path: root/bootstrap/src/Fpm.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bootstrap/src/Fpm.hs')
1 files changed, 720 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bootstrap/src/Fpm.hs b/bootstrap/src/Fpm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60f4aac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bootstrap/src/Fpm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,720 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Fpm
+ ( Arguments(..)
+ , Command(..)
+ , getArguments
+ , start
+ )
+import Build ( buildLibrary
+ , buildProgram
+ , buildWithScript
+ )
+import Control.Monad.Extra ( concatMapM
+ , when
+ )
+import Data.List ( isSuffixOf
+ , find
+ , nub
+ )
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
+import Development.Shake ( FilePattern
+ , (<//>)
+ , getDirectoryFilesIO
+ )
+import Development.Shake.FilePath ( (</>)
+ , (<.>)
+ , exe
+ )
+import Options.Applicative ( Parser
+ , (<**>)
+ , (<|>)
+ , command
+ , execParser
+ , fullDesc
+ , header
+ , help
+ , helper
+ , info
+ , long
+ , metavar
+ , progDesc
+ , strArgument
+ , strOption
+ , subparser
+ , switch
+ , value
+ )
+import System.Directory ( createDirectory
+ , doesDirectoryExist
+ , doesFileExist
+ , makeAbsolute
+ , withCurrentDirectory
+ )
+import System.Process ( runCommand
+ , system
+ )
+import Toml ( TomlCodec
+ , (.=)
+ )
+import qualified Toml
+data Arguments = Arguments { command' :: Command, release :: Bool, commandArguments :: String }
+data TomlSettings = TomlSettings {
+ tomlSettingsProjectName :: String
+ , tomlSettingsLibrary :: (Maybe Library)
+ , tomlSettingsExecutables :: [Executable]
+ , tomlSettingsTests :: [Executable]
+ , tomlSettingsDependencies :: (Map.Map String Version)
+ , tomlSettingsDevDependencies :: (Map.Map String Version)
+data AppSettings = AppSettings {
+ appSettingsCompiler :: String
+ , appSettingsProjectName :: String
+ , appSettingsBuildPrefix :: String
+ , appSettingsFlags :: [String]
+ , appSettingsLibrary :: (Maybe Library)
+ , appSettingsExecutables :: [Executable]
+ , appSettingsTests :: [Executable]
+ , appSettingsDependencies :: (Map.Map String Version)
+ , appSettingsDevDependencies :: (Map.Map String Version)
+data Library = Library { librarySourceDir :: String, libraryBuildScript :: Maybe String }
+data Executable = Executable {
+ executableSourceDir :: String
+ , executableMainFile :: String
+ , executableName :: String
+ , executableDependencies :: (Map.Map String Version)
+} deriving Show
+data Version = SimpleVersion String | GitVersion GitVersionSpec | PathVersion PathVersionSpec deriving Show
+data GitVersionSpec = GitVersionSpec { gitVersionSpecUrl :: String, gitVersionSpecRef :: Maybe GitRef } deriving Show
+data GitRef = Tag String | Branch String | Commit String deriving Show
+data PathVersionSpec = PathVersionSpec { pathVersionSpecPath :: String } deriving Show
+data Command = Run String | Test String | Build | New String Bool Bool
+data DependencyTree = Dependency {
+ dependencyName :: String
+ , dependencyPath :: FilePath
+ , dependencySourcePath :: FilePath
+ , dependencyBuildScript :: Maybe String
+ , dependencyDependencies :: [DependencyTree]
+start :: Arguments -> IO ()
+start args = case command' args of
+ New projectName withExecutable withTest ->
+ createNewProject projectName withExecutable withTest
+ _ -> do
+ fpmContents <- TIO.readFile "fpm.toml"
+ let tomlSettings = Toml.decode settingsCodec fpmContents
+ case tomlSettings of
+ Left err -> print err
+ Right tomlSettings' -> do
+ appSettings <- toml2AppSettings tomlSettings' (release args)
+ app args appSettings
+app :: Arguments -> AppSettings -> IO ()
+app args settings = case command' args of
+ Build -> build settings
+ Run whichOne -> do
+ build settings
+ let buildPrefix = appSettingsBuildPrefix settings
+ let
+ executableNames = map
+ (\Executable { executableSourceDir = sourceDir, executableMainFile = mainFile, executableName = name } ->
+ sourceDir </> name
+ )
+ (appSettingsExecutables settings)
+ let executables =
+ map (buildPrefix </>) $ map (flip (<.>) exe) executableNames
+ canonicalExecutables <- mapM makeAbsolute executables
+ case canonicalExecutables of
+ [] -> putStrLn "No Executables Found"
+ _ -> case whichOne of
+ "" -> mapM_
+ system
+ (map (++ " " ++ commandArguments args) canonicalExecutables)
+ name -> do
+ case find (name `isSuffixOf`) canonicalExecutables of
+ Nothing -> putStrLn "Executable Not Found"
+ Just specified -> do
+ system (specified ++ " " ++ (commandArguments args))
+ return ()
+ Test whichOne -> do
+ build settings
+ let buildPrefix = appSettingsBuildPrefix settings
+ let
+ executableNames = map
+ (\Executable { executableSourceDir = sourceDir, executableMainFile = mainFile, executableName = name } ->
+ sourceDir </> name
+ )
+ (appSettingsTests settings)
+ let executables =
+ map (buildPrefix </>) $ map (flip (<.>) exe) executableNames
+ canonicalExecutables <- mapM makeAbsolute executables
+ case canonicalExecutables of
+ [] -> putStrLn "No Tests Found"
+ _ -> case whichOne of
+ "" -> mapM_
+ system
+ (map (++ " " ++ commandArguments args) canonicalExecutables)
+ name -> do
+ case find (name `isSuffixOf`) canonicalExecutables of
+ Nothing -> putStrLn "Test Not Found"
+ Just specified -> do
+ system (specified ++ " " ++ (commandArguments args))
+ return ()
+build :: AppSettings -> IO ()
+build settings = do
+ let compiler = appSettingsCompiler settings
+ let projectName = appSettingsProjectName settings
+ let buildPrefix = appSettingsBuildPrefix settings
+ let flags = appSettingsFlags settings
+ let executables = appSettingsExecutables settings
+ let tests = appSettingsTests settings
+ mainDependencyTrees <- fetchDependencies (appSettingsDependencies settings)
+ builtDependencies <- buildDependencies buildPrefix
+ compiler
+ flags
+ mainDependencyTrees
+ (executableDepends, maybeTree) <- case appSettingsLibrary settings of
+ Just librarySettings -> do
+ let librarySourceDir' = librarySourceDir librarySettings
+ let thisDependencyTree = Dependency
+ { dependencyName = projectName
+ , dependencyPath = "."
+ , dependencySourcePath = librarySourceDir'
+ , dependencyBuildScript = libraryBuildScript librarySettings
+ , dependencyDependencies = mainDependencyTrees
+ }
+ thisArchive <- case libraryBuildScript librarySettings of
+ Just script -> buildWithScript script
+ "."
+ (buildPrefix </> projectName)
+ compiler
+ flags
+ projectName
+ (map fst builtDependencies)
+ Nothing -> buildLibrary librarySourceDir'
+ [".f90", ".f", ".F", ".F90", ".f95", ".f03"]
+ (buildPrefix </> projectName)
+ compiler
+ flags
+ projectName
+ (map fst builtDependencies)
+ return
+ $ ( (buildPrefix </> projectName, thisArchive) : builtDependencies
+ , Just thisDependencyTree
+ )
+ Nothing -> do
+ return (builtDependencies, Nothing)
+ mapM_
+ (\Executable { executableSourceDir = sourceDir, executableMainFile = mainFile, executableName = name, executableDependencies = dependencies } ->
+ do
+ localDependencies <-
+ fetchExecutableDependencies maybeTree dependencies
+ >>= buildDependencies buildPrefix compiler flags
+ buildProgram
+ sourceDir
+ ((map fst executableDepends) ++ (map fst localDependencies))
+ [".f90", ".f", ".F", ".F90", ".f95", ".f03"]
+ (buildPrefix </> sourceDir)
+ compiler
+ flags
+ name
+ mainFile
+ ((map snd executableDepends) ++ (map snd localDependencies))
+ )
+ executables
+ devDependencies <-
+ fetchExecutableDependencies maybeTree (appSettingsDevDependencies settings)
+ >>= buildDependencies buildPrefix compiler flags
+ mapM_
+ (\Executable { executableSourceDir = sourceDir, executableMainFile = mainFile, executableName = name, executableDependencies = dependencies } ->
+ do
+ localDependencies <-
+ fetchExecutableDependencies maybeTree dependencies
+ >>= buildDependencies buildPrefix compiler flags
+ buildProgram
+ sourceDir
+ ( (map fst executableDepends)
+ ++ (map fst devDependencies)
+ ++ (map fst localDependencies)
+ )
+ [".f90", ".f", ".F", ".F90", ".f95", ".f03"]
+ (buildPrefix </> sourceDir)
+ compiler
+ flags
+ name
+ mainFile
+ ( (map snd executableDepends)
+ ++ (map snd devDependencies)
+ ++ (map snd localDependencies)
+ )
+ )
+ tests
+getArguments :: IO Arguments
+getArguments = execParser
+ (info
+ (arguments <**> helper)
+ (fullDesc <> progDesc "Work with Fortran projects" <> header
+ "fpm - A Fortran package manager and build system"
+ )
+ )
+arguments :: Parser Arguments
+arguments =
+ Arguments
+ <$> subparser
+ ( command "run" (info runArguments (progDesc "Run the executable"))
+ <> command "test" (info testArguments (progDesc "Run the tests"))
+ <> command "build"
+ (info buildArguments (progDesc "Build the executable"))
+ <> command "new"
+ (info newArguments (progDesc "Create a new project in a new directory"))
+ )
+ <*> switch (long "release" <> help "Build in release mode")
+ <*> strOption
+ (long "args" <> metavar "ARGS" <> value "" <> help
+ "Arguments to pass to executables/tests"
+ )
+runArguments :: Parser Command
+runArguments = Run <$> strArgument
+ (metavar "EXE" <> value "" <> help "Which executable to run")
+testArguments :: Parser Command
+testArguments =
+ Test <$> strArgument (metavar "TEST" <> value "" <> help "Which test to run")
+buildArguments :: Parser Command
+buildArguments = pure Build
+newArguments :: Parser Command
+newArguments =
+ New
+ <$> strArgument (metavar "NAME" <> help "Name of new project")
+ <*> switch (long "with-executable" <> help "Include an executable")
+ <*> switch (long "with-test" <> help "Include a test")
+getDirectoriesFiles :: [FilePath] -> [FilePattern] -> IO [FilePath]
+getDirectoriesFiles dirs exts = getDirectoryFilesIO "" newPatterns
+ where
+ newPatterns = concatMap appendExts dirs
+ appendExts dir = map ((dir <//> "*") ++) exts
+settingsCodec :: TomlCodec TomlSettings
+settingsCodec =
+ TomlSettings
+ <$> Toml.string "name"
+ .= tomlSettingsProjectName
+ <*> Toml.dioptional (Toml.table libraryCodec "library")
+ .= tomlSettingsLibrary
+ <*> Toml.list executableCodec "executable"
+ .= tomlSettingsExecutables
+ <*> Toml.list executableCodec "test"
+ .= tomlSettingsTests
+ <*> Toml.tableMap Toml._KeyString versionCodec "dependencies"
+ .= tomlSettingsDependencies
+ <*> Toml.tableMap Toml._KeyString versionCodec "dev-dependencies"
+ .= tomlSettingsDevDependencies
+libraryCodec :: TomlCodec Library
+libraryCodec =
+ Library
+ <$> Toml.string "source-dir"
+ .= librarySourceDir
+ <*> Toml.dioptional (Toml.string "build-script")
+ .= libraryBuildScript
+executableCodec :: TomlCodec Executable
+executableCodec =
+ Executable
+ <$> Toml.string "source-dir"
+ .= executableSourceDir
+ <*> Toml.string "main"
+ .= executableMainFile
+ <*> Toml.string "name"
+ .= executableName
+ <*> Toml.tableMap Toml._KeyString versionCodec "dependencies"
+ .= executableDependencies
+matchSimpleVersion :: Version -> Maybe String
+matchSimpleVersion = \case
+ SimpleVersion v -> Just v
+ _ -> Nothing
+matchGitVersion :: Version -> Maybe GitVersionSpec
+matchGitVersion = \case
+ GitVersion v -> Just v
+ _ -> Nothing
+matchPathVersion :: Version -> Maybe PathVersionSpec
+matchPathVersion = \case
+ PathVersion v -> Just v
+ _ -> Nothing
+matchTag :: GitRef -> Maybe String
+matchTag = \case
+ Tag v -> Just v
+ _ -> Nothing
+matchBranch :: GitRef -> Maybe String
+matchBranch = \case
+ Branch v -> Just v
+ _ -> Nothing
+matchCommit :: GitRef -> Maybe String
+matchCommit = \case
+ Commit v -> Just v
+ _ -> Nothing
+versionCodec :: Toml.Key -> Toml.TomlCodec Version
+versionCodec key =
+ Toml.dimatch matchSimpleVersion SimpleVersion (Toml.string key)
+ <|> Toml.dimatch matchGitVersion GitVersion (Toml.table gitVersionCodec key)
+ <|> Toml.dimatch matchPathVersion
+ PathVersion
+ (Toml.table pathVersionCodec key)
+gitVersionCodec :: Toml.TomlCodec GitVersionSpec
+gitVersionCodec =
+ GitVersionSpec
+ <$> Toml.string "git"
+ .= gitVersionSpecUrl
+ <*> Toml.dioptional gitRefCodec
+ .= gitVersionSpecRef
+gitRefCodec :: Toml.TomlCodec GitRef
+gitRefCodec =
+ Toml.dimatch matchTag Tag (Toml.string "tag")
+ <|> Toml.dimatch matchBranch Branch (Toml.string "branch")
+ <|> Toml.dimatch matchCommit Commit (Toml.string "rev")
+pathVersionCodec :: Toml.TomlCodec PathVersionSpec
+pathVersionCodec =
+ PathVersionSpec <$> Toml.string "path" .= pathVersionSpecPath
+toml2AppSettings :: TomlSettings -> Bool -> IO AppSettings
+toml2AppSettings tomlSettings release = do
+ let projectName = tomlSettingsProjectName tomlSettings
+ let compiler = "gfortran"
+ librarySettings <- getLibrarySettings $ tomlSettingsLibrary tomlSettings
+ executableSettings <- getExecutableSettings
+ (tomlSettingsExecutables tomlSettings)
+ projectName
+ testSettings <- getTestSettings $ tomlSettingsTests tomlSettings
+ buildPrefix <- makeBuildPrefix compiler release
+ let dependencies = tomlSettingsDependencies tomlSettings
+ let devDependencies = tomlSettingsDevDependencies tomlSettings
+ return AppSettings
+ { appSettingsCompiler = compiler
+ , appSettingsProjectName = projectName
+ , appSettingsBuildPrefix = buildPrefix
+ , appSettingsFlags = if release
+ then
+ [ "-Wall"
+ , "-Wextra"
+ , "-Wimplicit-interface"
+ , "-fPIC"
+ , "-fmax-errors=1"
+ , "-O3"
+ , "-march=native"
+ , "-ffast-math"
+ , "-funroll-loops"
+ ]
+ else
+ [ "-Wall"
+ , "-Wextra"
+ , "-Wimplicit-interface"
+ , "-fPIC"
+ , "-fmax-errors=1"
+ , "-g"
+ , "-fbounds-check"
+ , "-fcheck-array-temporaries"
+ , "-fbacktrace"
+ ]
+ , appSettingsLibrary = librarySettings
+ , appSettingsExecutables = executableSettings
+ , appSettingsTests = testSettings
+ , appSettingsDependencies = dependencies
+ , appSettingsDevDependencies = devDependencies
+ }
+getLibrarySettings :: Maybe Library -> IO (Maybe Library)
+getLibrarySettings maybeSettings = case maybeSettings of
+ Just settings -> return maybeSettings
+ Nothing -> do
+ defaultExists <- doesDirectoryExist "src"
+ if defaultExists
+ then return
+ (Just
+ (Library { librarySourceDir = "src", libraryBuildScript = Nothing })
+ )
+ else return Nothing
+getExecutableSettings :: [Executable] -> String -> IO [Executable]
+getExecutableSettings [] projectName = do
+ defaultDirectoryExists <- doesDirectoryExist "app"
+ if defaultDirectoryExists
+ then do
+ defaultMainExists <- doesFileExist ("app" </> "main.f90")
+ if defaultMainExists
+ then return
+ [ Executable { executableSourceDir = "app"
+ , executableMainFile = "main.f90"
+ , executableName = projectName
+ , executableDependencies = Map.empty
+ }
+ ]
+ else return []
+ else return []
+getExecutableSettings executables _ = return executables
+getTestSettings :: [Executable] -> IO [Executable]
+getTestSettings [] = do
+ defaultDirectoryExists <- doesDirectoryExist "test"
+ if defaultDirectoryExists
+ then do
+ defaultMainExists <- doesFileExist ("test" </> "main.f90")
+ if defaultMainExists
+ then return
+ [ Executable { executableSourceDir = "test"
+ , executableMainFile = "main.f90"
+ , executableName = "runTests"
+ , executableDependencies = Map.empty
+ }
+ ]
+ else return []
+ else return []
+getTestSettings tests = return tests
+makeBuildPrefix :: String -> Bool -> IO String
+makeBuildPrefix compiler release =
+ -- TODO Figure out what other info should be part of this
+ -- Probably version, and make sure to not include path to the compiler
+ return $ "build" </> compiler ++ "_" ++ if release then "release" else "debug"
+ Fetching the dependencies is done on a sort of breadth first approach. All
+ of the dependencies are fetched before doing the transitive dependencies.
+ This means that the top level dependencies dictate which version is fetched.
+ The fetchDependency function is idempotent, so we don't have to worry about
+ dealing with half fetched, or adding dependencies.
+ TODO check for version compatibility issues
+fetchDependencies :: Map.Map String Version -> IO [DependencyTree]
+fetchDependencies dependencies = do
+ theseDependencies <- mapM (uncurry fetchDependency) (Map.toList dependencies)
+ mapM fetchTransitiveDependencies theseDependencies
+ where
+ fetchTransitiveDependencies :: (String, FilePath) -> IO DependencyTree
+ fetchTransitiveDependencies (name, path) = do
+ tomlSettings <- Toml.decodeFile settingsCodec (path </> "fpm.toml")
+ librarySettingsM <- withCurrentDirectory path
+ $ getLibrarySettings (tomlSettingsLibrary tomlSettings)
+ case librarySettingsM of
+ Just librarySettings -> do
+ newDependencies <- fetchDependencies
+ (tomlSettingsDependencies tomlSettings)
+ return $ Dependency
+ { dependencyName = name
+ , dependencyPath = path
+ , dependencySourcePath = path </> (librarySourceDir librarySettings)
+ , dependencyBuildScript = libraryBuildScript librarySettings
+ , dependencyDependencies = newDependencies
+ }
+ Nothing -> do
+ putStrLn $ "No library found in " ++ name
+ undefined
+ :: (Maybe DependencyTree) -> Map.Map String Version -> IO [DependencyTree]
+fetchExecutableDependencies maybeProjectTree dependencies =
+ case maybeProjectTree of
+ Just projectTree@(Dependency name _ _ _ _) ->
+ if name `Map.member` dependencies {- map contains this project-}
+ then fmap (projectTree :)
+ (fetchDependencies (Map.delete name dependencies)) {- fetch the other dependencies and include the project tree in the result -}
+ else do {- fetch all the dependencies, passing the project tree on down -}
+ theseDependencies <- mapM (uncurry fetchDependency)
+ (Map.toList dependencies)
+ mapM fetchTransitiveDependencies theseDependencies
+ Nothing -> fetchDependencies dependencies
+ where
+ fetchTransitiveDependencies :: (String, FilePath) -> IO DependencyTree
+ fetchTransitiveDependencies (name, path) = do
+ tomlSettings <- Toml.decodeFile settingsCodec (path </> "fpm.toml")
+ librarySettingsM <- withCurrentDirectory path
+ $ getLibrarySettings (tomlSettingsLibrary tomlSettings)
+ case librarySettingsM of
+ Just librarySettings -> do
+ newDependencies <- fetchExecutableDependencies
+ maybeProjectTree
+ (tomlSettingsDependencies tomlSettings)
+ return $ Dependency
+ { dependencyName = name
+ , dependencyPath = path
+ , dependencySourcePath = path </> (librarySourceDir librarySettings)
+ , dependencyBuildScript = libraryBuildScript librarySettings
+ , dependencyDependencies = newDependencies
+ }
+ Nothing -> do
+ putStrLn $ "No library found in " ++ name
+ undefined
+fetchDependency :: String -> Version -> IO (String, FilePath)
+fetchDependency name version = do
+ let clonePath = "build" </> "dependencies" </> name
+ alreadyFetched <- doesDirectoryExist clonePath
+ if alreadyFetched
+ then return (name, clonePath)
+ else case version of
+ SimpleVersion _ -> do
+ putStrLn "Simple dependencies are not yet supported :("
+ undefined
+ GitVersion versionSpec -> do
+ system
+ ("git clone " ++ gitVersionSpecUrl versionSpec ++ " " ++ clonePath)
+ case gitVersionSpecRef versionSpec of
+ Just ref -> withCurrentDirectory clonePath $ do
+ system
+ ( "git checkout "
+ ++ (case ref of
+ Tag tag -> tag
+ Branch branch -> branch
+ Commit commit -> commit
+ )
+ )
+ return (name, clonePath)
+ Nothing -> return (name, clonePath)
+ PathVersion versionSpec -> return (name, pathVersionSpecPath versionSpec)
+ Bulding the dependencies is done on a depth first basis to ensure all of
+ the transitive dependencies have been built before trying to build this one
+ :: String
+ -> String
+ -> [String]
+ -> [DependencyTree]
+ -> IO [(FilePath, FilePath)]
+buildDependencies buildPrefix compiler flags dependencies = do
+ built <- concatMapM (buildDependency buildPrefix compiler flags) dependencies
+ return $ reverse (nub (reverse built))
+ :: String -> String -> [String] -> DependencyTree -> IO [(FilePath, FilePath)]
+buildDependency buildPrefix compiler flags (Dependency name path sourcePath mBuildScript dependencies)
+ = do
+ transitiveDependencies <- buildDependencies buildPrefix
+ compiler
+ flags
+ dependencies
+ let buildPath = buildPrefix </> name
+ thisArchive <- case mBuildScript of
+ Just script -> buildWithScript script
+ path
+ buildPath
+ compiler
+ flags
+ name
+ (map fst transitiveDependencies)
+ Nothing -> buildLibrary sourcePath
+ [".f90", ".f", ".F", ".F90", ".f95", ".f03"]
+ buildPath
+ compiler
+ flags
+ name
+ (map fst transitiveDependencies)
+ return $ (buildPath, thisArchive) : transitiveDependencies
+createNewProject :: String -> Bool -> Bool -> IO ()
+createNewProject projectName withExecutable withTest = do
+ createDirectory projectName
+ writeFile (projectName </> "fpm.toml") (templateFpmToml projectName)
+ writeFile (projectName </> "README.md") (templateReadme projectName)
+ writeFile (projectName </> ".gitignore") "build/*\n"
+ createDirectory (projectName </> "src")
+ writeFile (projectName </> "src" </> projectName <.> "f90")
+ (templateModule projectName)
+ when withExecutable $ do
+ createDirectory (projectName </> "app")
+ writeFile (projectName </> "app" </> "main.f90")
+ (templateProgram projectName)
+ when withTest $ do
+ createDirectory (projectName </> "test")
+ writeFile (projectName </> "test" </> "main.f90") templateTest
+ withCurrentDirectory projectName $ do
+ system "git init"
+ return ()
+templateFpmToml :: String -> String
+templateFpmToml projectName =
+ "name = \""
+ ++ projectName
+ ++ "\"\n"
+ ++ "version = \"0.1.0\"\n"
+ ++ "license = \"license\"\n"
+ ++ "author = \"Jane Doe\"\n"
+ ++ "maintainer = \"jane.doe@example.com\"\n"
+ ++ "copyright = \"2020 Jane Doe\"\n"
+templateModule :: String -> String
+templateModule projectName =
+ "module "
+ ++ projectName
+ ++ "\n"
+ ++ " implicit none\n"
+ ++ " private\n"
+ ++ "\n"
+ ++ " public :: say_hello\n"
+ ++ "contains\n"
+ ++ " subroutine say_hello\n"
+ ++ " print *, \"Hello, "
+ ++ projectName
+ ++ "!\"\n"
+ ++ " end subroutine say_hello\n"
+ ++ "end module "
+ ++ projectName
+ ++ "\n"
+templateReadme :: String -> String
+templateReadme projectName =
+ "# " ++ projectName ++ "\n" ++ "\n" ++ "My cool new project!\n"
+templateProgram :: String -> String
+templateProgram projectName =
+ "program main\n"
+ ++ " use "
+ ++ projectName
+ ++ ", only: say_hello\n"
+ ++ "\n"
+ ++ " implicit none\n"
+ ++ "\n"
+ ++ " call say_hello\n"
+ ++ "end program main\n"
+templateTest :: String
+templateTest =
+ "program main\n"
+ ++ " implicit none\n"
+ ++ "\n"
+ ++ " print *, \"Put some tests in here!\"\n"
+ ++ "end program main\n"