path: root/src/Build.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Build.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 420 deletions
diff --git a/src/Build.hs b/src/Build.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index ffbf264..0000000
--- a/src/Build.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
-module Build
- ( buildLibrary
- , buildProgram
- , buildWithScript
- )
-import Control.Applicative ( (<|>) )
-import Control.Monad ( filterM )
-import Data.Char ( isAsciiLower
- , isDigit
- , toLower
- )
-import Data.List ( intercalate
- , isSuffixOf
- )
-import Data.List.Utils ( replace )
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe
- , mapMaybe
- )
-import Development.Shake ( FilePattern
- , Change(ChangeModtimeAndDigest)
- , cmd
- , getDirectoryFilesIO
- , liftIO
- , need
- , progressSimple
- , shake
- , shakeChange
- , shakeColor
- , shakeFiles
- , shakeOptions
- , shakeProgress
- , shakeThreads
- , want
- , (<//>)
- , (&%>)
- , (%>)
- , (?>)
- )
-import Development.Shake.FilePath ( dropExtension
- , exe
- , makeRelative
- , (</>)
- , (<.>)
- , (-<.>)
- )
-import System.Directory ( createDirectoryIfMissing
- , makeAbsolute
- , withCurrentDirectory
- )
-import System.Environment ( setEnv )
-import System.FilePath ( splitDirectories )
-import System.Process ( system )
-import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP ( ReadP
- , char
- , eof
- , many
- , many1
- , option
- , readP_to_S
- , satisfy
- , skipSpaces
- , string
- )
-type ModuleName = String
-data LineContents = ModuleUsed ModuleName | Other
- :: FilePath
- -> [FilePath]
- -> [FilePattern]
- -> FilePath
- -> FilePath
- -> [String]
- -> String
- -> FilePath
- -> [FilePath]
- -> IO ()
-buildProgram programDirectory libraryDirectories sourceExtensions buildDirectory compiler flags programName programSource archives
- = do
- sourceFiles <- getDirectoriesFiles [programDirectory] sourceExtensions
- canonicalProgramSource <- makeAbsolute $ programDirectory </> programSource
- moduleSourceFiles <- filterM
- (\source -> do
- canonicalSource <- makeAbsolute source
- return $ canonicalProgramSource /= canonicalSource
- )
- sourceFiles
- let moduleObjectFiles = map
- (sourceFileToObjectFile buildDirectory programDirectory)
- moduleSourceFiles
- let sourceFileLookupMap = createSourceFileLookupMap buildDirectory
- programDirectory
- moduleSourceFiles
- let moduleLookupMap = createModuleLookupMap buildDirectory
- programDirectory
- moduleSourceFiles
- otherModuleMaps <- mapM getLibraryModuleMap libraryDirectories
- let allModuleMaps =
- moduleLookupMap `Map.union` foldl Map.union Map.empty otherModuleMaps
- let includeFlags = map ("-I" ++) libraryDirectories
- shake shakeOptions { shakeFiles = buildDirectory
- , shakeChange = ChangeModtimeAndDigest
- , shakeColor = True
- , shakeThreads = 0
- , shakeProgress = progressSimple
- }
- $ do
- want [buildDirectory </> programName <.> exe]
- buildDirectory </> programName <.> exe %> \executable -> do
- let objectFile = sourceFileToObjectFile buildDirectory
- programDirectory
- programSource
- let allObjectFiles = objectFile : moduleObjectFiles
- need allObjectFiles
- need archives
- cmd compiler allObjectFiles archives ["-o", executable] flags
- buildDirectory </> (map toLower programSource) -<.> "o" %> \objectFile -> do
- let realObjectFile = foldl (</>) "" $ splitDirectories objectFile
- let sourceFile = programDirectory </> programSource
- need [sourceFile]
- modulesUsed <- liftIO $ getModulesUsed sourceFile
- let moduleFilesNeeded =
- mapMaybe (`Map.lookup` allModuleMaps) modulesUsed
- let includeFlags = map ("-I" ++) libraryDirectories
- need moduleFilesNeeded
- cmd compiler
- ["-c", "-J" ++ buildDirectory]
- includeFlags
- flags
- ["-o", objectFile, sourceFile]
- map (\ext -> buildDirectory </> "*" <.> ext) ["o", "mod"]
- &%> \[objectFile, moduleFile] -> do
- let realObjectFile =
- foldl (</>) "" $ splitDirectories objectFile
- let sourceFile = fromMaybe
- undefined
- (Map.lookup realObjectFile sourceFileLookupMap)
- need [sourceFile]
- modulesUsed <- liftIO $ getModulesUsed sourceFile
- let moduleFilesNeeded =
- mapMaybe (`Map.lookup` allModuleMaps) modulesUsed
- let includeFlags = map ("-I" ++) libraryDirectories
- need moduleFilesNeeded
- cmd compiler
- ["-c", "-J" ++ buildDirectory]
- includeFlags
- flags
- ["-o", objectFile, sourceFile]
- :: FilePath
- -> [FilePattern]
- -> FilePath
- -> FilePath
- -> [String]
- -> String
- -> [FilePath]
- -> IO (FilePath)
-buildLibrary libraryDirectory sourceExtensions buildDirectory compiler flags libraryName otherLibraryDirectories
- = do
- sourceFiles <- getDirectoriesFiles [libraryDirectory] sourceExtensions
- let sourceFileLookupMap =
- createSourceFileLookupMap buildDirectory libraryDirectory sourceFiles
- let moduleLookupMap =
- createModuleLookupMap buildDirectory libraryDirectory sourceFiles
- otherModuleMaps <- mapM getLibraryModuleMap otherLibraryDirectories
- let allModuleMaps =
- moduleLookupMap `Map.union` foldl Map.union Map.empty otherModuleMaps
- let archiveFile = buildDirectory </> "lib" ++ libraryName <.> "a"
- shake shakeOptions { shakeFiles = buildDirectory
- , shakeChange = ChangeModtimeAndDigest
- , shakeColor = True
- , shakeThreads = 0
- , shakeProgress = progressSimple
- }
- $ do
- map (\ext -> buildDirectory </> "*" <.> ext) ["o", "mod"]
- &%> \[objectFile, moduleFile] -> do
- let realObjectFile =
- foldl (</>) "" $ splitDirectories objectFile
- let sourceFile = fromMaybe
- undefined
- (Map.lookup realObjectFile sourceFileLookupMap)
- need [sourceFile]
- modulesUsed <- liftIO $ getModulesUsed sourceFile
- let moduleFilesNeeded =
- mapMaybe (`Map.lookup` allModuleMaps) modulesUsed
- let includeFlags = map ("-I" ++) otherLibraryDirectories
- need moduleFilesNeeded
- cmd compiler
- ["-c", "-J" ++ buildDirectory]
- includeFlags
- flags
- ["-o", objectFile, sourceFile]
- archiveFile %> \a -> do
- let objectFiles = Map.keys sourceFileLookupMap
- need objectFiles
- cmd "ar" ["rs"] a objectFiles
- want [archiveFile]
- return archiveFile
--- A little wrapper around getDirectoryFiles so we can get files from multiple directories
-getDirectoriesFiles :: [FilePath] -> [FilePattern] -> IO [FilePath]
-getDirectoriesFiles dirs exts = getDirectoryFilesIO "" newPatterns
- where
- newPatterns = concatMap appendExts dirs
- appendExts dir = map ((dir <//> "*") ++) exts
-getLibraryModuleMap :: FilePath -> IO (Map.Map ModuleName FilePath)
-getLibraryModuleMap libraryDirectory = do
- moduleFiles <- getDirectoriesFiles [libraryDirectory] ["*.mod"]
- let moduleMap = foldl
- Map.union
- Map.empty
- (map (\m -> Map.singleton (moduleFileToModuleName m) m) moduleFiles)
- return moduleMap
- where
- moduleFileToModuleName moduleFile =
- map toLower $ dropExtension (makeRelative libraryDirectory moduleFile)
- :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> Map.Map FilePath FilePath
-createSourceFileLookupMap buildDirectory libraryDirectory sourceFiles = foldl
- Map.union
- Map.empty
- (map (createSourceToObjectMap buildDirectory libraryDirectory) sourceFiles)
- :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> Map.Map ModuleName FilePath
-createModuleLookupMap buildDirectory libraryDirectory sourceFiles = foldl
- Map.union
- Map.empty
- (map (createSourceToModuleMap buildDirectory libraryDirectory) sourceFiles)
- :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Map.Map ModuleName FilePath
-createSourceToModuleMap buildDirectory libraryDirectory sourceFile =
- Map.singleton
- (sourceFileToModuleName libraryDirectory sourceFile)
- (sourceFileToModFile buildDirectory libraryDirectory sourceFile)
-sourceFileToModuleName :: FilePath -> FilePath -> ModuleName
-sourceFileToModuleName libraryDirectory sourceFile =
- map toLower $ pathSeparatorsToUnderscores
- (dropExtension (makeRelative libraryDirectory sourceFile))
- :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Map.Map FilePath FilePath
-createSourceToObjectMap buildDirectory libraryDirectory sourceFile =
- Map.singleton
- (sourceFileToObjectFile buildDirectory libraryDirectory sourceFile)
- sourceFile
-sourceFileToObjectFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
-sourceFileToObjectFile buildDirectory libraryDirectory sourceFile =
- buildDirectory
- </> map
- toLower
- (pathSeparatorsToUnderscores
- (makeRelative libraryDirectory sourceFile)
- )
- -<.> "o"
-sourceFileToExecutable :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
-sourceFileToExecutable buildDirectory appDirectory sourceFile =
- buildDirectory
- </> pathSeparatorsToUnderscores (makeRelative appDirectory sourceFile)
- -<.> exe
-sourceFileToModFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
-sourceFileToModFile buildDirectory libraryDirectory sourceFile =
- buildDirectory
- </> map
- toLower
- (pathSeparatorsToUnderscores
- (makeRelative libraryDirectory sourceFile)
- )
- -<.> "mod"
-pathSeparatorsToUnderscores :: FilePath -> FilePath
-pathSeparatorsToUnderscores fileName =
- intercalate "_" (splitDirectories fileName)
-getModulesUsed :: FilePath -> IO [ModuleName]
-getModulesUsed sourceFile = do
- fileLines <- readFileLinesIO sourceFile
- let lineContents = map parseFortranLine fileLines
- return $ contentsToModuleNames lineContents
-contentsToModuleNames :: [LineContents] -> [ModuleName]
-contentsToModuleNames = mapMaybe contentToMaybeModuleName
- where
- contentToMaybeModuleName content = case content of
- ModuleUsed moduleName -> Just moduleName
- _ -> Nothing
-readFileLinesIO :: FilePath -> IO [String]
-readFileLinesIO file = do
- contents <- readFile file
- return $ lines contents
-parseFortranLine :: String -> LineContents
-parseFortranLine line =
- let line' = map toLower line
- result = readP_to_S doFortranLineParse line'
- in getResult result
- where
- getResult (_ : (contents, _) : _) = contents
- getResult [(contents, _) ] = contents
- getResult [] = Other
-doFortranLineParse :: ReadP LineContents
-doFortranLineParse = option Other fortranUsefulContents
-fortranUsefulContents :: ReadP LineContents
-fortranUsefulContents = useStatement
-useStatement :: ReadP LineContents
-useStatement = do
- skipSpaces
- _ <- string "use"
- skipAtLeastOneWhiteSpace
- modName <- validIdentifier
- skipSpaceCommaOrEnd
- return $ ModuleUsed modName
-skipAtLeastOneWhiteSpace :: ReadP ()
-skipAtLeastOneWhiteSpace = do
- _ <- many1 whiteSpace
- return ()
-skipSpaceOrEnd :: ReadP ()
-skipSpaceOrEnd = eof <|> skipAtLeastOneWhiteSpace
-skipSpaceCommaOrEnd :: ReadP ()
-skipSpaceCommaOrEnd = eof <|> skipComma <|> skipAtLeastOneWhiteSpace
-skipComma :: ReadP ()
-skipComma = do
- _ <- char ','
- return ()
-whiteSpace :: ReadP Char
-whiteSpace = satisfy (`elem` " \t")
-validIdentifier :: ReadP String
-validIdentifier = do
- first <- validFirstCharacter
- rest <- many validIdentifierCharacter
- return $ first : rest
-validFirstCharacter :: ReadP Char
-validFirstCharacter = alphabet
-validIdentifierCharacter :: ReadP Char
-validIdentifierCharacter = alphabet <|> digit <|> underscore
-alphabet :: ReadP Char
-alphabet = satisfy isAsciiLower
-digit :: ReadP Char
-digit = satisfy isDigit
-underscore :: ReadP Char
-underscore = char '_'
- :: String
- -> FilePath
- -> FilePath
- -> FilePath
- -> [String]
- -> String
- -> [FilePath]
- -> IO (FilePath)
-buildWithScript script projectDirectory buildDirectory compiler flags libraryName otherLibraryDirectories
- = do
- absoluteBuildDirectory <- makeAbsolute buildDirectory
- createDirectoryIfMissing True absoluteBuildDirectory
- absoluteLibraryDirectories <- mapM makeAbsolute otherLibraryDirectories
- setEnv "FC" compiler
- setEnv "FFLAGS" (intercalate " " flags)
- setEnv "BUILD_DIR" $ unWindowsPath absoluteBuildDirectory
- setEnv
- (intercalate " " (map unWindowsPath absoluteLibraryDirectories))
- let archiveFile =
- (unWindowsPath absoluteBuildDirectory)
- ++ "/lib"
- ++ libraryName
- <.> "a"
- withCurrentDirectory
- projectDirectory
- if
- | isMakefile script -> system
- ("make -f " ++ script ++ " " ++ archiveFile)
- | otherwise -> system (script ++ " " ++ archiveFile)
- return archiveFile
-isMakefile :: String -> Bool
-isMakefile script | script == "Makefile" = True
- | script == "makefile" = True
- | ".mk" `isSuffixOf` script = True
- | otherwise = False
-unWindowsPath :: String -> String
-unWindowsPath = changeSeparators . removeDriveLetter
-removeDriveLetter :: String -> String
-removeDriveLetter path | ':' `elem` path = (tail . dropWhile (/= ':')) path
- | otherwise = path
-changeSeparators :: String -> String
-changeSeparators = replace "\\" "/"