diff options
11 files changed, 1401 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/fpm/fpm.toml b/fpm/fpm.toml
index c07eeba..f07987d 100644
--- a/fpm/fpm.toml
+++ b/fpm/fpm.toml
@@ -4,3 +4,6 @@ license = "MIT"
author = "fpm maintainers"
maintainer = ""
copyright = "2020 fpm contributors"
+toml-f = { git = "https://github.com/toml-f/toml-f" }
diff --git a/fpm/src/fpm.f90 b/fpm/src/fpm.f90
index ed80313..5123436 100644
--- a/fpm/src/fpm.f90
+++ b/fpm/src/fpm.f90
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
module fpm
use environment, only: get_os_type, OS_LINUX, OS_MACOS, OS_WINDOWS
+use fpm_config, only : get_package_data, default_executable, default_library, &
+ & package_t
+use fpm_error, only : error_t
implicit none
public :: cmd_build, cmd_install, cmd_new, cmd_run, cmd_test
@@ -85,34 +88,55 @@ else
end if
end function
-subroutine package_name(name)
-character(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: name
-! Currrently a heuristic. We should update this to read the name from fpm.toml
-if (exists("src/fpm.f90")) then
- name = "fpm"
- name = "hello_world"
-end if
-end subroutine
subroutine cmd_build()
+type(package_t) :: package
+type(error_t), allocatable :: error
type(string_t), allocatable :: files(:)
-character(:), allocatable :: basename, pkg_name, linking
+character(:), allocatable :: basename, linking
integer :: i, n
-print *, "# Building project"
-call list_files("src", files)
+call get_package_data(package, "fpm.toml", error)
+if (allocated(error)) then
+ print '(a)', error%message
+ error stop 1
+end if
+! Populate library in case we find the default src directory
+if (.not.allocated(package%library) .and. exists("src")) then
+ call default_library(package%library)
+end if
+! Populate executable in case we find the default app directory
+if (.not.allocated(package%executable) .and. exists("app")) then
+ allocate(package%executable(1))
+ call default_executable(package%executable(1), package%name)
+end if
+if (.not.(allocated(package%library) .or. allocated(package%executable))) then
+ print '(a)', "Neither library nor executable found, there is nothing to do"
+ error stop 1
+end if
linking = ""
-do i = 1, size(files)
- if (str_ends_with(files(i)%s, ".f90")) then
- n = len(files(i)%s)
- basename = files(i)%s(1:n-4)
- call run("gfortran -c src/" // basename // ".f90 -o " // basename // ".o")
- linking = linking // " " // basename // ".o"
- end if
+if (allocated(package%library)) then
+ call list_files(package%library%source_dir, files)
+ do i = 1, size(files)
+ if (str_ends_with(files(i)%s, ".f90")) then
+ n = len(files(i)%s)
+ basename = files(i)%s
+ call run("gfortran -c " // package%library%source_dir // "/" // &
+ & basename // " -o " // basename // ".o")
+ linking = linking // " " // basename // ".o"
+ end if
+ end do
+end if
+do i = 1, size(package%executable)
+ basename = package%executable(i)%main
+ call run("gfortran -c " // package%executable(i)%source_dir // "/" // &
+ & basename // " -o " // basename // ".o")
+ call run("gfortran " // basename // ".o " // linking // " -o " // &
+ & package%executable(i)%name)
end do
-call run("gfortran -c app/main.f90 -o main.o")
-call package_name(pkg_name)
-call run("gfortran main.o " // linking // " -o " // pkg_name)
end subroutine
subroutine cmd_install()
diff --git a/fpm/src/fpm/config.f90 b/fpm/src/fpm/config.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03ad768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpm/src/fpm/config.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+!> Package configuration data.
+! This module provides the necessary procedure to translate a TOML document
+! to the corresponding Fortran type, while verifying it with respect to
+! its schema.
+! Additionally, the required data types for users of this module are reexported
+! to hide the actual implementation details.
+module fpm_config
+ use fpm_config_executable, only : executable_t
+ use fpm_config_library, only : library_t
+ use fpm_config_package, only : package_t, new_package
+ use fpm_error, only : error_t, fatal_error, file_not_found_error
+ use fpm_toml, only : toml_table, read_package_file
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public :: get_package_data, default_executable, default_library
+ public :: package_t
+ !> Populate library in case we find the default src directory
+ subroutine default_library(self)
+ !> Instance of the library meta data
+ type(library_t), intent(out) :: self
+ self%source_dir = "src"
+ end subroutine default_library
+ !> Populate executable in case we find the default app directory
+ subroutine default_executable(self, name)
+ !> Instance of the executable meta data
+ type(executable_t), intent(out) :: self
+ !> Name of the package
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+ self%name = name
+ self%source_dir = "app"
+ self%main = "main.f90"
+ end subroutine default_executable
+ !> Obtain package meta data from a configuation file
+ subroutine get_package_data(package, file, error)
+ !> Parsed package meta data
+ type(package_t), intent(out) :: package
+ !> Name of the package configuration file
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: file
+ !> Error status of the operation
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table), allocatable :: table
+ call read_package_file(table, file, error)
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ if (.not.allocated(table)) then
+ call fatal_error(error, "Unclassified error while reading: '"//file//"'")
+ return
+ end if
+ call new_package(package, table, error)
+ end subroutine get_package_data
+end module fpm_config
diff --git a/fpm/src/fpm/config/dependency.f90 b/fpm/src/fpm/config/dependency.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d98951f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpm/src/fpm/config/dependency.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+!> Implementation of the meta data for dependencies.
+! A dependency table can currently have the following fields
+! ```toml
+! [dependencies]
+! "dep1" = { git = "url" }
+! "dep2" = { git = "url", branch = "name" }
+! "dep3" = { git = "url", tag = "name" }
+! "dep4" = { git = "url", rev = "sha1" }
+! "dep0" = { path = "path" }
+! ```
+! To reduce the amount of boilerplate code this module provides two constructors
+! for dependency types, one basic for an actual dependency (inline) table
+! and another to collect all dependency objects from a dependencies table,
+! which is handling the allocation of the objects and is forwarding the
+! individual dependency tables to their respective constructors.
+! The usual entry point should be the constructor for the super table.
+! This objects contains a target to retrieve required `fpm` projects to
+! build the target declaring the dependency.
+! Resolving a dependency will result in obtaining a new package configuration
+! data for the respective project.
+module fpm_config_dependency
+ use fpm_error, only : error_t, syntax_error
+ use fpm_git, only : git_target_t, git_target_tag, git_target_branch, &
+ & git_target_revision, git_target_default
+ use fpm_toml, only : toml_table, toml_key, toml_stat, get_value
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public :: dependency_t, new_dependency, new_dependencies
+ !> Configuration meta data for a dependency
+ type :: dependency_t
+ !> Name of the dependency
+ character(len=:), allocatable :: name
+ !> Local target
+ character(len=:), allocatable :: path
+ !> Git descriptor
+ type(git_target_t), allocatable :: git
+ contains
+ !> Print information on this instance
+ procedure :: info
+ end type dependency_t
+ !> Construct a new dependency configuration from a TOML data structure
+ subroutine new_dependency(self, table, error)
+ !> Instance of the dependency configuration
+ type(dependency_t), intent(out) :: self
+ !> Instance of the TOML data structure
+ type(toml_table), intent(inout) :: table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ character(len=:), allocatable :: url, obj
+ call check(table, error)
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ call table%get_key(self%name)
+ call get_value(table, "path", url)
+ if (allocated(url)) then
+ call move_alloc(url, self%path)
+ else
+ call get_value(table, "git", url)
+ call get_value(table, "tag", obj)
+ if (allocated(obj)) then
+ self%git = git_target_tag(url, obj)
+ end if
+ if (.not.allocated(self%git)) then
+ call get_value(table, "branch", obj)
+ if (allocated(obj)) then
+ self%git = git_target_branch(url, obj)
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (.not.allocated(self%git)) then
+ call get_value(table, "revision", obj)
+ if (allocated(obj)) then
+ self%git = git_target_revision(url, obj)
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (.not.allocated(self%git)) then
+ self%git = git_target_default(url)
+ end if
+ end if
+ end subroutine new_dependency
+ !> Check local schema for allowed entries
+ subroutine check(table, error)
+ !> Instance of the TOML data structure
+ type(toml_table), intent(inout) :: table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ character(len=:), allocatable :: name
+ type(toml_key), allocatable :: list(:)
+ logical :: url_present, git_target_present
+ integer :: ikey
+ url_present = .false.
+ git_target_present = .false.
+ call table%get_key(name)
+ call table%get_keys(list)
+ if (.not.allocated(list)) then
+ call syntax_error(error, "Dependency "//name//" does not provide sufficient entries")
+ return
+ end if
+ do ikey = 1, size(list)
+ select case(list(ikey)%key)
+ case default
+ call syntax_error(error, "Key "//list(ikey)%key//" is not allowed in dependency "//name)
+ exit
+ case("git", "path")
+ if (url_present) then
+ call syntax_error(error, "Dependency "//name//" cannot have both git and path entries")
+ exit
+ end if
+ url_present = .true.
+ case("branch", "rev", "tag")
+ if (git_target_present) then
+ call syntax_error(error, "Dependency "//name//" can only have one of branch, rev or tag present")
+ exit
+ end if
+ git_target_present = .true.
+ end select
+ end do
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ if (.not.url_present .and. git_target_present) then
+ call syntax_error(error, "Dependency "//name//" uses a local path, therefore no git identifiers are allowed")
+ end if
+ end subroutine check
+ !> Construct new dependency array from a TOML data structure
+ subroutine new_dependencies(deps, table, error)
+ !> Instance of the dependency configuration
+ type(dependency_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: deps(:)
+ !> Instance of the TOML data structure
+ type(toml_table), intent(inout) :: table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ class(toml_table), pointer :: node
+ type(toml_key), allocatable :: list(:)
+ integer :: idep, stat
+ call table%get_keys(list)
+ ! An empty table is okay
+ if (.not.allocated(list)) return
+ allocate(deps(size(list)))
+ do idep = 1, size(list)
+ call get_value(table, list(idep)%key, node, stat=stat)
+ if (stat /= toml_stat%success) then
+ call syntax_error(error, "Dependency "//list(idep)%key//" must be a table entry")
+ exit
+ end if
+ call new_dependency(deps(idep), node, error)
+ if (allocated(error)) exit
+ end do
+ end subroutine new_dependencies
+ !> Write information on instance
+ subroutine info(self, unit, verbosity)
+ !> Instance of the dependency configuration
+ class(dependency_t), intent(in) :: self
+ !> Unit for IO
+ integer, intent(in) :: unit
+ !> Verbosity of the printout
+ integer, intent(in), optional :: verbosity
+ integer :: pr
+ character(len=*), parameter :: fmt = '("#", 1x, a, t30, a)'
+ if (present(verbosity)) then
+ pr = verbosity
+ else
+ pr = 1
+ end if
+ write(unit, fmt) "Dependency"
+ if (allocated(self%name)) then
+ write(unit, fmt) "- name", self%name
+ end if
+ if (allocated(self%git)) then
+ write(unit, fmt) "- kind", "git"
+ call self%git%info(unit, pr - 1)
+ end if
+ if (allocated(self%path)) then
+ write(unit, fmt) "- kind", "local"
+ write(unit, fmt) "- path", self%path
+ end if
+ end subroutine info
+end module fpm_config_dependency
diff --git a/fpm/src/fpm/config/executable.f90 b/fpm/src/fpm/config/executable.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5078eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpm/src/fpm/config/executable.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+!> Implementation of the meta data for an executables.
+! An executable table can currently have the following fields
+! ```toml
+! [[executable]]
+! name = "string"
+! source-dir = "path"
+! main = "file"
+! [executable.dependencies]
+! ```
+module fpm_config_executable
+ use fpm_config_dependency, only : dependency_t, new_dependencies
+ use fpm_error, only : error_t, syntax_error
+ use fpm_toml, only : toml_table, toml_key, toml_stat, get_value
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public :: executable_t, new_executable
+ !> Configuation meta data for an executable
+ type :: executable_t
+ !> Name of the resulting executable
+ character(len=:), allocatable :: name
+ !> Source directory for collecting the executable
+ character(len=:), allocatable :: source_dir
+ !> Name of the source file declaring the main program
+ character(len=:), allocatable :: main
+ !> Dependency meta data for this executable
+ type(dependency_t), allocatable :: dependency(:)
+ contains
+ !> Print information on this instance
+ procedure :: info
+ end type executable_t
+ !> Construct a new executable configuration from a TOML data structure
+ subroutine new_executable(self, table, error)
+ !> Instance of the executable configuration
+ type(executable_t), intent(out) :: self
+ !> Instance of the TOML data structure
+ type(toml_table), intent(inout) :: table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ class(toml_table), pointer :: child
+ call check(table, error)
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ call get_value(table, "name", self%name)
+ call get_value(table, "source-dir", self%source_dir, "app")
+ call get_value(table, "main", self%main, "main.f90")
+ call get_value(table, "dependencies", child, requested=.false.)
+ if (associated(child)) then
+ call new_dependencies(self%dependency, child, error)
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ end if
+ end subroutine new_executable
+ !> Check local schema for allowed entries
+ subroutine check(table, error)
+ !> Instance of the TOML data structure
+ type(toml_table), intent(inout) :: table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_key), allocatable :: list(:)
+ logical :: name_present
+ integer :: ikey
+ name_present = .false.
+ call table%get_keys(list)
+ if (.not.allocated(list)) then
+ call syntax_error(error, "Executable section does not provide sufficient entries")
+ return
+ end if
+ do ikey = 1, size(list)
+ select case(list(ikey)%key)
+ case default
+ call syntax_error(error, "Key "//list(ikey)%key//" is not allowed executable entry")
+ exit
+ case("name")
+ name_present = .true.
+ case("source-dir", "main", "dependencies")
+ continue
+ end select
+ end do
+ if (.not.name_present) then
+ call syntax_error(error, "Executable name is not provided, please add a name entry")
+ end if
+ end subroutine check
+ !> Write information on instance
+ subroutine info(self, unit, verbosity)
+ !> Instance of the executable configuration
+ class(executable_t), intent(in) :: self
+ !> Unit for IO
+ integer, intent(in) :: unit
+ !> Verbosity of the printout
+ integer, intent(in), optional :: verbosity
+ integer :: pr, ii
+ character(len=*), parameter :: fmt = '("#", 1x, a, t30, a)', &
+ & fmti = '("#", 1x, a, t30, i0)'
+ if (present(verbosity)) then
+ pr = verbosity
+ else
+ pr = 1
+ end if
+ if (pr < 1) return
+ write(unit, fmt) "Executable target"
+ if (allocated(self%name)) then
+ write(unit, fmt) "- name", self%name
+ end if
+ if (allocated(self%source_dir)) then
+ if (self%source_dir /= "app" .or. pr > 2) then
+ write(unit, fmt) "- source directory", self%source_dir
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (allocated(self%main)) then
+ if (self%main /= "main.f90" .or. pr > 2) then
+ write(unit, fmt) "- program source", self%main
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (allocated(self%dependency)) then
+ if (size(self%dependency) > 1 .or. pr > 2) then
+ write(unit, fmti) "- dependencies", size(self%dependency)
+ end if
+ do ii = 1, size(self%dependency)
+ call self%dependency(ii)%info(unit, pr - 1)
+ end do
+ end if
+ end subroutine info
+end module fpm_config_executable
diff --git a/fpm/src/fpm/config/library.f90 b/fpm/src/fpm/config/library.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0650051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpm/src/fpm/config/library.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+!> Implementation of the meta data for libraries.
+! A library table can currently have the following fields
+! ```toml
+! [library]
+! source-dir = "path"
+! build-script = "file"
+! ```
+module fpm_config_library
+ use fpm_error, only : error_t, syntax_error
+ use fpm_toml, only : toml_table, toml_key, toml_stat, get_value
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public :: library_t, new_library
+ !> Configuration meta data for a library
+ type :: library_t
+ !> Source path prefix
+ character(len=:), allocatable :: source_dir
+ !> Alternative build script to be invoked
+ character(len=:), allocatable :: build_script
+ contains
+ !> Print information on this instance
+ procedure :: info
+ end type library_t
+ !> Construct a new library configuration from a TOML data structure
+ subroutine new_library(self, table, error)
+ !> Instance of the library configuration
+ type(library_t), intent(out) :: self
+ !> Instance of the TOML data structure
+ type(toml_table), intent(inout) :: table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ call check(table, error)
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ call get_value(table, "source-dir", self%source_dir, "src")
+ call get_value(table, "build-script", self%build_script)
+ end subroutine new_library
+ !> Check local schema for allowed entries
+ subroutine check(table, error)
+ !> Instance of the TOML data structure
+ type(toml_table), intent(inout) :: table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_key), allocatable :: list(:)
+ integer :: ikey
+ call table%get_keys(list)
+ ! table can be empty
+ if (.not.allocated(list)) return
+ do ikey = 1, size(list)
+ select case(list(ikey)%key)
+ case default
+ call syntax_error(error, "Key "//list(ikey)%key//" is not allowed in package file")
+ exit
+ case("source-dir", "build-script")
+ continue
+ end select
+ end do
+ end subroutine check
+ !> Write information on instance
+ subroutine info(self, unit, verbosity)
+ !> Instance of the library configuration
+ class(library_t), intent(in) :: self
+ !> Unit for IO
+ integer, intent(in) :: unit
+ !> Verbosity of the printout
+ integer, intent(in), optional :: verbosity
+ integer :: pr
+ character(len=*), parameter :: fmt = '("#", 1x, a, t30, a)'
+ if (present(verbosity)) then
+ pr = verbosity
+ else
+ pr = 1
+ end if
+ if (pr < 1) return
+ write(unit, fmt) "Library target"
+ if (allocated(self%source_dir)) then
+ write(unit, fmt) "- source directory", self%source_dir
+ end if
+ if (allocated(self%build_script)) then
+ write(unit, fmt) "- custom build", self%build_script
+ end if
+ end subroutine info
+end module fpm_config_library
diff --git a/fpm/src/fpm/config/package.f90 b/fpm/src/fpm/config/package.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66f275d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpm/src/fpm/config/package.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+!> Define the package data containing the meta data from the configuration file.
+! The package data defines a Fortran type corresponding to the respective
+! TOML document, after creating it from a package file no more interaction
+! with the TOML document is required.
+! Every configuration type provides it custom constructor (prefixed with `new_`)
+! and knows how to deserialize itself from a TOML document.
+! To ensure we find no untracked content in the package file all keywords are
+! checked and possible entries have to be explicitly allowed in the `check`
+! function.
+! If entries are mutally exclusive or interdependent inside the current table
+! the `check` function is required to enforce this schema on the data structure.
+! The package file root allows the following keywords
+! ```toml
+! name = "string"
+! version = "string"
+! license = "string"
+! author = "string"
+! maintainer = "string"
+! copyright = "string
+! [library]
+! [dependencies]
+! [dev-dependencies]
+! [[executable]]
+! [[test]]
+! ```
+module fpm_config_package
+ use fpm_config_dependency, only : dependency_t, new_dependencies
+ use fpm_config_executable, only : executable_t, new_executable
+ use fpm_config_library, only : library_t, new_library
+ use fpm_config_test, only : test_t, new_test
+ use fpm_error, only : error_t, fatal_error, syntax_error
+ use fpm_toml, only : toml_table, toml_array, toml_key, toml_stat, get_value, &
+ & len
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public :: package_t, new_package
+ !> Package meta data
+ type :: package_t
+ !> Name of the package
+ character(len=:), allocatable :: name
+ !> Library meta data
+ type(library_t), allocatable :: library
+ !> Executable meta data
+ type(executable_t), allocatable :: executable(:)
+ !> Dependency meta data
+ type(dependency_t), allocatable :: dependency(:)
+ !> Development dependency meta data
+ type(dependency_t), allocatable :: dev_dependency(:)
+ !> Test meta data
+ type(test_t), allocatable :: test(:)
+ contains
+ !> Print information on this instance
+ procedure :: info
+ end type package_t
+ !> Construct a new package configuration from a TOML data structure
+ subroutine new_package(self, table, error)
+ !> Instance of the package configuration
+ type(package_t), intent(out) :: self
+ !> Instance of the TOML data structure
+ type(toml_table), intent(inout) :: table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ class(toml_table), pointer :: child, node
+ class(toml_array), pointer :: children
+ integer :: ii, nn, stat
+ call check(table, error)
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ call get_value(table, "name", self%name)
+ call get_value(table, "dependencies", child, requested=.false.)
+ if (associated(child)) then
+ call new_dependencies(self%dependency, child, error)
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ end if
+ call get_value(table, "dev-dependencies", child, requested=.false.)
+ if (associated(child)) then
+ call new_dependencies(self%dev_dependency, child, error)
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ end if
+ call get_value(table, "library", child, requested=.false.)
+ if (associated(child)) then
+ allocate(self%library)
+ call new_library(self%library, child, error)
+ end if
+ call get_value(table, "executable", children, requested=.false.)
+ if (associated(children)) then
+ nn = len(children)
+ allocate(self%executable(nn))
+ do ii = 1, nn
+ call get_value(children, ii, node, stat=stat)
+ if (stat /= toml_stat%success) then
+ call fatal_error(error, "Could not retrieve executable from array entry")
+ exit
+ end if
+ call new_executable(self%executable(ii), node, error)
+ if (allocated(error)) exit
+ end do
+ end if
+ call get_value(table, "test", children, requested=.false.)
+ if (associated(children)) then
+ nn = len(children)
+ allocate(self%test(nn))
+ do ii = 1, nn
+ call get_value(children, ii, node, stat=stat)
+ if (stat /= toml_stat%success) then
+ call fatal_error(error, "Could not retrieve test from array entry")
+ exit
+ end if
+ call new_test(self%test(ii), node, error)
+ if (allocated(error)) exit
+ end do
+ end if
+ end subroutine new_package
+ !> Check local schema for allowed entries
+ subroutine check(table, error)
+ !> Instance of the TOML data structure
+ type(toml_table), intent(inout) :: table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ character(len=:), allocatable :: name
+ type(toml_key), allocatable :: list(:)
+ logical :: name_present
+ integer :: ikey
+ name_present = .false.
+ call table%get_key(name)
+ call table%get_keys(list)
+ if (.not.allocated(list)) then
+ call syntax_error(error, "Package file is empty")
+ return
+ end if
+ do ikey = 1, size(list)
+ select case(list(ikey)%key)
+ case default
+ call syntax_error(error, "Key "//list(ikey)%key//" is not allowed in package file")
+ exit
+ case("name")
+ name_present = .true.
+ case("version", "license", "author", "maintainer", "copyright", &
+ & "dependencies", "dev-dependencies", "test", "executable", &
+ & "library")
+ continue
+ end select
+ end do
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ if (.not.name_present) then
+ call syntax_error(error, "Package name is not provided, please add a name entry")
+ end if
+ end subroutine check
+ !> Write information on instance
+ subroutine info(self, unit, verbosity)
+ !> Instance of the package configuration
+ class(package_t), intent(in) :: self
+ !> Unit for IO
+ integer, intent(in) :: unit
+ !> Verbosity of the printout
+ integer, intent(in), optional :: verbosity
+ integer :: pr, ii
+ character(len=*), parameter :: fmt = '("#", 1x, a, t30, a)', &
+ & fmti = '("#", 1x, a, t30, i0)'
+ if (present(verbosity)) then
+ pr = verbosity
+ else
+ pr = 1
+ end if
+ if (pr < 1) return
+ write(unit, fmt) "Package"
+ if (allocated(self%name)) then
+ write(unit, fmt) "- name", self%name
+ end if
+ if (allocated(self%library)) then
+ write(unit, fmt) "- target", "archive"
+ call self%library%info(unit, pr - 1)
+ end if
+ if (allocated(self%executable)) then
+ if (size(self%executable) > 1 .or. pr > 2) then
+ write(unit, fmti) "- executables", size(self%executable)
+ end if
+ do ii = 1, size(self%executable)
+ call self%executable(ii)%info(unit, pr - 1)
+ end do
+ end if
+ if (allocated(self%dependency)) then
+ if (size(self%dependency) > 1 .or. pr > 2) then
+ write(unit, fmti) "- dependencies", size(self%dependency)
+ end if
+ do ii = 1, size(self%dependency)
+ call self%dependency(ii)%info(unit, pr - 1)
+ end do
+ end if
+ if (allocated(self%test)) then
+ if (size(self%test) > 1 .or. pr > 2) then
+ write(unit, fmti) "- tests", size(self%test)
+ end if
+ do ii = 1, size(self%test)
+ call self%test(ii)%info(unit, pr - 1)
+ end do
+ end if
+ if (allocated(self%dev_dependency)) then
+ if (size(self%dev_dependency) > 1 .or. pr > 2) then
+ write(unit, fmti) "- development deps.", size(self%dev_dependency)
+ end if
+ do ii = 1, size(self%dev_dependency)
+ call self%dev_dependency(ii)%info(unit, pr - 1)
+ end do
+ end if
+ end subroutine info
+end module fpm_config_package
diff --git a/fpm/src/fpm/config/test.f90 b/fpm/src/fpm/config/test.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c6c9f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpm/src/fpm/config/test.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+!> Implementation of the meta data for a test.
+! The test data structure is effectively a decorated version of an executable
+! and shares most of its properties, except for the defaults and can be
+! handled under most circumstances just like any other executable.
+! A test table can currently have the following fields
+! ```toml
+! [[test]]
+! name = "string"
+! source-dir = "path"
+! main = "file"
+! [test.dependencies]
+! ```
+module fpm_config_test
+ use fpm_config_dependency, only : dependency_t, new_dependencies
+ use fpm_config_executable, only : executable_t
+ use fpm_error, only : error_t, syntax_error
+ use fpm_toml, only : toml_table, toml_key, toml_stat, get_value
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public :: test_t, new_test
+ !> Configuation meta data for an test
+ type, extends(executable_t) :: test_t
+ contains
+ !> Print information on this instance
+ procedure :: info
+ end type test_t
+ !> Construct a new test configuration from a TOML data structure
+ subroutine new_test(self, table, error)
+ !> Instance of the test configuration
+ type(test_t), intent(out) :: self
+ !> Instance of the TOML data structure
+ type(toml_table), intent(inout) :: table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ class(toml_table), pointer :: child
+ call check(table, error)
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ call get_value(table, "name", self%name)
+ call get_value(table, "source-dir", self%source_dir, "test")
+ call get_value(table, "main", self%main, "main.f90")
+ call get_value(table, "dependencies", child, requested=.false.)
+ if (associated(child)) then
+ call new_dependencies(self%dependency, child, error)
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ end if
+ end subroutine new_test
+ !> Check local schema for allowed entries
+ subroutine check(table, error)
+ !> Instance of the TOML data structure
+ type(toml_table), intent(inout) :: table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_key), allocatable :: list(:)
+ logical :: name_present
+ integer :: ikey
+ name_present = .false.
+ call table%get_keys(list)
+ if (.not.allocated(list)) then
+ call syntax_error(error, "Executable section does not provide sufficient entries")
+ return
+ end if
+ do ikey = 1, size(list)
+ select case(list(ikey)%key)
+ case default
+ call syntax_error(error, "Key "//list(ikey)%key//" is not allowed in test entry")
+ exit
+ case("name")
+ name_present = .true.
+ case("source-dir", "main", "dependencies")
+ continue
+ end select
+ end do
+ if (.not.name_present) then
+ call syntax_error(error, "Executable name is not provided, please add a name entry")
+ end if
+ end subroutine check
+ !> Write information on instance
+ subroutine info(self, unit, verbosity)
+ !> Instance of the test configuration
+ class(test_t), intent(in) :: self
+ !> Unit for IO
+ integer, intent(in) :: unit
+ !> Verbosity of the printout
+ integer, intent(in), optional :: verbosity
+ integer :: pr, ii
+ character(len=*), parameter :: fmt = '("#", 1x, a, t30, a)', &
+ & fmti = '("#", 1x, a, t30, i0)'
+ if (present(verbosity)) then
+ pr = verbosity
+ else
+ pr = 1
+ end if
+ if (pr < 1) return
+ write(unit, fmt) "Test target"
+ if (allocated(self%name)) then
+ write(unit, fmt) "- name", self%name
+ end if
+ if (allocated(self%source_dir)) then
+ if (self%source_dir /= "test" .or. pr > 2) then
+ write(unit, fmt) "- source directory", self%source_dir
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (allocated(self%main)) then
+ if (self%main /= "main.f90" .or. pr > 2) then
+ write(unit, fmt) "- test source", self%main
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (allocated(self%dependency)) then
+ if (size(self%dependency) > 1 .or. pr > 2) then
+ write(unit, fmti) "- dependencies", size(self%dependency)
+ end if
+ do ii = 1, size(self%dependency)
+ call self%dependency(ii)%info(unit, pr - 1)
+ end do
+ end if
+ end subroutine info
+end module fpm_config_test
diff --git a/fpm/src/fpm/error.f90 b/fpm/src/fpm/error.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..957d3bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpm/src/fpm/error.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+!> Implementation of basic error handling.
+module fpm_error
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public :: error_t
+ public :: fatal_error, syntax_error, file_not_found_error
+ !> Data type defining an error
+ type :: error_t
+ !> Error message
+ character(len=:), allocatable :: message
+ end type error_t
+ !> Alias syntax errors to fatal errors for now
+ interface syntax_error
+ module procedure :: fatal_error
+ end interface syntax_error
+ !> Generic fatal runtime error
+ subroutine fatal_error(error, message)
+ !> Instance of the error data
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ !> Error message
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: message
+ allocate(error)
+ error%message = message
+ end subroutine fatal_error
+ !> Error created when a file is missing or not found
+ subroutine file_not_found_error(error, file_name)
+ !> Instance of the error data
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ !> Name of the missing file
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: file_name
+ character(len=:), allocatable :: message
+ message = "'"//file_name//"' could not be found, check if the file exists"
+ call move_alloc(message, error%message)
+ end subroutine file_not_found_error
+end module fpm_error
diff --git a/fpm/src/fpm/git.f90 b/fpm/src/fpm/git.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28ae867
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpm/src/fpm/git.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+!> Implementation for interacting with git repositories.
+module fpm_git
+ implicit none
+ public :: git_target_t
+ public :: git_target_default, git_target_branch, git_target_tag, &
+ & git_target_revision
+ !> Possible git target
+ type :: enum_descriptor
+ !> Default target
+ integer :: default = 200
+ !> Branch in git repository
+ integer :: branch = 201
+ !> Tag in git repository
+ integer :: tag = 202
+ !> Commit hash
+ integer :: revision = 203
+ end type enum_descriptor
+ !> Actual enumerator for descriptors
+ type(enum_descriptor), parameter :: git_descriptor = enum_descriptor()
+ !> Description of an git target
+ type :: git_target_t
+ private
+ !> Kind of the git target
+ integer :: descriptor = git_descriptor%default
+ !> Target URL of the git repository
+ character(len=:), allocatable :: url
+ !> Additional descriptor of the git object
+ character(len=:), allocatable :: object
+ contains
+ !> Show information on instance
+ procedure :: info
+ end type git_target_t
+ !> Default target
+ function git_target_default(url) result(self)
+ !> Target URL of the git repository
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: url
+ !> New git target
+ type(git_target_t) :: self
+ self%descriptor = git_descriptor%default
+ self%url = url
+ end function git_target_default
+ !> Target a branch in the git repository
+ function git_target_branch(url, branch) result(self)
+ !> Target URL of the git repository
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: url
+ !> Name of the branch of interest
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: branch
+ !> New git target
+ type(git_target_t) :: self
+ self%descriptor = git_descriptor%branch
+ self%url = url
+ self%object = branch
+ end function git_target_branch
+ !> Target a specific git revision
+ function git_target_revision(url, sha1) result(self)
+ !> Target URL of the git repository
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: url
+ !> Commit hash of interest
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: sha1
+ !> New git target
+ type(git_target_t) :: self
+ self%descriptor = git_descriptor%revision
+ self%url = url
+ self%object = sha1
+ end function git_target_revision
+ !> Target a git tag
+ function git_target_tag(url, tag) result(self)
+ !> Target URL of the git repository
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: url
+ !> Tag name of interest
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: tag
+ !> New git target
+ type(git_target_t) :: self
+ self%descriptor = git_descriptor%tag
+ self%url = url
+ self%object = tag
+ end function git_target_tag
+ !> Show information on git target
+ subroutine info(self, unit, verbosity)
+ !> Instance of the git target
+ class(git_target_t), intent(in) :: self
+ !> Unit for IO
+ integer, intent(in) :: unit
+ !> Verbosity of the printout
+ integer, intent(in), optional :: verbosity
+ integer :: pr
+ character(len=*), parameter :: fmt = '("#", 1x, a, t30, a)'
+ if (present(verbosity)) then
+ pr = verbosity
+ else
+ pr = 1
+ end if
+ if (pr < 1) return
+ write(unit, fmt) "Git target"
+ if (allocated(self%url)) then
+ write(unit, fmt) "- URL", self%url
+ end if
+ if (allocated(self%object)) then
+ select case(self%descriptor)
+ case default
+ write(unit, fmt) "- object", self%object
+ case(git_descriptor%tag)
+ write(unit, fmt) "- tag", self%object
+ case(git_descriptor%branch)
+ write(unit, fmt) "- branch", self%object
+ case(git_descriptor%revision)
+ write(unit, fmt) "- sha1", self%object
+ end select
+ end if
+ end subroutine info
+end module fpm_git
diff --git a/fpm/src/fpm/toml.f90 b/fpm/src/fpm/toml.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d847c69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fpm/src/fpm/toml.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+!> Interface to TOML processing library.
+! This module acts as a proxy to the `toml-f` public Fortran API and allows
+! to selectively expose components from the library to `fpm`.
+! The interaction with `toml-f` data types outside of this module should be
+! limited to tables, arrays and key-lists, most of the necessary interactions
+! are implemented in the building interface with the `get_value` and `set_value`
+! procedures.
+! This module allows to implement features necessary for `fpm`, which are
+! not yet available in upstream `toml-f`.
+! For more details on the library used see: https://github.com/toml-f/toml-f
+module fpm_toml
+ use fpm_error, only : error_t, fatal_error, file_not_found_error
+ use tomlf, only : toml_table, toml_array, toml_key, toml_stat, get_value, &
+ & toml_parse, toml_error
+ use tomlf_type, only : len
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public :: read_package_file
+ public :: toml_table, toml_array, toml_key, toml_stat, get_value, len
+ !> Process the configuration file to a TOML data structure
+ subroutine read_package_file(table, config, error)
+ !> TOML data structure
+ type(toml_table), allocatable, intent(out) :: table
+ !> Name of the package configuration file
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: config
+ !> Error status of the operation
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_error), allocatable :: parse_error
+ integer :: unit
+ logical :: exist
+ inquire(file=config, exist=exist)
+ if (.not.exist) then
+ call file_not_found_error(error, config)
+ return
+ end if
+ open(file=config, newunit=unit)
+ call toml_parse(table, unit, parse_error)
+ close(unit)
+ if (allocated(parse_error)) then
+ allocate(error)
+ call move_alloc(parse_error%message, error%message)
+ return
+ end if
+ end subroutine read_package_file
+end module fpm_toml