! Copyright (c) 2021 Approximatrix, LLC ! ! Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy ! of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal ! in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights ! to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell ! copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is ! furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ! ! The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in ! all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ! ! The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil. ! ! THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ! IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ! FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ! AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER ! LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, ! OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE ! SOFTWARE. module captain_db use sqlite implicit none integer, parameter::PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH = 128 integer, parameter::FILENAME_NAME_LENGTH = 1024 integer, parameter::JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS = 1 integer, parameter::JOB_STATUS_FAILURE = 2 integer, parameter::JOB_STATUS_WORKING = 3 integer, parameter::JOB_STATUS_PENDING = 0 integer, parameter::PLAYER_STATUS_BUSY = JOB_STATUS_WORKING integer, parameter::PLAYER_STATUS_IDLE = 100 integer, parameter::PLAYER_STATUS_OFFLINE = 101 integer, parameter::SCHEDULE_DAILY = 0 character(1024)::database_file type(c_ptr)::db type :: work_pair integer::instruction integer::player end type type, extends(work_pair) :: job integer::id integer::status character(32)::time end type type, extends(work_pair) :: group_entry integer::group end type type :: task integer::job integer::number integer::status end type interface is_player_busy module procedure is_player_busy_by_id module procedure is_player_busy_by_name end interface is_player_busy contains subroutine initialize_db(filename) use logging implicit none character(*), intent(in)::filename logical::exists inquire(file=filename, exist=exists) if(.not. exists) then call write_log("Database does not exist, exiting") call shutdown() stop end if if(sqlite3_open(filename, db) == SQLITE_OK) then database_file = filename else Print *, "ERROR: Could not open db" stop end if end subroutine initialize_db subroutine shutdown_db() implicit none integer::i i = sqlite3_close(db) end subroutine shutdown_db subroutine add_player_db(name, token) implicit none character(*), intent(in)::name character(*), intent(in), optional::token type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt character(64)::my_token if(present(token)) then my_token = token else my_token = "None" end if if(stmt%prepare(db, "INSERT INTO players(name, token) VALUES(?, ?)") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_text(1, name) == SQLITE_OK .and. stmt%bind_text(2, my_token) == SQLITE_OK) then call stmt%step_now() end if end if call stmt%finalize() end subroutine add_player_db subroutine update_player_token_db(name, token) implicit none character(*), intent(in)::name character(*), intent(in)::token type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt if(stmt%prepare(db, "UPDATE players SET token=? WHERE name=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_text(2, name) == SQLITE_OK .and. stmt%bind_text(1, token) == SQLITE_OK) then call stmt%step_now() end if end if call stmt%finalize() end subroutine update_player_token_db subroutine get_player_token_db(name, token) implicit none character(*), intent(in)::name character(*), intent(out)::token type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt token = " " if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT token FROM players WHERE name=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_text(1, name) == SQLITE_OK ) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then call stmt%column_text(0, token) end if end if end if call stmt%finalize() end subroutine get_player_token_db function player_has_token_db(name) implicit none character(*), intent(in)::name logical::player_has_token_db type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt character(128)::tk player_has_token_db = .false. if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT token FROM players WHERE name=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_text(1, name) == SQLITE_OK ) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then call stmt%column_text(0, tk) player_has_token_db = (trim(tk) /= "None") end if end if end if call stmt%finalize() end function player_has_token_db subroutine remove_player_db(name) implicit none character(*), intent(in)::name type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt if(stmt%prepare(db, "DELETE FROM players WHERE name=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_text(1, name) == SQLITE_OK) then call stmt%step_now() end if end if call stmt%finalize() end subroutine remove_player_db function get_player_count() implicit none type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt integer::get_player_count get_player_count = 0 if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM players") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then get_player_count = stmt%column_int(0) end if end if call stmt%finalize() end function get_player_count function get_player_names() result(res) implicit none type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt character(len=PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH), dimension(:), pointer::res integer::i,n n = get_player_count() if(n > 0) then allocate(res(n)) if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT name FROM players ORDER BY name") == SQLITE_OK) then i = 1 do while(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW .and. i <= n) call stmt%column_text(0, res(i)) i = i + 1 end do end if call stmt%finalize() end if end function get_player_names function get_instructions_count(player) implicit none type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt integer, intent(in), optional::player integer::get_instructions_count get_instructions_count = 0 if(present(player)) then if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM available WHERE player=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, player) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then get_instructions_count = stmt%column_int(0) end if end if end if call stmt%finalize() else if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM instructions") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then get_instructions_count = stmt%column_int(0) end if end if call stmt%finalize() end if end function get_instructions_count function get_instruction_ids(player) result(res) implicit none type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt integer, intent(in), optional::player integer, dimension(:), pointer::res integer::i,n res => null() if(present(player)) then n = get_instructions_count(player) else n = get_instructions_count() end if if(n > 0) then allocate(res(n)) res = -1 if(present(player)) then if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT instruction FROM available WHERE player=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, player) == SQLITE_OK) then i = 1 do while(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW .and. i <= n) res(i) = stmt%column_int(0) i = i + 1 end do end if end if call stmt%finalize() else if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT id, name FROM instructions ORDER BY name") == SQLITE_OK) then i = 1 do while(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW .and. i <= n) res(i) = stmt%column_int(0) i = i + 1 end do end if call stmt%finalize() end if end if end function get_instruction_ids function get_instruction_names() result(res) implicit none type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt character(len=PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH), dimension(:), pointer::res integer::i,n n = get_instructions_count() if(n > 0) then allocate(res(n)) if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT name FROM instructions ORDER BY name") == SQLITE_OK) then i = 1 do while(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW .and. i <= n) call stmt%column_text(0, res(i)) i = i + 1 end do end if call stmt%finalize() end if end function get_instruction_names function get_jobs_count() implicit none type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt integer::get_jobs_count get_jobs_count = 0 if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then get_jobs_count = stmt%column_int(0) end if end if call stmt%finalize() end function get_jobs_count subroutine get_player_name(id, str) implicit none integer, intent(in)::id character(*), intent(out)::str type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt str = " " if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT name FROM players WHERE id=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, id) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then call stmt%column_text(0,str) end if end if end if call stmt%finalize() end subroutine get_player_name function get_player_id(name) implicit none integer::get_player_id character(*), intent(in)::name type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt get_player_id = -1 if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT id FROM players WHERE name=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_text(1, name) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then get_player_id = stmt%column_int(0) end if end if end if call stmt%finalize() end function get_player_id subroutine get_instruction_name(id, str) implicit none integer, intent(in)::id character(*), intent(out)::str type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt str = " " if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT name FROM instructions WHERE id=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, id) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then call stmt%column_text(0,str) end if end if end if call stmt%finalize() end subroutine get_instruction_name function get_instruction_id(name) implicit none integer::get_instruction_id character(*), intent(in)::name type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt get_instruction_id = -1 if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT id FROM instructions WHERE name=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_text(1, name) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then get_instruction_id = stmt%column_int(0) end if end if end if call stmt%finalize() end function get_instruction_id function get_jobs() result(jobs) implicit none type(job), dimension(:), pointer::jobs type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt integer::i, n n = get_jobs_count() jobs => null() if(n > 0) then allocate(jobs(n)) if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT id,instruction,player,status,time FROM jobs ORDER BY id DESC") == SQLITE_OK) then i = 1 do while(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW .and. i <= n) jobs(i)%id = stmt%column_int(0) jobs(i)%instruction = stmt%column_int(1) jobs(i)%player = stmt%column_int(2) jobs(i)%status = stmt%column_int(3) call stmt%column_text(4, jobs(i)%time) i = i + 1 end do end if call stmt%finalize() end if end function get_jobs function get_jobs_for_instruction(id) result(jobs) implicit none type(job), dimension(:), pointer::jobs integer, intent(in)::id type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt integer::n, i jobs => null() n = 0 if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs WHERE instruction=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, id) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then n = stmt%column_int(0) end if end if end if call stmt%finalize() if(n > 0) then allocate(jobs(n)) if(stmt%prepare(db, & "SELECT id,player,status,time FROM jobs WHERE instruction=? ORDER BY id DESC") & == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, id) == SQLITE_OK) then i = 1 do while(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW .and. i <= n) jobs(i)%id = stmt%column_int(0) jobs(i)%instruction = id jobs(i)%player = stmt%column_int(1) jobs(i)%status = stmt%column_int(2) if(stmt%column_type(3) == SQLITE_NULL) then jobs(i)%time = "Not started" else call stmt%column_text(3, jobs(i)%time) end if i = i + 1 end do end if end if call stmt%finalize() end if end function get_jobs_for_instruction function is_player_busy_by_id(id) implicit none logical::is_player_busy_by_id integer, intent(in)::id type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt is_player_busy_by_id = .false. if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM jobs WHERE player=? AND status=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, id) == SQLITE_OK .and. stmt%bind_int(2, JOB_STATUS_WORKING) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then is_player_busy_by_id = (stmt%column_int(0) > 0) end if end if end if call stmt%finalize() end function is_player_busy_by_id function is_player_busy_by_name(name) implicit none logical::is_player_busy_by_name character(*), intent(in)::name integer::id is_player_busy_by_name = .false. id = get_player_id(name) is_player_busy_by_name = is_player_busy_by_id(id) end function is_player_busy_by_name function get_instruction_players(id) result(res) implicit none integer, dimension(:), pointer::res integer, intent(in)::id type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt integer::n, i res => null() if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM available WHERE instruction=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, id) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then n = stmt%column_int(0) end if end if end if call stmt%finalize() if(n > 0) then allocate(res(n)) res = -1 if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT player FROM available WHERE instruction=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, id) == SQLITE_OK) then i = 1 do while(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW .and. i <= n) res(i) = stmt%column_int(0) i = i + 1 end do end if end if call stmt%finalize() end if end function get_instruction_players subroutine add_player_for_instruction(instruction, player) implicit none integer, intent(in)::instruction, player type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt if(stmt%prepare(db, "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO available(instruction, player) VALUES(?,?)") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, instruction) == SQLITE_OK .and. stmt%bind_int(2, player) == SQLITE_OK) then call stmt%step_now() end if end if call stmt%finalize() end subroutine add_player_for_instruction subroutine remove_player_for_instruction(instruction, player) implicit none integer, intent(in)::instruction, player type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt if(stmt%prepare(db, "DELETE FROM available WHERE instruction=? AND player=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, instruction) == SQLITE_OK .and. stmt%bind_int(2, player) == SQLITE_OK) then call stmt%step_now() end if end if call stmt%finalize() end subroutine remove_player_for_instruction subroutine add_new_job(instruction, player) implicit none integer, intent(in)::instruction, player type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt if(stmt%prepare(db, "INSERT INTO jobs(instruction, player, status) VALUES(?, ?, ?)") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, instruction) == SQLITE_OK .and. & stmt%bind_int(2, player) == SQLITE_OK .and. & stmt%bind_int(3, JOB_STATUS_PENDING) == SQLITE_OK) then call stmt%step_now() end if end if call stmt%finalize() end subroutine add_new_job function get_job(id) implicit none integer, intent(in)::id type(job)::get_job type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt get_job%id = -1 if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT instruction,player,status,time FROM jobs WHERE id=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, id) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then get_job%instruction = stmt%column_int(0) get_job%player = stmt%column_int(1) get_job%status = stmt%column_int(2) if(stmt%column_type(3) == SQLITE_NULL) then get_job%time = "Not started" else call stmt%column_text(3,get_job%time) end if get_job%id = id end if end if end if call stmt%finalize() end function get_job function get_job_tasks(job) result(res) implicit none integer, intent(in)::job type(task), dimension(:), pointer::res type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt integer::n, i n = 0 if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tasks WHERE job=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, job) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then n = stmt%column_int(0) end if end if end if call stmt%finalize() if(n == 0) then res => null() else allocate(res(n)) res%number = 0 res%status = JOB_STATUS_PENDING if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT task, status FROM tasks WHERE job=? ORDER BY task ASC") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, job) == SQLITE_OK) then i = 1 do while(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW .and. i <= n) res(i)%number = stmt%column_int(0) res(i)%status = stmt%column_int(1) res(i)%job = job i = i + 1 end do end if end if call stmt%finalize() end if end function get_job_tasks subroutine update_job_status(job_id, status) implicit none integer, intent(in)::job_id, status type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt if(stmt%prepare(db, "UPDATE jobs SET status=? WHERE id=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, status) == SQLITE_OK .and. stmt%bind_int(2, job_id) == SQLITE_OK) then call stmt%step_now() end if end if call stmt%finalize() call update_job_time(job_id) end subroutine update_job_status subroutine update_job_time(job_id) implicit none integer, intent(in)::job_id character(10)::update_date character(8)::update_time integer, dimension(8)::values type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt call date_and_time(values=values) write(update_date, '(I4,A1,I0.2,A1,I0.2)') values(1), "-", values(2), "-", values(3) write(update_time, '(I2,A1,I0.2,A1,I0.2)') values(5), ":", values(6), ":", values(7) if(stmt%prepare(db, "UPDATE jobs SET time=? WHERE id=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_text(1, update_date//" "//update_time) == SQLITE_OK .and. & stmt%bind_int(2, job_id) == SQLITE_OK) then call stmt%step_now() end if end if call stmt%finalize() end subroutine update_job_time subroutine insert_task(job_id, task_id) implicit none integer, intent(in)::job_id, task_id type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt if(stmt%prepare(db, "INSERT INTO tasks(job, task, status) VALUES(?,?,?)") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, job_id) == SQLITE_OK .and. & stmt%bind_int(2, task_id) == SQLITE_OK .and. & stmt%bind_int(3, JOB_STATUS_WORKING) == SQLITE_OK) then call stmt%step_now() end if end if call stmt%finalize() call update_job_time(job_id) end subroutine insert_task subroutine update_task_status(job_id, task_id, status) implicit none integer, intent(in)::job_id, task_id, status type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt if(stmt%prepare(db, "UPDATE tasks SET status=? WHERE job=? AND task=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, status) == SQLITE_OK .and. & stmt%bind_int(2, job_id) == SQLITE_OK .and. & stmt%bind_int(3, task_id) == SQLITE_OK) then call stmt%step_now() end if end if call stmt%finalize() call update_job_time(job_id) end subroutine update_task_status function is_final_job_status(job_id) implicit none integer, intent(in)::job_id logical::is_final_job_status integer::i i = get_job_status(job_id) is_final_job_status = (i == JOB_STATUS_SUCCESS .or. i == JOB_STATUS_FAILURE) end function is_final_job_status function get_job_status(job_id) result(status) implicit none integer, intent(in)::job_id integer::status type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt status = -1 if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT status FROM jobs WHERE id=? LIMIT 1") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, job_id) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then status = stmt%column_int(0) end if end if end if call stmt%finalize() end function get_job_status function get_job_instruction(job_id) result(status) implicit none integer, intent(in)::job_id integer::status type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt status = -1 if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT instruction FROM jobs WHERE id=? LIMIT 1") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, job_id) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then status = stmt%column_int(0) end if end if end if call stmt%finalize() end function get_job_instruction function get_pending_job_for_player(player) result(job) implicit none integer, intent(in)::player integer::job type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt job = -1 if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT id FROM jobs WHERE player=? AND status=? LIMIT 1") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, player) == SQLITE_OK .and. stmt%bind_int(2, JOB_STATUS_PENDING) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then job = stmt%column_int(0) end if end if end if call stmt%finalize() end function get_pending_job_for_player subroutine mark_working_jobs_as_failed(player) implicit none integer, intent(in)::player type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt if(stmt%prepare(db, "UPDATE jobs SET status=? WHERE player=? AND status=? LIMIT 1") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, JOB_STATUS_FAILURE) == SQLITE_OK .and. & stmt%bind_int(2, player) == SQLITE_OK .and. & stmt%bind_int(3, JOB_STATUS_WORKING) == SQLITE_OK) then call stmt%step_now() end if end if call stmt%finalize() end subroutine mark_working_jobs_as_failed subroutine scan_instructions_for_db() use config use utilities use logging implicit none character(len=2048)::cmdline call combine_paths(script_dir, "scan_instructions.sh", cmdline) cmdline = trim(cmdline)//" "//trim(database_file)//" "//trim(instructions_dir)//" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null" call write_log("Scan Command: "//trim(cmdline)) call execute_command_line(trim(cmdline), wait=.true.) end subroutine scan_instructions_for_db subroutine add_group_db(name) implicit none character(*), intent(in)::name type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt if(stmt%prepare(db, "INSERT INTO groups(name) VALUES(?)") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_text(1, name) == SQLITE_OK) then call stmt%step_now() end if end if call stmt%finalize() end subroutine add_group_db subroutine get_group_name_db(id, name) implicit none integer, intent(in)::id character(*), intent(out)::name type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT name FROM groups WHERE id=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, id) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then call stmt%column_text(0, name) end if end if end if call stmt%finalize() end subroutine get_group_name_db function get_group_id_db(name) implicit none character(*), intent(in)::name integer::get_group_id_db type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt get_group_id_db = -1 if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_text(1, name) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then get_group_id_db = stmt%column_int(0) end if end if end if call stmt%finalize() end function get_group_id_db subroutine delete_group_db(id) implicit none integer, intent(in)::id type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt if(stmt%prepare(db, "DELETE FROM groups WHERE id=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, id) == SQLITE_OK) then call stmt%step_now() end if end if call stmt%finalize() end subroutine delete_group_db function get_group_count_db() implicit none integer::get_group_count_db type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt get_group_count_db = 0 if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM groups") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then get_group_count_db = stmt%column_int(0) end if end if call stmt%finalize() end function get_group_count_db function get_groups_db() result(res) implicit none integer, dimension(:), pointer::res type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt integer::i, n res => null() n = get_group_count_db() if(n > 0) then allocate(res(n)) res = -1 if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT id FROM groups") == SQLITE_OK) then i = 0 do while(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW .AND. i <= n) i = i + 1 res(i) = stmt%column_int(0) end do end if call stmt%finalize() end if end function get_groups_db function is_entry_in_group_db(group, instruction, player) implicit none integer, intent(in)::group, instruction, player type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt logical::is_entry_in_group_db is_entry_in_group_db = .FALSE. if(stmt%prepare(db, & "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM group_instructions WHERE group_id=? AND instruction=? AND player=?") == SQLITE_OK) & then if(stmt%bind_int(1, group) == SQLITE_OK .AND. & stmt%bind_int(2, instruction) == SQLITE_OK .AND. & stmt%bind_int(3, player) == SQLITE_OK) & then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then is_entry_in_group_db = (stmt%column_int(0) > 0) end if end if end if call stmt%finalize() end function is_entry_in_group_db subroutine add_entry_to_group_db(group, instruction, player) implicit none integer, intent(in)::group, instruction, player type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt if(instruction >= 0 .AND. player >= 0 .AND. group >= 0 .AND. & .NOT. is_entry_in_group_db(group, instruction, player)) & then if(stmt%prepare(db, "INSERT INTO group_instructions(group_id, instruction, player) VALUES(?, ?, ?)") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, group) == SQLITE_OK .AND. & stmt%bind_int(2, instruction) == SQLITE_OK .AND. & stmt%bind_int(3, player) == SQLITE_OK) & then call stmt%step_now() end if end if call stmt%finalize() end if end subroutine add_entry_to_group_db subroutine remove_entry_from_group_db(group, instruction, player) implicit none integer, intent(in)::group, instruction, player type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt if(stmt%prepare(db, "DELETE FROM group_instructions WHERE group_id=? AND instruction=? AND player=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, group) == SQLITE_OK .AND. & stmt%bind_int(2, instruction) == SQLITE_OK .AND. & stmt%bind_int(3, player) == SQLITE_OK) & then call stmt%step_now() end if end if call stmt%finalize() end subroutine remove_entry_from_group_db function get_group_entries_count_db(group) implicit none integer, intent(in)::group integer::get_group_entries_count_db type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt get_group_entries_count_db = 0 if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM group_instructions WHERE group_id=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, group) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then get_group_entries_count_db = stmt%column_int(0) end if end if end if call stmt%finalize() end function get_group_entries_count_db function get_group_entries_db(group) result(res) implicit none integer, intent(in)::group type(group_entry), dimension(:), pointer::res type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt integer::i, n res => null() n = get_group_entries_count_db(group) if(n > 0) then allocate(res(n)) res%instruction = -1 res%player = -1 res%group = group if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT instruction, player FROM group_instructions WHERE group_id=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, group) == SQLITE_OK) then i = 0 do while(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW .and. i <= n) i = i + 1 res(i)%instruction = stmt%column_int(0) res(i)%player = stmt%column_int(1) end do end if end if call stmt%finalize() end if end function get_group_entries_db function get_available_count_db() implicit none integer::get_available_count_db type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt get_available_count_db = 0 if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM available") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then get_available_count_db = stmt%column_int(0) end if end if call stmt%finalize() end function get_available_count_db function get_available_work_pairs_db() result(res) implicit none type(work_pair), dimension(:), pointer::res integer::n, i type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt n = get_available_count_db() res => null() if(n > 0) then allocate(res(n)) res%instruction = -1 res%player = -1 if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT instruction, player FROM available") == SQLITE_OK) then i = 1 do while(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW .AND. i <= n) res(i)%instruction = stmt%column_int(0) res(i)%player = stmt%column_int(1) i = i + 1 end do end if call stmt%finalize() end if end function get_available_work_pairs_db subroutine acknowledge_checkin(player, platform) implicit none integer, intent(in)::player character(*), intent(in), optional::platform type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt integer, dimension(8)::right_now integer::res call date_and_time(values=right_now) if(stmt%prepare(db, & "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO checkin(player, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, os)" & //" VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") & == SQLITE_OK) & then if(stmt%bind_int(1, player) == SQLITE_OK .AND. & stmt%bind_int(2, right_now(1)) == SQLITE_OK .AND. & stmt%bind_int(3, right_now(2)) == SQLITE_OK .AND. & stmt%bind_int(4, right_now(3)) == SQLITE_OK .AND. & stmt%bind_int(5, right_now(5)) == SQLITE_OK .AND. & stmt%bind_int(6, right_now(6)) == SQLITE_OK .AND. & stmt%bind_int(7, right_now(7)) == SQLITE_OK ) & then if(.not. present(platform)) then res = stmt%bind_null(8) else res = stmt%bind_text(8, platform) end if if(res == SQLITE_OK) then call stmt%step_now() end if end if end if call stmt%finalize() end subroutine acknowledge_checkin ! For definition of values. see Fortran's DATE_AND_TIME subroutine get_last_checkin_time(player, values) use sqlite implicit none integer, intent(in)::player integer, dimension(8), intent(out)::values type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt ! This call properly retrieves the offset from UTC if you want it... values = 0 call date_and_time(values=values) if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT year, month, day, hour, minute, second FROM checkin WHERE player=? LIMIT 1") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, player) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then values(1) = stmt%column_int(0) values(2) = stmt%column_int(1) values(3) = stmt%column_int(2) values(5) = stmt%column_int(3) values(6) = stmt%column_int(4) values(7) = stmt%column_int(5) else values = 0 end if end if end if call stmt%finalize() end subroutine get_last_checkin_time subroutine get_player_platform(player, platform) use sqlite implicit none integer, intent(in)::player character(*), intent(out)::platform type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt platform = " " if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT platform FROM checkin WHERE player=? LIMIT 1") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, player) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then if(stmt%column_type(0) == SQLITE_TEXT) then call stmt%column_text(0, platform) end if end if end if end if call stmt%finalize() end subroutine get_player_platform pure function julian_date(values) result(jd) implicit none integer, dimension(3), intent(in)::values integer::jd jd = (1461 * (values(1) + 4800 + (values(2)-14)/12))/4 + & (367 * (values(2) - 2 - 12*((values(2)-14)/12)))/12 - & (3*((values(1) + 4900 + (values(2)-14)/12)/100))/4 + & values(3) - 32075 end function julian_date pure function seconds_difference(first, second) result(diff) implicit none integer, dimension(8), intent(in)::first, second integer(kind=8)::diff diff = (julian_date(first(1:3)) - julian_date(second(1:3))) * 24 * 3600 diff = diff + (first(5) - second(5)) * 3600 diff = diff + (first(6) - second(6)) * 60 diff = diff + (first(7) - second(7)) end function seconds_difference function is_player_online(player) result(ret) implicit none integer, intent(in)::player logical::ret integer, dimension(8)::now, last call date_and_time(values=now) call get_last_checkin_time(player, last) ! All zeroes mean that it was never online if(all(last == 0)) then ret = .false. else ret = (seconds_difference(now, last) <= 60) end if end function is_player_online subroutine add_scheduled_job(player, instruction, day, hour) implicit none integer, intent(in)::player, instruction, day, hour type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt if(stmt%prepare(db, "INSERT INTO schedule(instruction, player, day, hour) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, instruction) == SQLITE_OK .and. & stmt%bind_int(2, player) == SQLITE_OK .and. & stmt%bind_int(3, day) == SQLITE_OK .and. & stmt%bind_int(4, hour) == SQLITE_OK) & then call stmt%step_now() end if end if call stmt%finalize() end subroutine add_scheduled_job subroutine delete_scheduled_job(player, instruction, day, hour) implicit none integer, intent(in)::player, instruction, day, hour type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt if(stmt%prepare(db, "DELETE FROM schedule WHERE instruction=? AND player=? AND day=? AND hour=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, instruction) == SQLITE_OK .and. & stmt%bind_int(2, player) == SQLITE_OK .and. & stmt%bind_int(3, day) == SQLITE_OK .and. & stmt%bind_int(4, hour) == SQLITE_OK) & then call stmt%step_now() end if end if call stmt%finalize() end subroutine delete_scheduled_job subroutine queue_scheduled_jobs(player) implicit none integer, intent(in)::player ! Needs implementation end subroutine queue_scheduled_jobs function new_user_db(username, password, email, auth_level) use config, only: app_salt use m_crypt, only: hash use auth_levels, only: AUTH_NORMAL_USER implicit none character(*), intent(in)::username, password, email integer, intent(in), optional::auth_level logical::new_user_db type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt character(len=:), pointer::hashed_pass integer::user_auth_level if(present(auth_level)) then user_auth_level = auth_level else user_auth_level = AUTH_NORMAL_USER end if new_user_db = .FALSE. hashed_pass => hash(trim(password)//trim(app_salt)) if(associated(hashed_pass)) then if(stmt%prepare(db, "INSERT INTO users(username, password, email, level) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_text(1, username) == SQLITE_OK .and. & stmt%bind_text(2, hashed_pass) == SQLITE_OK .and. & stmt%bind_text(3, email) == SQLITE_OK .and. & stmt%bind_int(4, user_auth_level) == SQLITE_OK) then new_user_db = any(stmt%step() == (/ SQLITE_OK, SQLITE_DONE /)) end if end if call stmt%finalize() deallocate(hashed_pass) end if end function new_user_db function new_admin_db(username, password) use AUTH_LEVELS, only: AUTH_ADMIN_USER implicit none character(len=*), intent(in)::username, password logical::new_admin_db new_admin_db = new_user_db(username, password, trim(username)//"@localhost", AUTH_ADMIN_USER) end function new_admin_db function get_password_hash_pointer_db(username) result(password) implicit none character(len=*), intent(in)::username character(len=:), pointer::password type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt integer::textlength password => null() if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT password FROM users WHERE username=? LIMIT 1") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_text(1, username) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then textlength = stmt%column_text_length(0) if(textlength > 0) then allocate(character(len=textlength) :: password) call stmt%column_text(0, password) end if end if end if call stmt%finalize() end if end function get_password_hash_pointer_db function validate_user_db(username, password) use config, only: app_salt use m_crypt, only: hash implicit none character(len=*), intent(in)::username, password logical::validate_user_db character(len=:), pointer::hashed_pass, db_hashed_pass validate_user_db = .FALSE. hashed_pass => hash(trim(password)//trim(app_salt)) if(associated(hashed_pass)) then db_hashed_pass => get_password_hash_pointer_db(username) if(associated(db_hashed_pass)) then validate_user_db = (hashed_pass == db_hashed_pass) deallocate(db_hashed_pass) end if deallocate(hashed_pass) end if end function validate_user_db function get_user_id_db(username) implicit none character(len=*), intent(in)::username integer::get_user_id_db type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt get_user_id_db = -1 if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT id FROM users WHERE username=? LIMIT 1") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_text(1, username) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then get_user_id_db = stmt%column_int(0) end if end if call stmt%finalize() end if end function get_user_id_db function get_user_auth_db(username) implicit none character(len=*), intent(in)::username integer::get_user_auth_db type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt get_user_auth_db = -1 if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT level FROM users WHERE username=? LIMIT 1") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_text(1, username) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then get_user_auth_db = stmt%column_int(0) end if end if call stmt%finalize() end if end function get_user_auth_db function get_session_auth_db(session) implicit none character(len=*), intent(in)::session integer::get_session_auth_db type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt get_session_auth_db = -1 if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT level FROM session_auth WHERE session=? LIMIT 1") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_text(1, session) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then get_session_auth_db = stmt%column_int(0) end if end if call stmt%finalize() end if end function get_session_auth_db subroutine get_session_username_db(session, username) implicit none character(len=*), intent(in)::session character(len=*), intent(out)::username type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt username = ' ' if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT username FROM session_auth WHERE session=? LIMIT 1") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_text(1, session) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then call stmt%column_text(0, username) end if end if call stmt%finalize() end if end subroutine get_session_username_db function create_user_session_db(username) result(session) use m_uuid implicit none character(len=*), intent(in)::username character(len=UUID_LENGTH)::session, internal_session integer::userid, res type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt internal_session = generate_uuid4() userid = get_user_id_db(username) session = ' ' if(stmt%prepare(db, "INSERT INTO sessions(user, session, accessed) VALUES(?, ?, datetime('now'))") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_int(1, userid) == SQLITE_OK .AND. & stmt%bind_text(2, internal_session) == SQLITE_OK) then if(any(stmt%step() == (/SQLITE_OK, SQLITE_DONE, SQLITE_ROW/))) then session = internal_session end if end if call stmt%finalize() end if end function create_user_session_db subroutine destroy_session_db(session) implicit none character(len=*), intent(in)::session type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt if(stmt%prepare(db, "DELETE FROM sessions WHERE session=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_text(1, session) == SQLITE_OK) then call stmt%step_now() end if call stmt%finalize() end if end subroutine destroy_session_db subroutine destroy_old_sessions_db() implicit none type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt if(stmt%prepare(db, "DELETE FROM sessions WHERE accessed < datetime('now', '-30 minutes')") == SQLITE_OK) then call stmt%step_now() call stmt%finalize() end if end subroutine destroy_old_sessions_db subroutine update_session_db(session) implicit none character(len=*), intent(in)::session type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt if(stmt%prepare(db, "UPDATE sessions SET accessed=datetime('now') WHERE session=?") == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%bind_text(1, session) == SQLITE_OK) then call stmt%step_now() end if call stmt%finalize() end if end subroutine update_session_db function session_expired_db(session) implicit none character(len=*), intent(in)::session logical::session_expired_db type(sqlite3_stmt)::stmt session_expired_db = .true. if(stmt%prepare(db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sessions WHERE accessed < datetime('now', '-30 minutes') AND session=?") & == SQLITE_OK) & then if(stmt%bind_text(1, session) == SQLITE_OK) then if(stmt%step() == SQLITE_ROW) then session_expired_db = .not. (stmt%column_int(0) > 0) end if end if call stmt%finalize() end if if(session_expired_db) then call destroy_session_db(session) end if end function session_expired_db end module captain_db