path: root/src/fpm_filesystem.F90
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authorCarlos Une <brocolis@eml.cc>2021-06-29 21:15:42 -0300
committerCarlos Une <brocolis@eml.cc>2021-06-29 21:15:42 -0300
commit7de24a6cf2a8bb13eda0a9921c6c5f9062fe159c (patch)
tree721c335a8dfa4fd3dd53361c4cc98cd4bf4fb380 /src/fpm_filesystem.F90
parent868212e4174fdf48672f4bb2e36efd3f7fda41d2 (diff)
Rename fpm_filesystem.f90 to fpm_filesystem.F90: requires preprocessor
Diffstat (limited to 'src/fpm_filesystem.F90')
1 files changed, 945 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/fpm_filesystem.F90 b/src/fpm_filesystem.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2fcd95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fpm_filesystem.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,945 @@
+!> This module contains general routines for interacting with the file system
+module fpm_filesystem
+use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : stdin=>input_unit, stdout=>output_unit, stderr=>error_unit
+ use fpm_environment, only: get_os_type, &
+ use fpm_environment, only: separator, get_env
+ use fpm_strings, only: f_string, replace, string_t, split
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_int8_t, c_int16_t, c_int32_t, c_int64_t, c_int128_t, c_char, c_ptr, c_int, c_loc, c_long, c_short, &
+ c_null_char, c_associated, c_f_pointer
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public :: basename, canon_path, dirname, is_dir, join_path, number_of_rows, read_lines, list_files, env_variable, &
+ mkdir, exists, get_temp_filename, windows_path, unix_path, getline, delete_file, to_fortran_name
+ public :: fileopen, fileclose, filewrite, warnwrite, parent_dir
+ public :: which
+ integer, parameter :: LINE_BUFFER_LEN = 1000
+#if (defined(MINGW64))
+ type, bind(c) :: stat_t
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: st_dev
+ integer(kind=c_int16_t) :: st_ino
+ integer(kind=c_int16_t) :: st_mode
+ integer(kind=c_int16_t) :: st_nlink
+ integer(kind=c_int16_t) :: st_uid
+ integer(kind=c_int16_t) :: st_gid
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: st_rdev
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: st_size
+ integer(kind=c_int64_t) :: st_atime
+ integer(kind=c_int64_t) :: st_mtime
+ integer(kind=c_int64_t) :: st_ctime
+ end type
+#elif (defined(MINGW32))
+ type, bind(c) :: stat_t
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: st_dev
+ integer(kind=c_int16_t) :: st_ino
+ integer(kind=c_int16_t) :: st_mode
+ integer(kind=c_int16_t) :: st_nlink
+ integer(kind=c_int16_t) :: st_uid
+ integer(kind=c_int16_t) :: st_gid
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: st_rdev
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: st_size
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: st_atime
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: st_mtime
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: st_ctime
+ end type
+#elif (defined(LINUX64))
+ type, bind(c) :: stat_t
+ integer(kind=c_int64_t) :: st_dev
+ integer(kind=c_int64_t) :: st_ino
+ integer(kind=c_int64_t) :: st_nlink
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: st_mode
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: st_uid
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: st_gid
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: pad0
+ integer(kind=c_int64_t) :: st_rdev
+ integer(kind=c_int64_t) :: st_size
+ integer(kind=c_int64_t) :: st_blksize
+ integer(kind=c_int64_t) :: st_blocks
+ integer(kind=c_int128_t) :: st_atime
+ integer(kind=c_int128_t) :: st_mtime
+ integer(kind=c_int128_t) :: st_ctime
+ integer(kind=c_int64_t) :: glibc_reserved4
+ integer(kind=c_int64_t) :: glibc_reserved5
+ integer(kind=c_int64_t) :: glibc_reserved6
+ end type
+#elif (defined(LINUX32))
+ type, bind(c) :: stat_t
+ integer(kind=c_int64_t) :: st_dev
+ integer(kind=c_int16_t) :: pad1
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: st_ino
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: st_mode
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: st_nlink
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: st_uid
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: st_gid
+ integer(kind=c_int64_t) :: st_rdev
+ integer(kind=c_int16_t) :: pad2
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: st_size
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: st_blksize
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: st_blocks
+ integer(kind=c_int64_t) :: st_atime
+ integer(kind=c_int64_t) :: st_mtime
+ integer(kind=c_int64_t) :: st_ctime
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: glibc_reserved4
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: glibc_reserved5
+ end type
+#if (defined(MINGW64) || defined(MINGW32))
+ type, bind(c) :: dirent
+ integer(kind=c_long) :: d_ino
+ integer(kind=c_short) :: d_reclen
+ integer(kind=c_short) :: d_namlen
+ character(len=1,kind=c_char) :: d_name(260)
+ end type
+#elif (defined(LINUX64))
+ type, bind(c) :: dirent
+ integer(kind=c_int64_t) :: d_ino
+ integer(kind=c_int64_t) :: d_off
+ integer(kind=c_int16_t) :: d_reclen
+ integer(kind=c_int8_t) :: d_type
+ character(len=1,kind=c_char) :: d_name(256)
+ end type
+#elif (defined(LINUX32))
+ type, bind(c) :: dirent
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: d_ino
+ integer(kind=c_int32_t) :: d_off
+ integer(kind=c_int16_t) :: d_reclen
+ integer(kind=c_int8_t) :: d_type
+ character(len=1,kind=c_char) :: d_name(256)
+ end type
+#if (defined(MINGW64) || defined(MINGW32) || defined(LINUX64) || defined(LINUX32))
+ interface
+ function c_stat(path, buf) result(r) bind(c, name="stat")
+ import c_char, c_ptr, c_int
+ character(kind=c_char), intent(in) :: path(*)
+ type(c_ptr), value :: buf
+ integer(kind=c_int) :: r
+ end function c_stat
+ function c_opendir(dir) result(r) bind(c, name="opendir")
+ import c_char, c_ptr
+ character(kind=c_char), intent(in) :: dir(*)
+ type(c_ptr) :: r
+ end function c_opendir
+ function c_readdir(dir) result(r) bind(c, name="readdir")
+ import c_ptr
+ type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: dir
+ type(c_ptr) :: r
+ end function c_readdir
+ function c_closedir(dir) result(r) bind(c, name="closedir")
+ import c_ptr, c_int
+ type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: dir
+ integer(kind=c_int) :: r
+ end function c_closedir
+ end interface
+!> return value of environment variable
+subroutine env_variable(var, name)
+ character(len=:), allocatable, intent(out) :: var
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+ integer :: length, stat
+ call get_environment_variable(name, length=length, status=stat)
+ if (stat /= 0) return
+ allocate(character(len=length) :: var)
+ if (length > 0) then
+ call get_environment_variable(name, var, status=stat)
+ if (stat /= 0) then
+ deallocate(var)
+ return
+ end if
+ end if
+end subroutine env_variable
+!> Extract filename from path with/without suffix
+function basename(path,suffix) result (base)
+ character(*), intent(In) :: path
+ logical, intent(in), optional :: suffix
+ character(:), allocatable :: base
+ character(:), allocatable :: file_parts(:)
+ logical :: with_suffix
+ if (.not.present(suffix)) then
+ with_suffix = .true.
+ else
+ with_suffix = suffix
+ end if
+ if (with_suffix) then
+ call split(path,file_parts,delimiters='\/')
+ if(size(file_parts).gt.0)then
+ base = trim(file_parts(size(file_parts)))
+ else
+ base = ''
+ endif
+ else
+ call split(path,file_parts,delimiters='\/.')
+ if(size(file_parts).ge.2)then
+ base = trim(file_parts(size(file_parts)-1))
+ else
+ base = ''
+ endif
+ end if
+end function basename
+!> Canonicalize path for comparison
+!! * Handles path string redundancies
+!! * Does not test existence of path
+!! To be replaced by realpath/_fullname in stdlib_os
+!! FIXME: Lot's of ugly hacks following here
+function canon_path(path)
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: path
+ character(len=:), allocatable :: canon_path
+ character(len=:), allocatable :: nixpath
+ integer :: ii, istart, iend, stat, nn, last
+ logical :: is_path, absolute
+ nixpath = unix_path(path)
+ istart = 0
+ nn = 0
+ iend = 0
+ absolute = nixpath(1:1) == "/"
+ if (absolute) then
+ canon_path = "/"
+ else
+ canon_path = ""
+ end if
+ do while(iend < len(nixpath))
+ call next(nixpath, istart, iend, is_path)
+ if (is_path) then
+ select case(nixpath(istart:iend))
+ case(".", "") ! always drop empty paths
+ case("..")
+ if (nn > 0) then
+ last = scan(canon_path(:len(canon_path)-1), "/", back=.true.)
+ canon_path = canon_path(:last)
+ nn = nn - 1
+ else
+ if (.not. absolute) then
+ canon_path = canon_path // nixpath(istart:iend) // "/"
+ end if
+ end if
+ case default
+ nn = nn + 1
+ canon_path = canon_path // nixpath(istart:iend) // "/"
+ end select
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (len(canon_path) == 0) canon_path = "."
+ if (len(canon_path) > 1 .and. canon_path(len(canon_path):) == "/") then
+ canon_path = canon_path(:len(canon_path)-1)
+ end if
+ subroutine next(string, istart, iend, is_path)
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: string
+ integer, intent(inout) :: istart
+ integer, intent(inout) :: iend
+ logical, intent(inout) :: is_path
+ integer :: ii, nn
+ character :: tok, last
+ nn = len(string)
+ if (iend >= nn) then
+ istart = nn
+ iend = nn
+ return
+ end if
+ ii = min(iend + 1, nn)
+ tok = string(ii:ii)
+ is_path = tok /= '/'
+ if (.not.is_path) then
+ is_path = .false.
+ istart = ii
+ iend = ii
+ return
+ end if
+ istart = ii
+ do ii = min(iend + 1, nn), nn
+ tok = string(ii:ii)
+ select case(tok)
+ case('/')
+ exit
+ case default
+ iend = ii
+ cycle
+ end select
+ end do
+ end subroutine next
+end function canon_path
+!> Extract dirname from path
+function dirname(path) result (dir)
+ character(*), intent(in) :: path
+ character(:), allocatable :: dir
+ dir = path(1:scan(path,'/\',back=.true.))
+ if (len_trim(dir) == 0) dir = "."
+end function dirname
+!> Extract dirname from path
+function parent_dir(path) result (dir)
+ character(*), intent(in) :: path
+ character(:), allocatable :: dir
+ dir = path(1:scan(path,'/\',back=.true.)-1)
+end function parent_dir
+!> test if a name matches an existing directory path
+logical function is_dir(dir)
+ character(*), intent(in) :: dir
+ integer :: stat
+ select case (get_os_type())
+ call execute_command_line("test -d " // dir , exitstat=stat)
+ case (OS_WINDOWS)
+ call execute_command_line('cmd /c "if not exist ' // windows_path(dir) // '\ exit /B 1"', exitstat=stat)
+ end select
+ is_dir = (stat == 0)
+end function is_dir
+!> Construct path by joining strings with os file separator
+function join_path(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) result(path)
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: a1, a2
+ character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: a3, a4, a5
+ character(len=:), allocatable :: path
+ character(len=1) :: filesep
+ select case (get_os_type())
+ filesep = '/'
+ case (OS_WINDOWS)
+ filesep = '\'
+ end select
+ path = a1 // filesep // a2
+ if (present(a3)) then
+ path = path // filesep // a3
+ else
+ return
+ end if
+ if (present(a4)) then
+ path = path // filesep // a4
+ else
+ return
+ end if
+ if (present(a5)) then
+ path = path // filesep // a5
+ else
+ return
+ end if
+end function join_path
+!> Determine number or rows in a file given a LUN
+integer function number_of_rows(s) result(nrows)
+ integer,intent(in)::s
+ integer :: ios
+ character(len=100) :: r
+ rewind(s)
+ nrows = 0
+ do
+ read(s, '(A)', iostat=ios) r
+ if (ios /= 0) exit
+ nrows = nrows + 1
+ end do
+ rewind(s)
+end function number_of_rows
+!> read lines into an array of TYPE(STRING_T) variables
+function read_lines(fh) result(lines)
+ integer, intent(in) :: fh
+ type(string_t), allocatable :: lines(:)
+ integer :: i
+ character(LINE_BUFFER_LEN) :: line_buffer
+ allocate(lines(number_of_rows(fh)))
+ do i = 1, size(lines)
+ read(fh, '(A)') line_buffer
+ lines(i)%s = trim(line_buffer)
+ end do
+end function read_lines
+!> Create a directory. Create subdirectories as needed
+subroutine mkdir(dir)
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: dir
+ integer :: stat
+ if (is_dir(dir)) return
+ select case (get_os_type())
+ call execute_command_line('mkdir -p ' // dir, exitstat=stat)
+ write (*, '(" + ",2a)') 'mkdir -p ' // dir
+ case (OS_WINDOWS)
+ call execute_command_line("mkdir " // windows_path(dir), exitstat=stat)
+ write (*, '(" + ",2a)') 'mkdir ' // windows_path(dir)
+ end select
+ if (stat /= 0) then
+ print *, 'execute_command_line() failed'
+ error stop
+ end if
+end subroutine mkdir
+#if (defined(MINGW64) || defined(MINGW32) || defined(LINUX64) || defined(LINUX32))
+!> Get file & directory names in directory `dir` using iso_c_binding.
+!! - File/directory names return are relative to cwd, ie. preprended with `dir`
+!! - Includes files starting with `.` except current directory and parent directory
+recursive subroutine list_files(dir, files, recurse)
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: dir
+ type(string_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: files(:)
+ logical, intent(in), optional :: recurse
+ integer :: i
+ type(string_t), allocatable :: dir_files(:)
+ type(string_t), allocatable :: sub_dir_files(:)
+ type(c_ptr) :: dir_handle
+ type(c_ptr) :: dir_entry_c
+ type(dirent), pointer :: dir_entry_fortran
+ character(len=:), allocatable :: string_fortran
+ integer, parameter :: N_MAX = 256
+ type(string_t) :: files_tmp(N_MAX)
+ integer(kind=c_int) :: r
+ if (.not. is_dir_c(dir(1:len_trim(dir))//c_null_char)) then
+ allocate (files(0))
+ return
+ end if
+ dir_handle = c_opendir(dir(1:len_trim(dir))//c_null_char)
+ if (.not. c_associated(dir_handle)) then
+ print *, 'c_opendir() failed'
+ error stop
+ end if
+ i = 0
+ allocate(files(0))
+ do
+ dir_entry_c = c_readdir(dir_handle)
+ if (.not. c_associated(dir_entry_c)) then
+ exit
+ else
+ call c_f_pointer(dir_entry_c, dir_entry_fortran)
+ string_fortran = f_string(dir_entry_fortran%d_name)
+ if ((string_fortran .eq. '.' .or. string_fortran .eq. '..')) then
+ cycle
+ end if
+ i = i + 1
+ if (i .gt. N_MAX) then
+ files = [files, files_tmp]
+ i = 1
+ end if
+ files_tmp(i)%s = join_path(dir, string_fortran)
+ end if
+ end do
+ r = c_closedir(dir_handle)
+ if (r .ne. 0) then
+ print *, 'c_closedir() failed'
+ error stop
+ end if
+ if (i .gt. 0) then
+ files = [files, files_tmp(1:i)]
+ end if
+ if (present(recurse)) then
+ if (recurse) then
+ allocate(sub_dir_files(0))
+ do i=1,size(files)
+ if (is_dir_c(files(i)%s//c_null_char)) then
+ call list_files(files(i)%s, dir_files, recurse=.true.)
+ sub_dir_files = [sub_dir_files, dir_files]
+ end if
+ end do
+ files = [files, sub_dir_files]
+ end if
+ end if
+end subroutine list_files
+function is_dir_c(path) result(r)
+ character(kind=c_char), intent(in) :: path(*)
+ logical :: r
+ type(stat_t), target :: buf
+ integer(kind=c_int) :: exists
+ integer(kind=c_int), parameter :: S_IFMT = 61440
+ integer(kind=c_int), parameter :: S_IFDIR = 16384
+ exists = c_stat(path, c_loc(buf))
+ r = exists .eq. 0 .and. iand(int(buf%st_mode, kind=c_int), S_IFMT) .eq. S_IFDIR
+end function is_dir_c
+!> Get file & directory names in directory `dir`.
+!! - File/directory names return are relative to cwd, ie. preprended with `dir`
+!! - Includes files starting with `.` except current directory and parent directory
+recursive subroutine list_files(dir, files, recurse)
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: dir
+ type(string_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: files(:)
+ logical, intent(in), optional :: recurse
+ integer :: stat, fh, i
+ character(:), allocatable :: temp_file
+ type(string_t), allocatable :: dir_files(:)
+ type(string_t), allocatable :: sub_dir_files(:)
+ if (.not. is_dir(dir)) then
+ allocate (files(0))
+ return
+ end if
+ allocate (temp_file, source=get_temp_filename())
+ select case (get_os_type())
+ call execute_command_line('ls -A ' // dir // ' > ' // temp_file, &
+ exitstat=stat)
+ case (OS_WINDOWS)
+ call execute_command_line('dir /b ' // windows_path(dir) // ' > ' // temp_file, &
+ exitstat=stat)
+ end select
+ if (stat /= 0) then
+ print *, 'execute_command_line() failed'
+ error stop
+ end if
+ open (newunit=fh, file=temp_file, status='old')
+ files = read_lines(fh)
+ close(fh,status="delete")
+ do i=1,size(files)
+ files(i)%s = join_path(dir,files(i)%s)
+ end do
+ if (present(recurse)) then
+ if (recurse) then
+ allocate(sub_dir_files(0))
+ do i=1,size(files)
+ if (is_dir(files(i)%s)) then
+ call list_files(files(i)%s, dir_files, recurse=.true.)
+ sub_dir_files = [sub_dir_files, dir_files]
+ end if
+ end do
+ files = [files, sub_dir_files]
+ end if
+ end if
+end subroutine list_files
+!> test if pathname already exists
+logical function exists(filename) result(r)
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename
+ inquire(file=filename, exist=r)
+end function
+!> Get a unused temporary filename
+!! Calls posix 'tempnam' - not recommended, but
+!! we have no security concerns for this application
+!! and use here is temporary.
+!! Works with MinGW
+function get_temp_filename() result(tempfile)
+ !
+ use iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, C_NULL_PTR, c_f_pointer
+ character(:), allocatable :: tempfile
+ type(c_ptr) :: c_tempfile_ptr
+ character(len=1), pointer :: c_tempfile(:)
+ interface
+ function c_tempnam(dir,pfx) result(tmp) bind(c,name="tempnam")
+ import
+ type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: dir
+ type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: pfx
+ type(c_ptr) :: tmp
+ end function c_tempnam
+ subroutine c_free(ptr) BIND(C,name="free")
+ import
+ type(c_ptr), value :: ptr
+ end subroutine c_free
+ end interface
+ c_tempfile_ptr = c_tempnam(C_NULL_PTR, C_NULL_PTR)
+ call c_f_pointer(c_tempfile_ptr,c_tempfile,[LINE_BUFFER_LEN])
+ tempfile = f_string(c_tempfile)
+ call c_free(c_tempfile_ptr)
+end function get_temp_filename
+!> Replace file system separators for windows
+function windows_path(path) result(winpath)
+ character(*), intent(in) :: path
+ character(:), allocatable :: winpath
+ integer :: idx
+ winpath = path
+ idx = index(winpath,'/')
+ do while(idx > 0)
+ winpath(idx:idx) = '\'
+ idx = index(winpath,'/')
+ end do
+end function windows_path
+!> Replace file system separators for unix
+function unix_path(path) result(nixpath)
+ character(*), intent(in) :: path
+ character(:), allocatable :: nixpath
+ integer :: idx
+ nixpath = path
+ idx = index(nixpath,'\')
+ do while(idx > 0)
+ nixpath(idx:idx) = '/'
+ idx = index(nixpath,'\')
+ end do
+end function unix_path
+!> read a line of arbitrary length into a CHARACTER variable from the specified LUN
+subroutine getline(unit, line, iostat, iomsg)
+ !> Formatted IO unit
+ integer, intent(in) :: unit
+ !> Line to read
+ character(len=:), allocatable, intent(out) :: line
+ !> Status of operation
+ integer, intent(out) :: iostat
+ !> Error message
+ character(len=:), allocatable, optional :: iomsg
+ character(len=LINE_BUFFER_LEN) :: buffer
+ character(len=LINE_BUFFER_LEN) :: msg
+ integer :: size
+ integer :: stat
+ allocate(character(len=0) :: line)
+ do
+ read(unit, '(a)', advance='no', iostat=stat, iomsg=msg, size=size) &
+ & buffer
+ if (stat > 0) exit
+ line = line // buffer(:size)
+ if (stat < 0) then
+ if (is_iostat_eor(stat)) then
+ stat = 0
+ end if
+ exit
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (stat /= 0) then
+ if (present(iomsg)) iomsg = trim(msg)
+ end if
+ iostat = stat
+end subroutine getline
+!> delete a file by filename
+subroutine delete_file(file)
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: file
+ logical :: exist
+ integer :: unit
+ inquire(file=file, exist=exist)
+ if (exist) then
+ open(file=file, newunit=unit)
+ close(unit, status="delete")
+ end if
+end subroutine delete_file
+!> write trimmed character data to a file if it does not exist
+subroutine warnwrite(fname,data)
+character(len=*),intent(in) :: fname
+character(len=*),intent(in) :: data(:)
+ if(.not.exists(fname))then
+ call filewrite(fname,data)
+ else
+ write(stderr,'(*(g0,1x))')'<INFO> ',fname,&
+ & 'already exists. Not overwriting'
+ endif
+end subroutine warnwrite
+!> procedure to open filename as a sequential "text" file
+subroutine fileopen(filename,lun,ier)
+character(len=*),intent(in) :: filename
+integer,intent(out) :: lun
+integer,intent(out),optional :: ier
+integer :: ios
+character(len=256) :: message
+ message=' '
+ ios=0
+ if(filename.ne.' ')then
+ open(file=filename, &
+ & newunit=lun, &
+ & form='formatted', & ! FORM = FORMATTED | UNFORMATTED
+ & access='sequential', & ! ACCESS = SEQUENTIAL| DIRECT | STREAM
+ & action='write', & ! ACTION = READ|WRITE| READWRITE
+ & position='rewind', & ! POSITION= ASIS | REWIND | APPEND
+ & status='new', & ! STATUS = NEW| REPLACE| OLD| SCRATCH| UNKNOWN
+ & iostat=ios, &
+ & iomsg=message)
+ else
+ lun=stdout
+ ios=0
+ endif
+ if(ios.ne.0)then
+ write(stderr,'(*(a:,1x))')&
+ & '<ERROR> *filewrite*:',filename,trim(message)
+ lun=-1
+ if(present(ier))then
+ ier=ios
+ else
+ stop 1
+ endif
+ endif
+end subroutine fileopen
+!> simple close of a LUN. On error show message and stop (by default)
+subroutine fileclose(lun,ier)
+integer,intent(in) :: lun
+integer,intent(out),optional :: ier
+character(len=256) :: message
+integer :: ios
+ if(lun.ne.-1)then
+ close(unit=lun,iostat=ios,iomsg=message)
+ if(ios.ne.0)then
+ write(stderr,'(*(a:,1x))')'<ERROR> *filewrite*:',trim(message)
+ if(present(ier))then
+ ier=ios
+ else
+ stop 2
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+end subroutine fileclose
+!> procedure to write filedata to file filename
+subroutine filewrite(filename,filedata)
+character(len=*),intent(in) :: filename
+character(len=*),intent(in) :: filedata(:)
+integer :: lun, i, ios
+character(len=256) :: message
+ call fileopen(filename,lun)
+ if(lun.ne.-1)then ! program currently stops on error on open, but might
+ ! want it to continue so -1 (unallowed LUN) indicates error
+ ! write file
+ do i=1,size(filedata)
+ write(lun,'(a)',iostat=ios,iomsg=message)trim(filedata(i))
+ if(ios.ne.0)then
+ write(stderr,'(*(a:,1x))')&
+ & '<ERROR> *filewrite*:',filename,trim(message)
+ stop 4
+ endif
+ enddo
+ endif
+ ! close file
+ call fileclose(lun)
+end subroutine filewrite
+!> Returns string with special characters replaced with an underscore.
+!! For now, only a hyphen is treated as a special character, but this can be
+!! expanded to other characters if needed.
+pure function to_fortran_name(string) result(res)
+ character(*), intent(in) :: string
+ character(len(string)) :: res
+ character, parameter :: SPECIAL_CHARACTERS(*) = ['-']
+ res = replace(string, SPECIAL_CHARACTERS, '_')
+end function to_fortran_name
+function which(command) result(pathname)
+!! which(3f) - [M_io:ENVIRONMENT] given a command name find the pathname by searching
+!! the directories in the environment variable $PATH
+!! function which(command) result(pathname)
+!! character(len=*),intent(in) :: command
+!! character(len=:),allocatable :: pathname
+!! Given a command name find the first file with that name in the directories
+!! specified by the environment variable $PATH.
+!! COMMAND the command to search for
+!! PATHNAME the first pathname found in the current user path. Returns blank
+!! if the command is not found.
+!! Sample program:
+!! Checking the error message and counting lines:
+!! program demo_which
+!! use M_io, only : which
+!! implicit none
+!! write(*,*)'ls is ',which('ls')
+!! write(*,*)'dir is ',which('dir')
+!! write(*,*)'install is ',which('install')
+!! end program demo_which
+!! John S. Urban
+!! Public Domain
+character(len=*),intent(in) :: command
+character(len=:),allocatable :: pathname, checkon, paths(:), exts(:)
+integer :: i, j
+ pathname=''
+ call split(get_env('PATH'),paths,delimiters=merge(';',':',separator().eq.'\'))
+ SEARCH: do i=1,size(paths)
+ checkon=trim(join_path(trim(paths(i)),command))
+ select case(separator())
+ case('/')
+ if(exists(checkon))then
+ pathname=checkon
+ exit SEARCH
+ endif
+ case('\')
+ if(exists(checkon))then
+ pathname=checkon
+ exit SEARCH
+ endif
+ if(exists(checkon//'.bat'))then
+ pathname=checkon//'.bat'
+ exit SEARCH
+ endif
+ if(exists(checkon//'.exe'))then
+ pathname=checkon//'.exe'
+ exit SEARCH
+ endif
+ call split(get_env('PATHEXT'),exts,delimiters=';')
+ do j=1,size(exts)
+ if(exists(checkon//'.'//trim(exts(j))))then
+ pathname=checkon//'.'//trim(exts(j))
+ exit SEARCH
+ endif
+ enddo
+ end select
+ enddo SEARCH
+end function which
+end module fpm_filesystem