path: root/src/fpm_source_parsing.f90
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authorSebastian Ehlert <28669218+awvwgk@users.noreply.github.com>2021-03-31 16:13:58 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2021-03-31 16:13:58 +0200
commitd9dc9f2ae5f196c15a7d35cddabc805c40ff86ce (patch)
tree6f61952c630b023edec391daae2747063703d489 /src/fpm_source_parsing.f90
parent5422ec57f4081bf2225f5dde5cc07999bf8010f9 (diff)
Phase out Haskell fpm (#420)
- remove bootstrap directory from repository - remove stack-build from CI workflow - move Fortran fpm to project root - adjust install script and bootstrap instructions
Diffstat (limited to 'src/fpm_source_parsing.f90')
1 files changed, 480 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/fpm_source_parsing.f90 b/src/fpm_source_parsing.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd9a4c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fpm_source_parsing.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+!># Parsing of package source files
+!> This module exposes two functions, `[[parse_f_source]]` and `[[parse_c_source]]`,
+!> which perform a rudimentary parsing of fortran and c source files
+!> in order to extract information required for module dependency tracking.
+!> Both functions additionally calculate and store a file digest (hash) which
+!> is used by the backend ([[fpm_backend]]) to skip compilation of unmodified sources.
+!> Both functions return an instance of the [[srcfile_t]] type.
+!> For more information, please read the documentation for each function:
+!> - `[[parse_f_source]]`
+!> - `[[parse_c_source]]`
+module fpm_source_parsing
+use fpm_error, only: error_t, file_parse_error, fatal_error
+use fpm_strings, only: string_t, string_cat, len_trim, split, lower, str_ends_with, fnv_1a
+use fpm_model, only: srcfile_t, &
+use fpm_filesystem, only: read_lines
+implicit none
+public :: parse_f_source, parse_c_source
+character(15), parameter :: INTRINSIC_MODULE_NAMES(*) = &
+ ['iso_c_binding ', &
+ 'iso_fortran_env', &
+ 'ieee_arithmetic', &
+ 'ieee_exceptions', &
+ 'ieee_features ', &
+ 'omp_lib ']
+!> Parsing of free-form fortran source files
+!> The following statements are recognised and parsed:
+!> - `Module`/`submodule`/`program` declaration
+!> - Module `use` statement
+!> - `include` statement
+!> @note Intrinsic modules used by sources are not listed in
+!> the `modules_used` field of source objects.
+!> @note Submodules are treated as normal modules which `use` their
+!> corresponding parent modules.
+!>### Parsing limitations
+!> __Statements must not continued onto another line
+!> except for an `only:` list in the `use` statement.__
+!> This is supported:
+!> use my_module, only: &
+!> my_var, my_function, my_subroutine
+!> This is __NOT supported:__
+!> use &
+!> my_module
+function parse_f_source(f_filename,error) result(f_source)
+ character(*), intent(in) :: f_filename
+ type(srcfile_t) :: f_source
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ integer :: stat
+ integer :: fh, n_use, n_include, n_mod, i, j, ic, pass
+ type(string_t), allocatable :: file_lines(:)
+ character(:), allocatable :: temp_string, mod_name
+ f_source%file_name = f_filename
+ open(newunit=fh,file=f_filename,status='old')
+ file_lines = read_lines(fh)
+ close(fh)
+ ! Ignore empty files, returned as FPM_UNIT_UNKNOW
+ if (len_trim(file_lines) < 1) return
+ f_source%digest = fnv_1a(file_lines)
+ do pass = 1,2
+ n_use = 0
+ n_include = 0
+ n_mod = 0
+ file_loop: do i=1,size(file_lines)
+ ! Skip lines that are continued: not statements
+ if (i > 1) then
+ ic = index(file_lines(i-1)%s,'!')
+ if (ic < 1) then
+ ic = len(file_lines(i-1)%s)
+ end if
+ temp_string = trim(file_lines(i-1)%s(1:ic))
+ if (len(temp_string) > 0 .and. index(temp_string,'&') == len(temp_string)) then
+ cycle
+ end if
+ end if
+ ! Process 'USE' statements
+ if (index(adjustl(lower(file_lines(i)%s)),'use ') == 1 .or. &
+ index(adjustl(lower(file_lines(i)%s)),'use::') == 1) then
+ if (index(file_lines(i)%s,'::') > 0) then
+ temp_string = split_n(file_lines(i)%s,delims=':',n=2,stat=stat)
+ if (stat /= 0) then
+ call file_parse_error(error,f_filename, &
+ 'unable to find used module name',i, &
+ file_lines(i)%s,index(file_lines(i)%s,'::'))
+ return
+ end if
+ mod_name = split_n(temp_string,delims=' ,',n=1,stat=stat)
+ if (stat /= 0) then
+ call file_parse_error(error,f_filename, &
+ 'unable to find used module name',i, &
+ file_lines(i)%s)
+ return
+ end if
+ mod_name = lower(mod_name)
+ else
+ mod_name = split_n(file_lines(i)%s,n=2,delims=' ,',stat=stat)
+ if (stat /= 0) then
+ call file_parse_error(error,f_filename, &
+ 'unable to find used module name',i, &
+ file_lines(i)%s)
+ return
+ end if
+ mod_name = lower(mod_name)
+ end if
+ if (.not.validate_name(mod_name)) then
+ cycle
+ end if
+ if (any([(index(mod_name,trim(INTRINSIC_MODULE_NAMES(j)))>0, &
+ j=1,size(INTRINSIC_MODULE_NAMES))])) then
+ cycle
+ end if
+ n_use = n_use + 1
+ if (pass == 2) then
+ f_source%modules_used(n_use)%s = mod_name
+ end if
+ end if
+ ! Process 'INCLUDE' statements
+ ic = index(adjustl(lower(file_lines(i)%s)),'include')
+ if ( ic == 1 ) then
+ ic = index(lower(file_lines(i)%s),'include')
+ if (index(adjustl(file_lines(i)%s(ic+7:)),'"') == 1 .or. &
+ index(adjustl(file_lines(i)%s(ic+7:)),"'") == 1 ) then
+ n_include = n_include + 1
+ if (pass == 2) then
+ f_source%include_dependencies(n_include)%s = &
+ & split_n(file_lines(i)%s,n=2,delims="'"//'"',stat=stat)
+ if (stat /= 0) then
+ call file_parse_error(error,f_filename, &
+ 'unable to find include file name',i, &
+ file_lines(i)%s)
+ return
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ ! Extract name of module if is module
+ if (index(adjustl(lower(file_lines(i)%s)),'module ') == 1) then
+ mod_name = lower(split_n(file_lines(i)%s,n=2,delims=' ',stat=stat))
+ if (stat /= 0) then
+ call file_parse_error(error,f_filename, &
+ 'unable to find module name',i, &
+ file_lines(i)%s)
+ return
+ end if
+ if (mod_name == 'procedure' .or. &
+ mod_name == 'subroutine' .or. &
+ mod_name == 'function' .or. &
+ scan(mod_name,'=(')>0 ) then
+ ! Ignore these cases:
+ ! module procedure *
+ ! module function *
+ ! module subroutine *
+ ! module =*
+ ! module (i)
+ cycle
+ end if
+ if (.not.validate_name(mod_name)) then
+ call file_parse_error(error,f_filename, &
+ 'empty or invalid name for module',i, &
+ file_lines(i)%s, index(file_lines(i)%s,mod_name))
+ return
+ end if
+ n_mod = n_mod + 1
+ if (pass == 2) then
+ f_source%modules_provided(n_mod) = string_t(mod_name)
+ end if
+ f_source%unit_type = FPM_UNIT_MODULE
+ end if
+ ! Extract name of submodule if is submodule
+ if (index(adjustl(lower(file_lines(i)%s)),'submodule') == 1) then
+ mod_name = split_n(file_lines(i)%s,n=3,delims='()',stat=stat)
+ if (stat /= 0) then
+ call file_parse_error(error,f_filename, &
+ 'unable to get submodule name',i, &
+ file_lines(i)%s)
+ return
+ end if
+ if (.not.validate_name(mod_name)) then
+ call file_parse_error(error,f_filename, &
+ 'empty or invalid name for submodule',i, &
+ file_lines(i)%s, index(file_lines(i)%s,mod_name))
+ return
+ end if
+ n_mod = n_mod + 1
+ temp_string = split_n(file_lines(i)%s,n=2,delims='()',stat=stat)
+ if (stat /= 0) then
+ call file_parse_error(error,f_filename, &
+ 'unable to get submodule ancestry',i, &
+ file_lines(i)%s)
+ return
+ end if
+ f_source%unit_type = FPM_UNIT_SUBMODULE
+ n_use = n_use + 1
+ if (pass == 2) then
+ if (index(temp_string,':') > 0) then
+ temp_string = temp_string(index(temp_string,':')+1:)
+ end if
+ if (.not.validate_name(temp_string)) then
+ call file_parse_error(error,f_filename, &
+ 'empty or invalid name for submodule parent',i, &
+ file_lines(i)%s, index(file_lines(i)%s,temp_string))
+ return
+ end if
+ f_source%modules_used(n_use)%s = lower(temp_string)
+ f_source%modules_provided(n_mod)%s = lower(mod_name)
+ end if
+ end if
+ ! Detect if contains a program
+ ! (no modules allowed after program def)
+ if (index(adjustl(lower(file_lines(i)%s)),'program ') == 1) then
+ temp_string = lower(split_n(file_lines(i)%s,n=2,delims=' ',stat=stat))
+ if (stat == 0) then
+ if (scan(temp_string,'=(')>0 ) then
+ ! Ignore:
+ ! program =*
+ ! program (i) =*
+ cycle
+ end if
+ end if
+ f_source%unit_type = FPM_UNIT_PROGRAM
+ end if
+ end do file_loop
+ ! Default to subprogram unit type
+ if (f_source%unit_type == FPM_UNIT_UNKNOWN) then
+ f_source%unit_type = FPM_UNIT_SUBPROGRAM
+ end if
+ if (pass == 1) then
+ allocate(f_source%modules_used(n_use))
+ allocate(f_source%include_dependencies(n_include))
+ allocate(f_source%modules_provided(n_mod))
+ end if
+ end do
+ contains
+ function validate_name(name) result(valid)
+ character(*), intent(in) :: name
+ logical :: valid
+ integer :: i
+ if (len_trim(name) < 1) then
+ valid = .false.
+ return
+ end if
+ if (lower(name(1:1)) < 'a' .or. &
+ lower(name(1:1)) > 'z') then
+ valid = .false.
+ return
+ end if
+ do i=1,len(name)
+ if (.not.( &
+ (name(i:i) >= '0' .and. name(i:i) <= '9').or. &
+ (lower(name(i:i)) >= 'a' .and. lower(name(i:i)) <= 'z').or. &
+ name(i:i) == '_') ) then
+ valid = .false.
+ return
+ end if
+ end do
+ valid = .true.
+ return
+ end function validate_name
+end function parse_f_source
+!> Parsing of c source files
+!> The following statements are recognised and parsed:
+!> - `#include` preprocessor statement
+function parse_c_source(c_filename,error) result(c_source)
+ character(*), intent(in) :: c_filename
+ type(srcfile_t) :: c_source
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ integer :: fh, n_include, i, pass, stat
+ type(string_t), allocatable :: file_lines(:)
+ c_source%file_name = c_filename
+ if (str_ends_with(lower(c_filename), ".c")) then
+ c_source%unit_type = FPM_UNIT_CSOURCE
+ elseif (str_ends_with(lower(c_filename), ".h")) then
+ c_source%unit_type = FPM_UNIT_CHEADER
+ end if
+ allocate(c_source%modules_used(0))
+ allocate(c_source%modules_provided(0))
+ open(newunit=fh,file=c_filename,status='old')
+ file_lines = read_lines(fh)
+ close(fh)
+ ! Ignore empty files, returned as FPM_UNIT_UNKNOW
+ if (len_trim(file_lines) < 1) then
+ c_source%unit_type = FPM_UNIT_UNKNOWN
+ return
+ end if
+ c_source%digest = fnv_1a(file_lines)
+ do pass = 1,2
+ n_include = 0
+ file_loop: do i=1,size(file_lines)
+ ! Process 'INCLUDE' statements
+ if (index(adjustl(lower(file_lines(i)%s)),'#include') == 1 .and. &
+ index(file_lines(i)%s,'"') > 0) then
+ n_include = n_include + 1
+ if (pass == 2) then
+ c_source%include_dependencies(n_include)%s = &
+ & split_n(file_lines(i)%s,n=2,delims='"',stat=stat)
+ if (stat /= 0) then
+ call file_parse_error(error,c_filename, &
+ 'unable to get c include file',i, &
+ file_lines(i)%s,index(file_lines(i)%s,'"'))
+ return
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ end do file_loop
+ if (pass == 1) then
+ allocate(c_source%include_dependencies(n_include))
+ end if
+ end do
+end function parse_c_source
+!> Split a string on one or more delimeters
+!> and return the nth substring if it exists
+!> n=0 will return the last item
+!> n=-1 will return the penultimate item etc.
+!> stat = 1 on return if the index
+!> is not found
+function split_n(string,delims,n,stat) result(substring)
+ character(*), intent(in) :: string
+ character(*), intent(in) :: delims
+ integer, intent(in) :: n
+ integer, intent(out) :: stat
+ character(:), allocatable :: substring
+ integer :: i
+ character(:), allocatable :: string_parts(:)
+ call split(string,string_parts,delims)
+ if (n<1) then
+ i = size(string_parts) + n
+ if (i < 1) then
+ stat = 1
+ return
+ end if
+ else
+ i = n
+ end if
+ if (i>size(string_parts)) then
+ stat = 1
+ return
+ end if
+ substring = trim(adjustl(string_parts(i)))
+ stat = 0
+end function split_n
+end module fpm_source_parsing