path: root/player/instructions.f90
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'player/instructions.f90')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/player/instructions.f90 b/player/instructions.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c671c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/player/instructions.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+module instructions
+implicit none
+ function parse_instructions(filename) result(j)
+ use json_module
+ implicit none
+ type(json_file)::j
+ character(*), intent(in)::filename
+ call j%initialize()
+ call j%load_file(filename=filename)
+ end function parse_instructions
+ subroutine destroy_instructions(j)
+ use json_module
+ implicit none
+ type(json_file)::j
+ call j%destroy()
+ end subroutine destroy_instructions
+ subroutine get_description(j, description)
+ use json_module
+ implicit none
+ class(json_file)::j
+ character(*), intent(out)::description
+ character(len=:), allocatable::json_string_value
+ logical::found
+ call j%get("description", json_string_value, found)
+ if(.not. found .or. .not. allocated(json_string_value)) then
+ description = "(instructions)"
+ else
+ description = json_string_value
+ end if
+ end subroutine get_description
+ function get_task_count(j) result(n)
+ use json_module
+ implicit none
+ class(json_file)::j
+ integer::n
+ type(json_value), pointer ::server
+ logical::found
+ character(3)::index_string
+ n = 0
+ found = .true.
+ do while(found)
+ n = n + 1
+ write(index_string, '(I3)') n
+ call j%get("tasks("//trim(index_string)//")", server, found)
+ end do
+ n = n - 1
+ end function get_task_count
+ pure subroutine task_component(i, component, label)
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in)::i
+ character(*), intent(in)::component
+ character(*), intent(out)::label
+ write(label, '(A6,I3,A2)') "tasks(", i, ")."
+ label = label//trim(component)
+ end subroutine task_component
+ function get_task_string(j, i, component, res) result(found)
+ use json_module
+ implicit none
+ class(json_file)::j
+ integer, intent(in)::i
+ character(*), intent(in)::component
+ character(*), intent(out)::res
+ logical::found
+ character(len=64)::label
+ character(len=:), allocatable::json_string_value
+ call task_component(i, component, label)
+ call j%get(trim(label), json_string_value, found)
+ if(allocated(json_string_value)) then
+ res = json_string_value
+ end if
+ end function get_task_string
+ subroutine get_task_name(j, i, description)
+ use json_module
+ implicit none
+ class(json_file)::j
+ character(*), intent(out)::description
+ integer, intent(in)::i
+ logical::found
+ found = get_task_string(j, i, "name", description)
+ if(.not. found) then
+ write(description, '(A4, 1X, I3)') "Task", i
+ end if
+ end subroutine get_task_name
+ subroutine get_task_operation(j, i, op)
+ use json_module
+ implicit none
+ class(json_file)::j
+ character(*), intent(out)::op
+ integer, intent(in)::i
+ logical::found
+ found = get_task_string(j, i, "operation", op)
+ if(.not. found) then
+ op = " "
+ end if
+ end subroutine get_task_operation
+ function perform_task(j, i, capture_filename) result(success)
+ use json_module
+ use tasks
+ use utilities
+ implicit none
+ class(json_file)::j
+ integer, intent(in)::i
+ character(len=:), pointer, intent(out)::capture_filename
+ logical::success
+ character(32)::operation
+ character(256)::url
+ character(256)::filename
+ logical, dimension(4)::found
+ call get_task_operation(j, i, operation)
+ found = .true.
+ capture_filename => null()
+ if(trim(operation) == "upload") then
+ found(1) = get_task_string(j, i, "url", url)
+ found(2) = get_task_string(j, i, "filename", filename)
+ if(.not. all(found,1)) then
+ success = .false.
+ else
+ success = upload(url, filename)
+ end if
+ else if(trim(operation) == "download") then
+ found(1) = get_task_string(j, i, "url", url)
+ found(2) = get_task_string(j, i, "filename", filename)
+ if(.not. all(found,1)) then
+ success = .false.
+ else
+ success = download(url, filename)
+ end if
+ else if(trim(operation) == "git_update") then
+ capture_filename => generate_temporary_filename()
+ found(1) = get_task_string(j, i, "url", url)
+ found(2) = get_task_string(j, i, "filename", filename)
+ if(.not. all(found,1)) then
+ success = .false.
+ else
+ success = download(url, filename)
+ end if
+ else if(trim(operation) == "shell") then
+ else if(trim(operation) == "delete_tree") then
+ end if
+ end function perform_task
+end module instructions \ No newline at end of file