! Copyright (c) 2021 Approximatrix, LLC ! ! Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy ! of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal ! in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights ! to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell ! copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is ! furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ! ! The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in ! all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ! ! The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil. ! ! THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ! IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ! FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ! AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER ! 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SOFTWARE. module utilities #ifdef WINDOWS character, parameter::dir_sep = '\' #else character, parameter::dir_sep = '/' #endif integer, parameter::DIR_LIST_STRING_LENGTH = 128 interface replace_field module procedure replace_field_text module procedure replace_field_int end interface character(len=:), pointer::temporary_directory contains subroutine set_temporary_directory(d) #ifdef WINDOWS use iso_c_binding, only: c_null_char #endif implicit none character(*), intent(in)::d if(len_trim(d) > 0) then #ifdef WINDOWS allocate(character(len=(len_trim(d)+1)) :: temporary_directory) temporary_directory = d//c_null_char #else allocate(character(len=(len_trim(d))) :: temporary_directory) temporary_directory = d #endif end if end subroutine set_temporary_directory function is_absolute_path(path) implicit none logical::is_absolute_path character(len=*), intent(in)::path is_absolute_path = .false. if(path(1:1) == dir_sep) then is_absolute_path = .true. else #ifdef WINDOWS if(path(2:2) == ":") then is_absolute_path = .true. end if #endif end if end function is_absolute_path subroutine combine_paths(first, second, res) implicit none character(len=*), intent(in)::first, second character(len=*), intent(out)::res integer::i i = len_trim(first) if(first(i:i) == dir_sep) then res = trim(first)//trim(second) else res = trim(first)//dir_sep//trim(second) end if end subroutine combine_paths subroutine path_from_file(file, path) implicit none character(*), intent(in)::file character(*), intent(out)::path integer::i i = index(file, '/', back=.true.) if(i <= 0) then i = index(file, '\', back=.true.) end if if(i <= 0) then path = '.' else path = file(1:i) end if end subroutine path_from_file subroutine write_date_and_time(unit_number, values) implicit none integer, intent(in)::unit_number integer, intent(in), dimension(8)::values write(unit_number, '(I4, A1, I0.2, A1, I0.2, 1X, I2, A1, I0.2, A1, I0.2)') & values(1), "-", & values(2), "-", & values(3), & values(5), ":", & values(6), ":", & values(7) end subroutine write_date_and_time function remove_directory(absolute_dir, and_files) implicit none character(*), intent(in)::absolute_dir logical, intent(in), optional::and_files logical::remove_directory character(len=8)::cmd, flags integer::retval #ifdef WINDOWS flags = " " cmd = "rmdir" #else flags = "-rf" cmd = "rm" #endif if(present(and_files)) then if(and_files) then #ifdef WINDOWS flags = "/S /Q" #else flags = "-rf" #endif end if end if call execute_command_line(trim(cmd)//" "//trim(flags)//" "//trim(absolute_dir), & wait=.true., exitstat=retval) remove_directory = (retval == 0) end function remove_directory function read_into_buffer(unit_number, buffer) implicit none integer, intent(in)::unit_number character, dimension(:), intent(out)::buffer integer::read_into_buffer integer::i, ierr ierr = 0 i = 0 do while(ierr == 0 .and. i < size(buffer)) i = i + 1 read(unit_number, iostat=ierr) buffer(i) end do if(ierr /= 0) then i = i - 1 end if read_into_buffer = i end function read_into_buffer function generate_temporary_filename() result(fullpath) use iso_c_binding implicit none character(len=:), pointer::fullpath type(c_ptr)::tmp_name character(kind=c_char), dimension(:), pointer::cfullpath integer(kind=c_size_t)::clength integer::i interface function c_strlen(p) bind(c, name='strlen') use iso_c_binding type(c_ptr), value::p integer(kind=c_size_t)::c_strlen end function c_strlen function c_malloc(x) bind(c, name='malloc') use iso_c_binding type(c_ptr)::c_malloc integer(kind=c_size_t), value::x end function c_malloc subroutine c_free(p) bind(c, name='free') use iso_c_binding type(c_ptr), value::p end subroutine c_free end interface #ifdef WINDOWS interface function GetTempPath(n, b) bind(c, name='GetTempPathA') use iso_c_binding integer(kind=c_int32_t)::GetTempPath integer(kind=c_int32_t), value::n type(c_ptr), value::b end function GetTempPath function GetTempFileName(pn, prefix, unique, b) bind(c, name='GetTempFileNameA') use iso_c_binding integer(kind=c_int)::GetTempFileName integer(kind=c_int), value::unique type(c_ptr), value::pn, prefix, b end function GetTempFileName end interface type(c_ptr)::tmp_path, tmp_prefix integer::res character(len=4, kind=c_char), target::prefix tmp_path = c_malloc(int(1024, kind=c_size_t)) if(.not. associated(temporary_directory)) then res = GetTempPath(1023, tmp_path) else tmp_path = c_loc(temporary_directory) end if tmp_name = c_malloc(int(1024, kind=c_size_t)) prefix = "lev"//c_null_char res = GetTempFileName(tmp_path, c_loc(prefix), 0, tmp_name) if(.not.associated(temporary_directory)) then call c_free(tmp_path) end if ! Convert the C Ptr to a Fortran object clength = c_strlen(tmp_name) if(clength == 0) then stop end if call c_f_pointer(tmp_name, cfullpath, (/ clength /)) allocate(character(len=clength)::fullpath) do i = 1, clength fullpath(i:i) = cfullpath(i) end do cfullpath => null() call c_free(tmp_name) #else character(32)::num_text real::rnum allocate(character(len=1024) :: fullpath) call random_number(rnum) write(num_text, *) abs(rnum) if(associated(temporary_directory)) then if(temporary_directory(len(temporary_directory):len(temporary_directory)) == "/") then fullpath = temporary_directory//"lv."//trim(adjustl(num_text))//".tmp" else fullpath = temporary_directory//"/lv."//trim(adjustl(num_text))//".tmp" end if else fullpath = "/tmp/lv."//trim(adjustl(num_text))//".tmp" end if !call write_log("My temp filename is: '"//trim(fullpath)//"'") #endif end function generate_temporary_filename subroutine delete_file(filename) implicit none character(*), intent(in)::filename #ifdef GNU call unlink(filename) #else ! Not implemented... #endif end subroutine delete_file subroutine replace_field_text(str, field, val) implicit none character(*), intent(inout)::str character(*), intent(in)::field character(*), intent(in)::val character(len=:), allocatable::holding integer::length_estimate integer::field_location, i ! This is too big, but close enough length_estimate = len_trim(str) + len_trim(val) allocate(character(len=length_estimate) :: holding) holding = " " ! Find the field field_location = index(str, "{"//trim(field)//"}") if(field_location > 0) then i = field_location + len_trim(field) + 2 holding = str(1:field_location-1)//trim(val)//str(i:len_trim(str)) ! Put the results back now str = holding end if deallocate(holding) end subroutine replace_field_text subroutine replace_field_int(str, field, val) implicit none character(*), intent(inout)::str character(*), intent(in)::field integer, intent(in)::val character(16)::int_text write(int_text, *) val call replace_field_text(str, field, trim(adjustl(int_text))) end subroutine replace_field_int function get_line_count_in_file(filename) result(res) implicit none character(*)::filename integer::res integer::unum, ierr character(1024)::line open(newunit=unum, file=filename, action='read') res = 0 read(unum, '(A)', iostat=ierr) line do while(ierr == 0) res = res + 1 read(unum, '(A)', iostat=ierr) line end do close(unum) end function get_line_count_in_file function get_directories_in_directory(directory) result(res) implicit none character(*), intent(in)::directory character(DIR_LIST_STRING_LENGTH), dimension(:), pointer::res character(80)::line character(len=:), pointer::tempfile integer::dcount, unum, ierr, i tempfile => generate_temporary_filename() res => null() #ifdef WINDOWS call execute_command_line('dir /b/ad-h "'//trim(directory)//" > "//trim(tempfile), & wait=.true.) #else call execute_command_line('ls -l "'//trim(directory)//'" > '//trim(tempfile), & wait=.true.) #endif open(newunit=unum, file=tempfile, action='read') #ifndef WINDOWS ! First line is "total ###" read(unum, '(A)', iostat=ierr) line #endif dcount = 0 read(unum, '(A)', iostat=ierr) line do while(ierr == 0) #ifdef WINDOWS if(len_trim(line) > 0) then dcount = dcount + 1 end if #else if(line(1:1) == 'd') then dcount = dcount + 1 end if #endif read(unum, '(A)', iostat=ierr) line end do close(unum) if(dcount > 0) then allocate(res(dcount)) ! Windows is all set, don't call anything #ifndef WINDOWS ! Now call ls, but group directories first call execute_command_line('ls --group-directories-first "'//trim(directory)//'" > '//trim(tempfile), & wait=.true.) #endif open(newunit=unum, file=tempfile, action='read') i = 0 read(unum, '(A)', iostat=ierr) line do while(ierr == 0 .and. i < dcount) i = i + 1 res(i) = trim(line) read(unum, '(A)', iostat=ierr) line end do close(unum) end if call unlink(tempfile) end function get_directories_in_directory function get_files_in_directory(directory) result(res) implicit none character(*), intent(in)::directory character(DIR_LIST_STRING_LENGTH), dimension(:), pointer::res character(80)::line character(len=:), pointer::tempfile logical, dimension(:), allocatable::is_real_file integer::unum, ierr, i, n, j logical::skip_first tempfile => generate_temporary_filename() res => null() skip_first = .FALSE. #ifdef WINDOWS call execute_command_line('dir /b/a-d-h "'//trim(directory)//'" > '//trim(tempfile), & wait=.true.) #else call execute_command_line('ls -l "'//trim(directory)//'" > '//trim(tempfile), & wait=.true.) #endif n = get_line_count_in_file(tempfile) allocate(is_real_file(n)) is_real_file = .FALSE. open(newunit=unum, file=tempfile, action='read') #ifndef WINDOWS ! Count directories first i = 0 read(unum, '(A)', iostat=ierr) line do while(ierr == 0) i = i + 1 if(len_trim(line) > 0 .and. line(1:1) == '-' .and. line(1:6) /= "total ") then is_real_file(i) = .TRUE. else if(line(1:6) == "total ") then skip_first = .TRUE. end if read(unum, '(A)', iostat=ierr) line end do n = count(is_real_file) close(unum) call execute_command_line('ls "'//trim(directory)//'" > '//trim(tempfile), & wait=.true.) open(newunit=unum, file=tempfile, action='read') #else is_real_file = .TRUE. #endif if(n > 0) then allocate(res(n)) ! Now we can read files i = 0 if(skip_first) then j = 1 else j = 0 end if read(unum, '(A)', iostat=ierr) line do while(ierr == 0 .and. i < n) j = j + 1 if(is_real_file(j)) then i = i + 1 res(i) = trim(line) end if read(unum, '(A)', iostat=ierr) line end do end if close(unum) call unlink(tempfile) end function get_files_in_directory subroutine get_one_line_output_shell_command(cmd, output, retcode) implicit none character(*), intent(in)::cmd character(*), intent(out)::output integer, intent(out), optional::retcode integer::internal_retcode, ierr, unum character(len=:), pointer::tempfilename tempfilename => generate_temporary_filename() call execute_command_line(trim(cmd)//" > "//trim(tempfilename), & wait=.true., & exitstat=internal_retcode) if(present(retcode)) then retcode = internal_retcode end if open(newunit=unum, file=tempfilename, status="old", iostat=ierr) if(ierr == 0) then read(unum, '(A)') output close(unum) end if call unlink(tempfilename) deallocate(tempfilename) end subroutine get_one_line_output_shell_command subroutine toupper(str) implicit none character(*), intent(inout)::str integer::i do i=1, len_trim(str) if(str(i:i) >= 'a' .and. str(i:i) <= 'z') then str(i:i) = CHAR(ICHAR(str(i:i)) + (ICHAR('A') - ICHAR('a'))) end if end do end subroutine toupper subroutine echo_file_stdout(filename) implicit none character(*), intent(in)::filename #ifdef WINDOWS call execute_command_line('type "'//trim(filename)//'"', wait=.true.) #else call execute_command_line('cat "'//trim(filename)//'"', wait=.true.) #endif end subroutine echo_file_stdout function build_date() implicit none character(64)::build_date build_date = __DATE__ end function build_date subroutine sleep_ms(ms) use iso_c_binding implicit none integer, intent(in)::ms #ifdef WINDOWS interface subroutine sleep_win(x) bind(c, name="Sleep") integer(kind=8), value::x end subroutine sleep_win end interface call sleep_win(int(ms, kind=8)) #else character(len=40)::cl write(cl, *) "sleep ", real(ms)/1000.0 call execute_command_line(cl) #endif end subroutine sleep_ms end module utilities