path: root/player
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'player')
8 files changed, 666 insertions, 160 deletions
diff --git a/player/endpoints.f90 b/player/endpoints.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a8ca73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/player/endpoints.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+module player_endpoints
+implicit none
+ character(*), parameter::LOCATION_CHECK_IN = "/player/{name}/checkin.json"
+ character(*), parameter::LOCATION_STATUS = "/player/{name}/job/{jobid}/task/{step}"
+ character(*), parameter::LOCATION_JOB_COMPLETE = "/player/{name}/job/{jobid}/complete"
+ character(*), parameter::LOCATION_JOB_FAILED = "/player/{name}/job/{jobid}/failed"
+ integer, parameter::STATUS_STARTING=1
+ integer, parameter::STATUS_COMPLETED=2
+ integer, parameter::STATUS_FAILED=3
+ integer, parameter::STATUS_IN_PROGRESS=4
+ character(len=10), dimension(4)::status_text = (/ "starting ", &
+ "complete ", &
+ "failed ", &
+ "inprogress" /)
+ interface replace_field
+ module procedure replace_field_text
+ module procedure replace_field_int
+ end interface
+ subroutine base_url(server, location, post, res)
+ implicit none
+ character(*), intent(in)::server
+ character(*), intent(in)::location
+ logical, intent(in)::post
+ character(*), intent(out)::res
+ if(post) then
+ res = "titan://"//trim(server)//trim(location)
+ else
+ res = "gemini://"//trim(server)//trim(location)
+ end if
+ end subroutine base_url
+ subroutine replace_field_text(str, field, val)
+ implicit none
+ character(*), intent(inout)::str
+ character(*), intent(in)::field
+ character(*), intent(in)::val
+ character(len=:), allocatable::holding
+ integer::length_estimate
+ integer::field_location, i, j
+ ! This is too big, but close enough
+ length_estimate = len_trim(str) + len_trim(val)
+ allocate(character(len=length_estimate) :: holding)
+ holding = " "
+ ! Find the field
+ field_location = index(str, "{"//trim(field)//"}")
+ if(field_location > 0) then
+ holding(1:field_location-1) = str(1:field_location-1)
+ j = field_location
+ holding(j:j+len_trim(val)) = trim(val)
+ i = field_location + len_trim(field) + 2
+ j = len_trim(holding)+1
+ holding(j:j+(len_trim(str)-i)) = str(i:len_trim(str))
+ ! Put the results back now
+ str = holding
+ end if
+ deallocate(holding)
+ end subroutine replace_field_text
+ subroutine replace_field_int(str, field, val)
+ implicit none
+ character(*), intent(inout)::str
+ character(*), intent(in)::field
+ integer, intent(in)::val
+ character(16)::int_text
+ write(int_text, *) val
+ call replace_field_text(str, field, trim(adjustl(int_text)))
+ end subroutine replace_field_int
+ subroutine get_check_in_url(res)
+ use config
+ implicit none
+ character(*), intent(out)::res
+ call base_url(captain, LOCATION_CHECK_IN, .false., res)
+ call replace_field(res, "name", identity)
+ end subroutine get_check_in_url
+ subroutine get_status_url(job, step, url, posting, status)
+ use config
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in)::job
+ integer, intent(in)::step
+ logical, intent(in), optional::posting
+ integer, intent(in), optional::status
+ character(*), intent(out)::url
+ character(32)::int_text
+ if(present(posting)) then
+ call base_url(captain, LOCATION_STATUS, posting, url)
+ else
+ call base_url(captain, LOCATION_STATUS, .false., url)
+ end if
+ call replace_field(url, "name", identity)
+ call replace_field(url, "jobid", job)
+ call replace_field(url, "step", step)
+ if(present(status)) then
+ url = trim(url)//"?"//trim(status_text(status))
+ end if
+ end subroutine get_status_url
+ subroutine get_job_report_url(job, success, res)
+ use config
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in)::job
+ logical, intent(in)::success
+ character(*), intent(out)::res
+ if(success) then
+ call base_url(captain, LOCATION_JOB_COMPLETE, .false., res)
+ else
+ call base_url(captain, LOCATION_JOB_FAILED, .false., res)
+ end if
+ call replace_field(res, "jobid", job)
+ end subroutine get_job_report_url
+end module player_endpoints
diff --git a/player/instructions.f90 b/player/instructions.f90
index ce28413..fed43c4 100644
--- a/player/instructions.f90
+++ b/player/instructions.f90
@@ -24,6 +24,22 @@ contains
end subroutine destroy_instructions
+ function work_available(j)
+ use json_module
+ implicit none
+ class(json_file)::j
+ logical::work_available
+ character(len=:), allocatable::json_string_value
+ logical::found
+ call j%get("idle", json_string_value, found)
+ work_available = .not. found
+ end function work_available
subroutine get_description(j, description)
use json_module
implicit none
@@ -42,6 +58,22 @@ contains
end subroutine get_description
+ function get_job_id(j) result(id)
+ use json_module
+ implicit none
+ class(json_file)::j
+ integer::id
+ logical::found
+ call j%get("id", id, found)
+ if(.not. found) then
+ id = -1
+ end if
+ end function get_job_id
function get_task_count(j) result(n)
use json_module
implicit none
@@ -167,6 +199,7 @@ contains
+ character(256)::cmd
logical, dimension(4)::found
@@ -216,13 +249,13 @@ contains
else if(trim(operation) == "shell") then
capture_filename => generate_temporary_filename()
- found(1) = get_task_string(j, i, "command", url)
+ found(1) = get_task_string(j, i, "command", cmd)
found(2) = get_task_string(j, i, "directory", filename)
if(.not. all(found,1)) then
success = .false.
- success = shell(command, directory, capture_filename)
+ success = shell(cmd, filename, capture_filename)
end if
else if(trim(operation) == "delete_tree") then
@@ -231,7 +264,7 @@ contains
if(.not. all(found,1)) then
success = .false.
- success = delete_tree(command, directory, capture_filename)
+ success = delete_tree(filename)
end if
end if
@@ -240,38 +273,64 @@ contains
subroutine perform_tasks(j)
use json_module
+ use talking
+ use player_endpoints
+ use utilities, only: delete_file
implicit none
+ integer::server_status
+ integer::job_id
character(len=:), pointer::captured_filename
+ character(len=1024)::url
task_count = get_task_count(j)
+ job_id = get_job_id(j)
do i = 1, task_count
+ call get_status_url(job_id, i, url, status=STATUS_STARTING)
+ server_status = request_to_ignored(url)
res = perform_task(j, i, captured_filename)
if(associated(captured_filename)) then
if(res) then
+ call get_status_url(job_id, i, url, status=STATUS_COMPLETED)
+ server_status = request_to_ignored(url)
+ call get_status_url(job_id, i, url, posting=.true.)
+ server_status = send_file(url, captured_filename)
+ ! Get rid of the local file
+ call delete_file(captured_filename)
+ deallocate(captured_filename)
+ captured_filename => null()
+ call get_status_url(job_id, i, url, status=STATUS_FAILED)
+ server_status = request_to_ignored(url)
if(res) then
+ call get_status_url(job_id, i, url, status=STATUS_COMPLETED)
+ server_status = request_to_ignored(url)
+ call get_status_url(job_id, i, url, status=STATUS_FAILED)
+ server_status = request_to_ignored(url)
end if
end do
+ call get_job_report_url(job_id, res, url)
+ server_status = request_to_ignored(url)
end subroutine perform_tasks
end module instructions \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/player/levitating-player-windows.prj b/player/levitating-player-windows.prj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0566b8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/player/levitating-player-windows.prj
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ "Root":{
+ "Folders":[{
+ "Folders":[],
+ "Name":"+common",
+ "Files":[{
+ "filename":"..\\common\\jessl.f90",
+ "enabled":"1"
+ },{
+ "filename":"..\\common\\network.F90",
+ "enabled":"1"
+ },{
+ "filename":"..\\common\\protocol.f90",
+ "enabled":"1"
+ },{
+ "filename":"..\\common\\request.f90",
+ "enabled":"1"
+ },{
+ "filename":"..\\common\\wsa.f90",
+ "enabled":"1"
+ }]
+ }],
+ "Name":"+levitating-player-windows (levitating-player.exe)",
+ "Files":[{
+ "filename":".\\config.f90",
+ "enabled":"1"
+ },{
+ "filename":".\\endpoints.f90",
+ "enabled":"1"
+ },{
+ "filename":".\\instructions.f90",
+ "enabled":"1"
+ },{
+ "filename":".\\player.F90",
+ "enabled":"1"
+ },{
+ "filename":".\\talking.f90",
+ "enabled":"1"
+ },{
+ "filename":".\\tasks.f90",
+ "enabled":"1"
+ },{
+ "filename":".\\utilities.F90",
+ "enabled":"1"
+ }]
+ },
+ "Name":"levitating-player-windows (levitating-player.exe)",
+ "Options":{
+ "Compiler Options":{
+ "Fortran Flags":"-DGNU -DWINDOWS",
+ "Link Flags":"-lssl -lcrypto -lws2_32 -lcrypt32 -ljsonfortran",
+ "C Flags":""
+ },
+ "Architecture":1,
+ "Type":0,
+ "Revision":2,
+ "Windows GUI":0,
+ "File Options":{
+ "Library Directories":["Default Add-On Directory","../support/openssl-1.1.1f-win64-mingw/lib"],
+ "Build Directory":"build",
+ "Module Directory":"modules",
+ "Include Directories":["Default Add-On Include Directory"]
+ },
+ "Target":"levitating-player.exe",
+ "Fortran Options":{
+ "Use C Preprocessor":"false",
+ "Runtime Diagnostics":"false",
+ "Floating Point Exception Trap":0,
+ "Cray Pointers":"false",
+ "Enable Coarrays":"false",
+ "Enable OpenMP":"false",
+ "Initialize Variables to Zero":"false",
+ "Default Double for Real":"false"
+ },
+ "Code Generation Options":{
+ "CPU Specific":"false",
+ "Processor":"generic",
+ "Aggressive Loops":"false",
+ "Debugging":"true",
+ "Optimization Mode":0,
+ "Profiling":"false"
+ },
+ "Build Dependencies":1,
+ "Launch Options":{
+ "Working Directory":"",
+ "Launch Using MPI":"false",
+ "Keep Console":"true",
+ "External Console":"false",
+ "Command Line Arguments":"",
+ "Build Before Launch":"true"
+ },
+ "Build Options":{
+ "Makefile":"Makefile",
+ "Auto Makefile":"true"
+ },
+ "Linker Options":{
+ "Static Linking Mode":3,
+ "Link MPI Library":"false",
+ "Link LAPACK":0
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/player/levitating-player.prj b/player/levitating-player.prj
index 4e4cedc..aaed51c 100644
--- a/player/levitating-player.prj
+++ b/player/levitating-player.prj
@@ -1,71 +1,53 @@
- "Layout":{
- "Panels":[{
- "Side 1":{
- "Type":"Panel",
- "Id":1
- },
- "Position":49,
- "Id":1,
- "Direction":"Horizontal",
- "Side 2":{
- "Type":"Panel",
- "Id":2
- }
- }],
- "Root":1
- },
- "filename":"../common/jessl.f90",
+ "filename":"..\\common\\jessl.f90",
- "filename":"../common/network.F90",
+ "filename":"..\\common\\network.F90",
- "filename":"../common/protocol.f90",
+ "filename":"..\\common\\protocol.f90",
- "filename":"../common/request.f90",
+ "filename":"..\\common\\request.f90",
- "filename":"../common/wsa.f90",
+ "filename":"..\\common\\wsa.f90",
"Name":"+levitating-player (target.exe)",
- "filename":"config.f90",
- "enabled":"1",
- "panel":1,
- "open":"1"
+ "filename":".\\config.f90",
+ "enabled":"1"
+ },{
+ "filename":".\\endpoints.f90",
+ "enabled":"1"
- "filename":"instructions.f90",
- "enabled":"1",
- "panel":1,
- "open":"1"
+ "filename":".\\instructions.f90",
+ "enabled":"1"
- "filename":"main.F90",
- "enabled":"1",
- "panel":1,
- "open":"1"
+ "filename":".\\player.F90",
+ "enabled":"1"
- "filename":"tasks.f90",
- "enabled":"1",
- "panel":2,
- "open":"1"
+ "filename":".\\talking.f90",
+ "enabled":"1"
+ },{
+ "filename":".\\tasks.f90",
+ "enabled":"1"
- "filename":"utilities.F90",
+ "filename":".\\utilities.F90",
"Name":"levitating-player (target.exe)",
"Compiler Options":{
- "Fortran Flags":"",
+ "Fortran Flags":"-DGNU",
"Link Flags":"",
"C Flags":""
diff --git a/player/main.F90 b/player/main.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 127a8f7..0000000
--- a/player/main.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-program player
-use config
-implicit none
- character(len=1024)::option
- integer::slen
- integer::i
- identity = " "
- i = 1
- do while(i <= command_argument_count())
- call get_command_argument(i, option)
- if(option(1:1) /= "-") then
- captain = option
- else if(trim(option) == "-h") then
- call usage()
- stop
- else if(trim(option) == "-w") then
- i = i + 1
- call get_command_argument(i, length=slen)
- allocate(character(len=slen) :: working_directory)
- call get_command_argument(i, working_directory)
- else if(trim(option) == "-l") then
- i = i + 1
- call get_command_argument(i, length=slen)
- allocate(character(len=slen) :: logfile)
- call get_command_argument(i, logfile)
- else if(trim(option) == "-i") then
- i = i + 1
- call get_command_argument(i, identity)
- end if
- i = i + 1
- end do
- ! Assign working directory from command if not specified
- if(.not. associated(working_directory)) then
- call get_command_argument(0, length=slen)
- allocate(character(len=slen) :: working_directory)
- call get_command_argument(i, working_directory)
- i = index(working_directory, "/", back=.true.)
- if(i == 0) then
- i = index(working_directory, "/", back=.true.)
- endif
- if(i == 0) then
- Print *, "Could not determine working_directory"
- stop
- else
- working_directory(i:slen) = ' '
- end if
- end if
- ! Assign a temporary directory and file for a log file
- ! NOTE: will fail on Windows
- if(.not. associated(logfile)) then
- allocate(character(len=256) :: logfile)
- logfile = "/tmp/levitating.log"
- end if
- ! Assign this computer an identity if not explicitly specified
- if(len_trim(identity) == 0) then
-#ifdef GNU
- call hostnm(identity)
- Print *, "Could not determine host identity"
- stop
- end if
- ! Change directory to the working directory now
- call chdir(working_directory)
- do while(.true.)
- end do
- subroutine usage()
- implicit none
- character(len=256)::pname
- call get_command_argument(0, pname)
- Print *, "Usage: "//trim(pname)//" <options> <captain>"
- Print *, " "
- Print *, "captain is the build control server"
- Print *, " "
- Print *, "Options:"
- Print *, " -h Display this help"
- Print *, " -w <dir> Use dir as the working directory"
- Print *, " -l <log> Use log as the logfile"
- Print *, " -i <identity> This players identity"
- end subroutine usage
-end program player \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/player/player.F90 b/player/player.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0eb5a72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/player/player.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+program player
+use config
+use instructions
+use player_endpoints
+use json_module
+use talking
+#ifdef WINDOWS
+use wsa_network, only: windows_network_startup => startup
+implicit none
+ character(len=1024)::url
+ type(json_file)::j
+ logical::work_to_do, json_available
+ integer::i_task
+#ifdef WINDOWS
+ call windows_network_startup()
+ call parse_options()
+ ! Change directory to the working directory now
+ call chdir(working_directory)
+ do while(.true.)
+ ! Check in for work
+ call get_check_in_url(url)
+ json_available = request_json(url, j)
+ if(json_available) then
+ work_to_do = work_available(j)
+ end if
+ if(work_to_do) then
+ ! Task loop
+ call perform_tasks(j)
+ else
+#ifdef GNU
+ call sleep(50)
+ end if
+ ! Sleep a bit regardless
+#ifdef GNU
+ call sleep(10)
+ ! Destroy any existing json
+ if(json_available) then
+ call destroy_instructions(j)
+ end if
+ end do
+ subroutine usage()
+ implicit none
+ character(len=256)::pname
+ call get_command_argument(0, pname)
+ Print *, "Usage: "//trim(pname)//" <options> <captain>"
+ Print *, " "
+ Print *, "captain is the build control server"
+ Print *, " "
+ Print *, "Options:"
+ Print *, " -h Display this help"
+ Print *, " -w <dir> Use dir as the working directory"
+ Print *, " -l <log> Use log as the logfile"
+ Print *, " -i <identity> This players identity"
+ end subroutine usage
+ subroutine parse_options
+ use config
+ implicit none
+ character(len=1024)::option
+ integer::slen
+ integer::i
+ identity = " "
+ i = 1
+ do while(i <= command_argument_count())
+ call get_command_argument(i, option)
+ if(option(1:1) /= "-") then
+ captain = option
+ else if(trim(option) == "-h") then
+ call usage()
+ stop
+ else if(trim(option) == "-w") then
+ i = i + 1
+ call get_command_argument(i, length=slen)
+ allocate(character(len=slen) :: working_directory)
+ call get_command_argument(i, working_directory)
+ else if(trim(option) == "-l") then
+ i = i + 1
+ call get_command_argument(i, length=slen)
+ allocate(character(len=slen) :: logfile)
+ call get_command_argument(i, logfile)
+ else if(trim(option) == "-i") then
+ i = i + 1
+ call get_command_argument(i, identity)
+ end if
+ i = i + 1
+ end do
+ ! Assign working directory from command if not specified
+ if(.not. associated(working_directory)) then
+ call get_command_argument(0, length=slen)
+ allocate(character(len=slen) :: working_directory)
+ call get_command_argument(i, working_directory)
+ i = index(working_directory, "/", back=.true.)
+ if(i == 0) then
+ i = index(working_directory, "/", back=.true.)
+ endif
+ if(i == 0) then
+ Print *, "Could not determine working_directory"
+ stop
+ else
+ working_directory(i:slen) = ' '
+ end if
+ end if
+ ! Assign a temporary directory and file for a log file
+ ! NOTE: will fail on Windows
+ if(.not. associated(logfile)) then
+ allocate(character(len=256) :: logfile)
+ logfile = "/tmp/levitating.log"
+ end if
+ ! Assign this computer an identity if not explicitly specified
+ if(len_trim(identity) == 0) then
+#ifdef GNU
+ call hostnm(identity)
+ Print *, "Could not determine host identity"
+ stop
+ end if
+ end subroutine parse_options
+ function request_json(url, j)
+ use json_module
+ use gemini_protocol
+ use instructions, only: parse_instructions
+ use talking, only: request_to_temporary_file
+ use utilities, only: delete_file
+ implicit none
+ logical::request_json
+ character(*), intent(in)::url
+ type(json_file), intent(out)::j
+ character(:), pointer::filename
+ integer::status_code
+ status_code = request_to_temporary_file(url, filename)
+ if(status_code == STATUS_SUCCESS) then
+ j = parse_instructions(filename)
+ call delete_file(filename)
+ else
+ request_json = .false.
+ end if
+ if(associated(filename)) then
+ call delete_file(filename)
+ deallocate(filename)
+ end if
+ end function request_json
+end program player \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/player/talking.f90 b/player/talking.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f41d3bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/player/talking.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+module talking
+implicit none
+ function request_to_file(url, filename) result(status_code)
+ use utilities
+ use gemini_protocol
+ implicit none
+ character(*), intent(in)::url
+ character(*), intent(in)::filename
+ character(64)::return_type
+ integer::unit_number
+ integer::status_code
+ integer::istatus
+ character(len=:), allocatable::mod_url
+ allocate(character(len=len_trim(url)) :: mod_url)
+ mod_url = url
+ open(newunit=unit_number, file=filename, status='UNKNOWN', &
+ access='STREAM', form='UNFORMATTED', iostat=istatus)
+ if(istatus == 0) then
+ status_code = request_url(mod_url, unit_number, return_type)
+ else
+ status_code = STATUS_LOCALFAIL
+ end if
+ close(unit_number)
+ deallocate(mod_url)
+ end function request_to_file
+ function request_to_temporary_file(url, filename) result(status_code)
+ use utilities, only: generate_temporary_filename
+ use gemini_protocol, only: STATUS_LOCALFAIL
+ implicit none
+ character(*), intent(in)::url
+ character(:), pointer::filename
+ integer::status_code
+ filename = generate_temporary_filename()
+ if(.not. associated(filename)) then
+ status_code = STATUS_LOCALFAIL
+ else
+ status_code = request_to_file(url, filename)
+ end if
+ end function request_to_temporary_file
+ function request_to_ignored(url) result(status_code)
+ use gemini_protocol
+ implicit none
+ character(*), intent(in)::url
+ integer::status_code
+ integer::io
+ character(64)::return_type
+ character(len=:), allocatable::mod_url
+ allocate(character(len=len_trim(url)) :: mod_url)
+ mod_url = url
+ open(newunit=io, form="formatted", status="scratch", access='stream')
+ status_code = request_url(mod_url, io, return_type)
+ close(io)
+ deallocate(mod_url)
+ end function request_to_ignored
+ function send_file(url, filename) result(status_code)
+ use gemini_protocol
+ use config, only: token
+ implicit none
+ character(*), intent(in)::url
+ character(*), intent(in)::filename
+ integer::status_code
+ integer::io
+ character(64)::return_type
+ character(len=:), allocatable::mod_url
+ integer(kind=8)::file_size
+ integer::unit_number, istatus
+ allocate(character(len=len_trim(url)) :: mod_url)
+ mod_url = url
+ inquire(file=filename, size=file_size)
+ open(newunit=unit_number, file=trim(filename), status='UNKNOWN', &
+ access='STREAM', form='UNFORMATTED', iostat=istatus)
+ if(istatus == 0) then
+ status_code = titan_post_url(mod_url, unit_number, file_size, token)
+ close(unit_number)
+ else
+ status_code = STATUS_LOCALFAIL
+ end if
+ deallocate(mod_url)
+ end function send_file
+end module talking \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/player/utilities.F90 b/player/utilities.F90
index c7fd523..2e19031 100644
--- a/player/utilities.F90
+++ b/player/utilities.F90
@@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ contains
integer(kind=c_int32_t), value::n
type(c_ptr), value::b
+ end function GetTempPath
function GetTempFileName(pn, prefix, unique, b) bind(c, name='GetTempFileNameA')
use iso_c_binding
@@ -169,13 +170,13 @@ contains
- tmp_path = c_malloc(1024)
+ tmp_path = c_malloc(int(1024, kind=c_size_t))
res = GetTempPath(1023, tmp_path)
- tmp_name = c_malloc(1024)
- res = GetTempFileName(tmp_path, c_null_ptr(), 0, tmp_name)
+ tmp_name = c_malloc(int(1024, kind=c_size_t))
+ res = GetTempFileName(tmp_path, c_null_ptr, 0, tmp_name)
- c_free(tmp_path)
+ call c_free(tmp_path)
function tmpnam(p) bind(c, name='tmpnam')
@@ -205,4 +206,17 @@ contains
end function generate_temporary_filename
+ subroutine delete_file(filename)
+ implicit none
+ character(*), intent(in)::filename
+#ifdef GNU
+ call unlink(filename)
+ ! Not implemented...
+ end subroutine delete_file
end module utilities \ No newline at end of file