path: root/kilo.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-07-05Fixing the ‘UINT32_MAX’ undeclared problemunknowntpo
2020-07-02Fix integer overflow in row allocation. #60.antirez
2020-07-02Simplify features macro.antirez
2020-07-02Make Linux/Macos discoverable by macros.antirez
2020-07-02Get rid of non ANSI C strdup().antirez
2020-07-02Handle SIGWINCH signal to properly resize editorLeandro Pereira
2020-07-02Added all C and C++ keywords.Property404
2020-07-02Merge pull request #33 from dayuoba/patch-1Salvatore Sanfilippo
2020-07-02Merge pull request #52 from vuonghv/masterSalvatore Sanfilippo
2018-01-23Use _POSIX_C_SOURCE, drop _BSD_SOURCE, _GNU_SOURCE (#5, #12)Christopher Wellons
2017-08-05Fix memory leakVuong Hoang
2016-07-18rm repeat header filedayu
2016-07-10Be serious with version number.antirez
2016-07-10First public alpha version.antirez