path: root/captain/sqlite.f90
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'captain/sqlite.f90')
1 files changed, 325 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/captain/sqlite.f90 b/captain/sqlite.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..003bd6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/captain/sqlite.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+module sqlite
+use iso_c_binding
+implicit none
+ integer(kind=c_int), parameter::SQLITE_OK = 0
+ integer(kind=c_int), parameter::SQLITE_ERROR = 1
+ integer(kind=c_int), parameter::SQLITE_BUSY = 5
+ integer(kind=c_int), parameter::SQLITE_ROW = 100
+ integer(kind=c_int), parameter::SQLITE_DONE = 101
+ integer, parameter::sqlite3_max_free_strings = 32
+ interface
+ function c_strlen(p) bind(c, name='strlen')
+ use iso_c_binding
+ type(c_ptr), value::p
+ integer(kind=c_size_t)::c_strlen
+ end function c_strlen
+ function c_malloc(x) bind(c, name='malloc')
+ use iso_c_binding
+ type(c_ptr)::c_malloc
+ integer(kind=c_size_t), value::x
+ end function c_malloc
+ subroutine c_free(p) bind(c, name='free')
+ use iso_c_binding
+ type(c_ptr), value::p
+ end subroutine c_free
+ function c_strcpy(p1, p2) bind(c, name='strcpy')
+ use iso_c_binding
+ type(c_ptr), value::p1, p2
+ type(c_ptr)::c_strcpy
+ end function c_strcpy
+ end interface
+ ! Wrapping necessary
+ interface
+ function c_sqlite3_open(p,d) bind(c, name='sqlite3_open')
+ use iso_c_binding
+ type(c_ptr), value::p
+ type(c_ptr), intent(out)::d
+ integer(c_int)::c_sqlite3_open
+ end function c_sqlite3_open
+ function c_sqlite3_prepare(db, zsql, n, pstmt, punused) bind(c, name='sqlite3_prepare_v2')
+ use iso_c_binding
+ type(c_ptr), value::db, zsql
+ type(c_ptr), intent(out)::pstmt, punused
+ integer(c_int), value::n
+ integer(c_int)::c_sqlite3_prepare
+ end function c_sqlite3_prepare
+ function c_sqlite3_bind_int(p, i, j) bind(c, name='sqlite3_bind_int')
+ use iso_c_binding
+ type(c_ptr), value::p
+ integer(c_int), value::i, j
+ integer(c_int)::c_sqlite3_bind_int
+ end function c_sqlite3_bind_int
+ function c_sqlite3_bind_text(p, i, str, j, pfunc) bind(c, name='sqlite3_bind_text')
+ use iso_c_binding
+ type(c_ptr), value::p, str, pfunc
+ integer(c_int), value::i, j
+ integer(c_int)::c_sqlite3_bind_text
+ end function c_sqlite3_bind_text
+ function c_sqlite3_bind_null(p, i) bind(c, name='sqlite3_bind_null')
+ use iso_c_binding
+ type(c_ptr), value::p
+ integer(c_int), value::i
+ integer(c_int)::c_sqlite3_bind_null
+ end function c_sqlite3_bind_null
+ function c_sqlite3_column_int(p, i) bind(c, name='sqlite3_column_int')
+ use iso_c_binding
+ type(c_ptr), value::p
+ integer(c_int), value::i
+ integer(c_int)::c_sqlite3_column_int
+ end function c_sqlite3_column_int
+ function c_sqlite3_column_text(p, i) bind(c, name='sqlite3_column_text')
+ use iso_c_binding
+ type(c_ptr), value::p
+ integer(c_int), value::i
+ type(c_ptr)::c_sqlite3_column_text
+ end function c_sqlite3_column_text
+ end interface
+ ! Good to go
+ interface
+ function sqlite3_close(p) bind(c, name='sqlite3_close')
+ use iso_c_binding
+ type(c_ptr), value::p
+ integer(c_int)::sqlite3_close
+ end function sqlite3_close
+ function sqlite3_finalize(p) bind(c, name='sqlite3_finalize')
+ use iso_c_binding
+ type(c_ptr), value::p
+ integer(c_int)::sqlite3_finalize
+ end function sqlite3_finalize
+ function sqlite3_step(p) bind(c, name='sqlite3_step')
+ use iso_c_binding
+ type(c_ptr), value::p
+ integer(c_int)::sqlite3_step
+ end function sqlite3_step
+ end interface
+ type :: sqlite3_stmt
+ type(c_ptr)::stmt
+ type(c_ptr), dimension(sqlite3_max_free_strings)::pointers
+ contains
+ procedure::prepare => stmt_prepare
+ procedure::finalize => stmt_finalize
+ procedure::bind_int => stmt_bind_int
+ procedure::bind_text => stmt_bind_text
+ procedure::bind_null => stmt_bind_null
+ procedure::step => stmt_step
+ procedure::step_now => stmt_step_ignore
+ procedure::column_int => stmt_column_int
+ procedure::column_text => stmt_column_text
+ end type
+ function c_string(str)
+ use iso_c_binding
+ implicit none
+ type(c_ptr)::c_string
+ character(*), intent(in)::str
+ character(len=:), pointer::src
+ allocate(character(len=len_trim(str)+1) :: src)
+ src = trim(str)//c_null_char
+ c_string = c_malloc(int(len_trim(str)+1, kind=c_size_t))
+ c_string = c_strcpy(c_string, c_loc(src))
+ deallocate(src)
+ end function c_string
+ function sqlite3_open(filename, db)
+ implicit none
+ character(*), intent(in)::filename
+ type(c_ptr), intent(out)::db
+ integer::sqlite3_open
+ type(c_ptr)::cstr
+ cstr = c_string(filename)
+ sqlite3_open = c_sqlite3_open(cstr, db)
+ call c_free(cstr)
+ end function sqlite3_open
+ function sqlite3_prepare(db, txt_stmt, stmt)
+ use iso_c_binding
+ implicit none
+ type(c_ptr)::db
+ type(c_ptr), intent(out)::stmt
+ character(*), intent(in)::txt_stmt
+ integer::sqlite3_prepare
+ type(c_ptr)::csql, ctail
+ csql = c_string(txt_stmt)
+ sqlite3_prepare = c_sqlite3_prepare(db, csql, len_trim(txt_stmt), stmt, ctail)
+ call c_free(csql)
+ end function sqlite3_prepare
+ subroutine stmt_finalize(self)
+ implicit none
+ class(sqlite3_stmt), intent(inout)::self
+ integer::istatus, i
+ istatus = sqlite3_finalize(self%stmt)
+ i = 1
+ do while(c_associated(self%pointers(i)))
+ call c_free(self%pointers(i))
+ i = i + 1
+ end do
+ end subroutine stmt_finalize
+ function stmt_prepare(self, db, txt)
+ use iso_c_binding
+ implicit none
+ class(sqlite3_stmt), intent(inout)::self
+ type(c_ptr)::db
+ character(*), intent(in)::txt
+ integer::stmt_prepare
+ type(c_ptr)::ctail
+ self%pointers = c_null_ptr
+ self%pointers(1) = c_string(txt)
+ stmt_prepare = c_sqlite3_prepare(db, self%pointers(1), len_trim(txt), self%stmt, ctail)
+ end function stmt_prepare
+ function stmt_bind_int(self, i, j)
+ use iso_c_binding
+ implicit none
+ class(sqlite3_stmt), intent(inout)::self
+ integer::i, j, stmt_bind_int
+ stmt_bind_int = c_sqlite3_bind_int(self%stmt, int(i, c_int), int(j, c_int))
+ end function stmt_bind_int
+ function stmt_bind_text(self, i, text)
+ use iso_c_binding
+ implicit none
+ class(sqlite3_stmt), intent(inout)::self
+ integer::i, stmt_bind_text
+ character(*), intent(in)::text
+ integer::iptr
+ iptr = 2
+ do while(c_associated(self%pointers(iptr)))
+ iptr = iptr + 1
+ end do
+ self%pointers(iptr) = c_string(text)
+ stmt_bind_text = c_sqlite3_bind_text(self%stmt, int(i, c_int), self%pointers(iptr), &
+ int(-1, c_int), c_null_ptr)
+ end function stmt_bind_text
+ function stmt_bind_null(self, i)
+ implicit none
+ class(sqlite3_stmt), intent(inout)::self
+ integer, intent(in)::i
+ integer::stmt_bind_null
+ stmt_bind_null = c_sqlite3_bind_null(self%stmt, int(i, c_int))
+ end function stmt_bind_null
+ function stmt_step(self)
+ implicit none
+ class(sqlite3_stmt), intent(inout)::self
+ integer::stmt_step
+ stmt_step = sqlite3_step(self%stmt)
+ end function stmt_step
+ subroutine stmt_step_ignore(self)
+ implicit none
+ class(sqlite3_stmt), intent(inout)::self
+ integer::ignored
+ ignored = sqlite3_step(self%stmt)
+ end subroutine stmt_step_ignore
+ function stmt_column_int(self, i)
+ implicit none
+ class(sqlite3_stmt), intent(inout)::self
+ integer, intent(in)::i
+ integer::stmt_column_int
+ stmt_column_int = c_sqlite3_column_int(self%stmt, i)
+ end function stmt_column_int
+ subroutine stmt_column_text(self, i, res)
+ implicit none
+ class(sqlite3_stmt), intent(inout)::self
+ integer, intent(in)::i
+ character(*), intent(out)::res
+ character(kind=c_char), dimension(:), pointer::src
+ type(c_ptr)::txtcol
+ integer::n, i_char
+ txtcol = c_sqlite3_column_text(self%stmt, i)
+ res = " "
+ if(c_associated(txtcol)) then
+ n = c_strlen(txtcol)
+ call c_f_pointer(txtcol, src, (/ n /))
+ do i_char=1, min(n, len(res))
+ res(i_char:i_char) = src(i_char)
+ end do
+ end if
+ end subroutine stmt_column_text
+end module sqlite \ No newline at end of file