim(self%location))
+ deallocate(self%location)
+ self%location => newloc
+ newloc => null()
+ end subroutine request_remove_first_path_component
subroutine request_destroy(self)
implicit none
@@ -443,6 +556,9 @@ contains
end if
+ ! Needs to happen before we destroy the cookies and query string
+ call self%clear_token()
call self%q%destroy()
call self%c%destroy()
@@ -546,6 +662,25 @@ contains
end subroutine response_set_url
+ subroutine reponse_set_gemini_session_url(resp, str, session_token)
+ !use request_utils, only: gemini_session_link_url
+ implicit none
+ class(response), intent(inout)::resp
+ character(*), intent(in)::str
+ character(len=:), pointer, intent(in)::session_token
+ character(len=:), pointer::session_url
+ if(associated(session_token)) then
+ session_url => gemini_session_link_url(str, session_token)
+ call resp%set_url(session_url)
+ deallocate(session_url)
+ else
+ call resp%set_url(str)
+ end if
+ end subroutine reponse_set_gemini_session_url
subroutine response_temp_file_contents(resp, str, mimetype)
use utilities, only: generate_temporary_filename
implicit none