path: root/captain
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'captain')
4 files changed, 184 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/captain/api.f90 b/captain/api.f90
index 665ff8d..c05b0ba 100644
--- a/captain/api.f90
+++ b/captain/api.f90
@@ -59,20 +59,24 @@ contains
integer::job_i, task_i
- if(associated(req%query_string)) then
+ character(len=:), pointer::status
+ status => req%q%get_value("status")
+ if(associated(status)) then
job_i = req%path_component_int(5)
task_i = req%path_component_int(7)
- call write_log("Task Update Is "//trim(req%query_string), LOG_DEBUG)
- if(req%query_string == "starting") then
+ call write_log("Task Update Is "//trim(status), LOG_DEBUG)
+ if(status == "starting") then
call write_log("Inserting task", LOG_DEBUG)
call insert_task(job_i, task_i)
call update_job_status(job_i, JOB_STATUS_WORKING)
- else if(req%query_string == "inprogress") then
+ else if(status == "inprogress") then
call update_task_status(job_i, task_i, JOB_STATUS_WORKING)
call update_job_status(job_i, JOB_STATUS_WORKING)
- else if(req%query_string == "complete") then
+ else if(status == "complete") then
call update_task_status(job_i, task_i, JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS)
- else if(req%query_string == "failed") then
+ else if(status == "failed") then
call update_task_status(job_i, task_i, JOB_STATUS_FAILURE)
end if
end if
@@ -84,7 +88,7 @@ contains
use captain_db
use special_filenames
use logging
- use query_utilities
+ use security, only: validate_query_token
implicit none
type(request), intent(in)::req
@@ -94,73 +98,88 @@ contains
integer::job_i, player_i, qs_platform_index
character(len=:), pointer::checkin_work_json
- type(query)::q
! Complete - "/api/player/{name}/job/{jobid}/complete"
! Failed - "/api/player/{name}/job/{jobid}/failed"
! Task - "/api/player/{name}/job/{jobid}/task/{task num}"
if(trim(req%component(2)) == "player" .and. trim(req%component(4)) == "job") then
- job_i = req%path_component_int(5)
- call write_log("Job "//trim(req%component(5))//" update arrived", LOG_INFO)
- write(player, *) job_i
- if(.not. is_final_job_status(job_i)) then
- if(trim(req%component(6)) == "complete") then
- call update_job_status(job_i, JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS)
- else if(trim(req%component(6)) == "failure") then
- call update_job_status(job_i, JOB_STATUS_FAILURE)
+ if(validate_query_token(req%q%get_value("token"), req%component(3))) then
+ job_i = req%path_component_int(5)
+ call write_log("Job "//trim(req%component(5))//" update arrived", LOG_INFO)
+ write(player, *) job_i
+ if(.not. is_final_job_status(job_i)) then
+ if(trim(req%component(6)) == "complete") then
+ call update_job_status(job_i, JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS)
+ else if(trim(req%component(6)) == "failure") then
+ call update_job_status(job_i, JOB_STATUS_FAILURE)
+ end if
end if
- end if
+ if(trim(req%component(6)) == "task") then
+ call write_log("Task update encountered", LOG_INFO)
+ call handle_task_request(req)
+ end if
+ call resp%set_body_contents(RESPONSE_JSON_OKAY)
+ resp%body_mimetype = "text/plain"
+ else
- if(trim(req%component(6)) == "task") then
- call write_log("Task update encountered", LOG_INFO)
- call handle_task_request(req)
end if
- call resp%set_body_contents(RESPONSE_JSON_OKAY)
- resp%body_mimetype = "text/plain"
! Checkin - /api/player/{name}/checkin.json
else if(trim(req%component(2)) == "player" .and. trim(req%component(4)) == "checkin.json") then
- ! Check for pending jobs
- call req%path_component(3, player)
- player_i = get_player_id(player)
- ! If we have a checkin, but the worker should have a job in progress, mark
- ! the jobs as failed.
- call mark_working_jobs_as_failed(player_i)
+ if(validate_query_token(req%q%get_value("token"), req%component(3))) then
- ! Acknowledge the checkin in the database
- if(associated(req%query_string)) then
- call q%init(req%query_string)
- if(associated(q%get_value("platform"))) then
- call acknowledge_checkin(player_i, q%get_value("platform"))
+ ! Check for pending jobs
+ call req%path_component(3, player)
+ player_i = get_player_id(player)
+ ! If we have a checkin, but the worker should have a job in progress, mark
+ ! the jobs as failed.
+ call mark_working_jobs_as_failed(player_i)
+ ! Acknowledge the checkin in the database
+ if(associated(req%query_string)) then
+ if(associated(req%q%get_value("platform"))) then
+ call acknowledge_checkin(player_i, req%q%get_value("platform"))
+ else
+ call acknowledge_checkin(player_i)
+ end if
call acknowledge_checkin(player_i)
end if
- call q%destroy()
- else
- call acknowledge_checkin(player_i)
- end if
- job_i = get_pending_job_for_player(player_i)
- if(job_i < 0) then
- call resp%set_body_contents(RESPONSE_JSON_IDLE)
- else
- checkin_work_json => build_job_available_json(job_i)
- if(associated(checkin_work_json)) then
+ job_i = get_pending_job_for_player(player_i)
+ if(job_i < 0) then
- call write_log("Sending: "//trim(checkin_work_json), LOG_DEBUG)
- call resp%set_body_contents(trim(checkin_work_json), "text/gemini")
- deallocate(checkin_work_json)
+ call resp%set_body_contents(RESPONSE_JSON_IDLE)
+ checkin_work_json => build_job_available_json(job_i)
+ if(associated(checkin_work_json)) then
+ call write_log("Sending: "//trim(checkin_work_json), LOG_DEBUG)
+ call resp%set_body_contents(trim(checkin_work_json), "text/gemini")
+ deallocate(checkin_work_json)
+ else
+ end if
end if
- end if
+ else
+ end if
! Instruction - /api/instructions/{name}
else if(trim(req%component(2)) == "instruction") then
diff --git a/captain/queryutils.f90 b/captain/queryutils.f90
index 00a914b..c6b612b 100644
--- a/captain/queryutils.f90
+++ b/captain/queryutils.f90
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ implicit none
end type query_component
type :: query
character(len=:), pointer::full
type(query_component), dimension(:), pointer::components
@@ -133,42 +133,54 @@ contains
implicit none
class(query), intent(out)::self
- character(len=*), intent(in)::str
+ character(len=*), intent(in), optional::str
integer::ampersands, i, i_end, i_comp, n
- n = len_trim(str)
- allocate(character(len=n) :: self%full)
- self%full = str
- ampersands = 0
- do i = 1, len(self%full)
- if(self%full(i:i) == '&') then
- ampersands = ampersands + 1
- end if
- end do
- allocate(self%components(ampersands + 1))
+ self%components => null()
+ self%full => null()
- ! Split and parse each component
- if(ampersands == 0) then
- call self%components(1)%parse(self%full)
+ if(present(str)) then
+ n = len_trim(str)
- i_comp = 1
- i = 1
- i_end = index(self%full, '&')
- do while(i_comp < ampersands + 1)
- call self%components(i_comp)%parse(self%full(i:i_end-1))
- i = i_end + 1
- do i_end = i, len_trim(self%full)
- if(self%full(i_end:i_end) == '&') then
- exit
- end if
- end do
- i_comp = i_comp + 1
+ n = 0
+ end if
+ if(n > 0) then
+ allocate(character(len=n) :: self%full)
+ self%full = str
+ ampersands = 0
+ do i = 1, len(self%full)
+ if(self%full(i:i) == '&') then
+ ampersands = ampersands + 1
+ end if
end do
- call self%components(i_comp)%parse(self%full(i:i_end-1))
+ allocate(self%components(ampersands + 1))
+ ! Split and parse each component
+ if(ampersands == 0) then
+ call self%components(1)%parse(self%full)
+ else
+ i_comp = 1
+ i = 1
+ i_end = index(self%full, '&')
+ do while(i_comp < ampersands + 1)
+ call self%components(i_comp)%parse(self%full(i:i_end-1))
+ i = i_end + 1
+ do i_end = i, len_trim(self%full)
+ if(self%full(i_end:i_end) == '&') then
+ exit
+ end if
+ end do
+ i_comp = i_comp + 1
+ end do
+ call self%components(i_comp)%parse(self%full(i:i_end-1))
+ end if
end if
end subroutine query_init
diff --git a/captain/response.f90 b/captain/response.f90
index 2659c31..3933eb8 100644
--- a/captain/response.f90
+++ b/captain/response.f90
@@ -22,13 +22,15 @@
module server_response
use iso_c_binding
+use query_utilities
implicit none
- integer, parameter::GEMINI_CODE_INPUT = 10
- integer, parameter::GEMINI_CODE_SUCCESS = 20
- integer, parameter::GEMINI_CODE_REDIRECT = 30
- integer, parameter::GEMINI_CODE_TEMPFAIL = 40
- integer, parameter::GEMINI_CODE_PERMFAIL = 50
+ integer, parameter::GEMINI_CODE_INPUT = 10
+ integer, parameter::GEMINI_CODE_SUCCESS = 20
+ integer, parameter::GEMINI_CODE_REDIRECT = 30
+ integer, parameter::GEMINI_CODE_TEMPFAIL = 40
+ integer, parameter::GEMINI_CODE_PERMFAIL = 50
+ integer, parameter::GEMINI_CODE_BAD_REQUEST = 59
character(*), parameter::RESPONSE_JSON_OKAY = '{"status": "okay"}'
@@ -64,7 +66,10 @@ implicit none
character(len=:), pointer::location => null()
character(len=:), pointer::page => null()
character(len=:), pointer::query_string => null()
+ character(len=:), pointer::token => null()
character(len=4)::method = "GET"
+ type(query)::q
@@ -77,14 +82,14 @@ implicit none
procedure :: component => request_component_func
procedure :: is_get => request_is_get
procedure :: is_post => request_is_post
+ procedure :: has_query => request_has_query
end type request
type, extends(request) :: titan_request
character(len=:), pointer::mimetype
- character(len=:), pointer::token
@@ -197,6 +202,12 @@ contains
call toupper(self%method)
end if
+ if(associated(self%query_string)) then
+ call self%q%init(self%query_string)
+ else
+ call self%q%init()
+ end if
end subroutine request_init
function request_component_start_location(self, i_component) result(res)
@@ -365,6 +376,16 @@ contains
end function request_is_post
+ function request_has_query(self)
+ implicit none
+ class(request)::self
+ logical::request_has_query
+ request_has_query = associated(self%query_string) .and. self%q%component_count() > 0
+ end function request_has_query
subroutine request_destroy(self)
implicit none
@@ -394,6 +415,8 @@ contains
end if
+ call self%q%destroy()
end subroutine request_destroy
subroutine response_destroy(resp)
diff --git a/captain/security.f90 b/captain/security.f90
index 2f5fa4c..44d40a6 100644
--- a/captain/security.f90
+++ b/captain/security.f90
@@ -104,4 +104,43 @@ contains
end function validate_titan_token
+ ! NOTE: A null() token can be passed, and it might even validate!
+ function validate_query_token(token, player)
+ use captain_db
+ implicit none
+ character(len=:), pointer::token
+ character(len=*), intent(in)::player
+ logical::validate_query_token
+ character(len=:), pointer::dbtoken
+ validate_query_token = .false.
+ if(associated(token)) then
+ allocate(character(len=len(token))::dbtoken)
+ else
+ allocate(character(len=64)::dbtoken)
+ end if
+ dbtoken = ' '
+ call get_player_token_db(player, dbtoken)
+ ! If no token is provided and none is in the db, then we're okay
+ if((.not. associated(token)) .and. len_trim(dbtoken) == 0) then
+ validate_query_token = .true.
+ else if(associated(token)) then
+ validate_query_token = (trim(token) == trim(dbtoken))
+ end if
+ deallocate(dbtoken)
+ end function validate_query_token
end module security \ No newline at end of file