path: root/test/fpm_test/test_manifest.f90
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/fpm_test/test_manifest.f90')
1 files changed, 1085 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/fpm_test/test_manifest.f90 b/test/fpm_test/test_manifest.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94e5e07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fpm_test/test_manifest.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,1085 @@
+!> Define tests for the `fpm_manifest` modules
+module test_manifest
+ use fpm_filesystem, only: get_temp_filename
+ use testsuite, only : new_unittest, unittest_t, error_t, test_failed, &
+ & check_string
+ use fpm_manifest
+ use fpm_strings, only: operator(.in.)
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public :: collect_manifest
+ !> Collect all exported unit tests
+ subroutine collect_manifest(testsuite)
+ !> Collection of tests
+ type(unittest_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: testsuite(:)
+ testsuite = [ &
+ & new_unittest("valid-manifest", test_valid_manifest), &
+ & new_unittest("invalid-manifest", test_invalid_manifest, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("default-library", test_default_library), &
+ & new_unittest("default-executable", test_default_executable), &
+ & new_unittest("dependency-empty", test_dependency_empty, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("dependency-pathtag", test_dependency_pathtag, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("dependency-gitpath", test_dependency_gitpath, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("dependency-nourl", test_dependency_nourl, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("dependency-gitconflict", test_dependency_gitconflict, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("dependency-wrongkey", test_dependency_wrongkey, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("dependencies-empty", test_dependencies_empty), &
+ & new_unittest("dependencies-typeerror", test_dependencies_typeerror, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("executable-empty", test_executable_empty, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("executable-typeerror", test_executable_typeerror, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("executable-noname", test_executable_noname, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("executable-wrongkey", test_executable_wrongkey, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("build-config-valid", test_build_valid), &
+ & new_unittest("build-config-empty", test_build_empty), &
+ & new_unittest("build-config-invalid-values", test_build_invalid_values, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("library-empty", test_library_empty), &
+ & new_unittest("library-wrongkey", test_library_wrongkey, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("package-simple", test_package_simple), &
+ & new_unittest("package-empty", test_package_empty, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("package-typeerror", test_package_typeerror, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("package-noname", test_package_noname, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("package-wrongexe", test_package_wrongexe, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("package-wrongtest", test_package_wrongtest, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("package-duplicate", test_package_duplicate, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("test-simple", test_test_simple), &
+ & new_unittest("test-empty", test_test_empty, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("test-typeerror", test_test_typeerror, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("test-noname", test_test_noname, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("test-wrongkey", test_test_wrongkey, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("link-string", test_link_string), &
+ & new_unittest("link-array", test_link_array), &
+ & new_unittest("link-error", test_invalid_link, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("example-simple", test_example_simple), &
+ & new_unittest("example-empty", test_example_empty, should_fail=.true.), &
+ & new_unittest("install-library", test_install_library), &
+ & new_unittest("install-empty", test_install_empty), &
+ & new_unittest("install-wrongkey", test_install_wrongkey, should_fail=.true.)]
+ end subroutine collect_manifest
+ !> Try to read some unnecessary obscure and convoluted but not invalid package file
+ subroutine test_valid_manifest(error)
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(package_config_t) :: package
+ character(len=*), parameter :: manifest = 'fpm-valid-manifest.toml'
+ integer :: unit
+ open(file=manifest, newunit=unit)
+ write(unit, '(a)') &
+ & 'name = "example"', &
+ & '[build]', &
+ & 'auto-executables = false', &
+ & 'auto-tests = false', &
+ & '[dependencies.fpm]', &
+ & 'git = "https://github.com/fortran-lang/fpm"', &
+ & '[[executable]]', &
+ & 'name = "example-#1" # comment', &
+ & 'source-dir = "prog"', &
+ & '[dependencies]', &
+ & 'toml-f.git = "git@github.com:toml-f/toml-f.git"', &
+ & '"toml..f" = { path = ".." }', &
+ & '[["executable"]]', &
+ & 'name = "example-#2"', &
+ & 'source-dir = "prog"', &
+ & '[executable.dependencies]', &
+ & '[''library'']', &
+ & 'source-dir = """', &
+ & 'lib""" # comment'
+ close(unit)
+ call get_package_data(package, manifest, error)
+ open(file=manifest, newunit=unit)
+ close(unit, status='delete')
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ if (package%name /= "example") then
+ call test_failed(error, "Package name is "//package%name//" but should be example")
+ return
+ end if
+ if (.not.allocated(package%library)) then
+ call test_failed(error, "library is not present in package data")
+ return
+ end if
+ if (.not.allocated(package%executable)) then
+ call test_failed(error, "executable is not present in package data")
+ return
+ end if
+ if (size(package%executable) /= 2) then
+ call test_failed(error, "Number of executables in package is not two")
+ return
+ end if
+ if (.not.allocated(package%dependency)) then
+ call test_failed(error, "dependency is not present in package data")
+ return
+ end if
+ if (size(package%dependency) /= 3) then
+ call test_failed(error, "Number of dependencies in package is not three")
+ return
+ end if
+ if (allocated(package%test)) then
+ call test_failed(error, "test is present in package but not in package file")
+ return
+ end if
+ end subroutine test_valid_manifest
+ !> Try to read a valid TOML document which represent an invalid package file
+ subroutine test_invalid_manifest(error)
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(package_config_t) :: package
+ character(len=*), parameter :: manifest = 'fpm-invalid-manifest.toml'
+ integer :: unit
+ open(file=manifest, newunit=unit)
+ write(unit, '(a)') &
+ & '[package]', &
+ & 'name = "example"', &
+ & 'version = "0.1.0"'
+ close(unit)
+ call get_package_data(package, manifest, error)
+ open(file=manifest, newunit=unit)
+ close(unit, status='delete')
+ end subroutine test_invalid_manifest
+ !> Create a default library
+ subroutine test_default_library(error)
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(package_config_t) :: package
+ allocate(package%library)
+ call default_library(package%library)
+ call check_string(error, package%library%source_dir, "src", &
+ & "Default library source-dir")
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ if (.not.allocated(package%library%include_dir)) then
+ call test_failed(error,"Default include-dir list not allocated")
+ return
+ end if
+ if (.not.("include".in.package%library%include_dir)) then
+ call test_failed(error,"'include' not in default include-dir list")
+ return
+ end if
+ end subroutine test_default_library
+ !> Create a default executable
+ subroutine test_default_executable(error)
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(package_config_t) :: package
+ character(len=*), parameter :: name = "default"
+ allocate(package%executable(1))
+ call default_executable(package%executable(1), name)
+ call check_string(error, package%executable(1)%source_dir, "app", &
+ & "Default executable source-dir")
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ call check_string(error, package%executable(1)%name, name, &
+ & "Default executable name")
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ end subroutine test_default_executable
+ !> Dependencies cannot be created from empty tables
+ subroutine test_dependency_empty(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_dependency
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, toml_table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(dependency_config_t) :: dependency
+ call new_table(table)
+ table%key = "example"
+ call new_dependency(dependency, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_dependency_empty
+ !> Try to create a dependency with conflicting entries
+ subroutine test_dependency_pathtag(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_dependency
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, toml_table, set_value
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ integer :: stat
+ type(dependency_config_t) :: dependency
+ call new_table(table)
+ table%key = 'example'
+ call set_value(table, 'path', '"package"', stat)
+ call set_value(table, 'tag', '"v20.1"', stat)
+ call new_dependency(dependency, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_dependency_pathtag
+ !> Try to create a dependency with conflicting entries
+ subroutine test_dependency_nourl(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_dependency
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, toml_table, set_value
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ integer :: stat
+ type(dependency_config_t) :: dependency
+ call new_table(table)
+ table%key = 'example'
+ call set_value(table, 'tag', '"v20.1"', stat)
+ call new_dependency(dependency, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_dependency_nourl
+ !> Try to create a dependency with conflicting entries
+ subroutine test_dependency_gitpath(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_dependency
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, toml_table, set_value
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ integer :: stat
+ type(dependency_config_t) :: dependency
+ call new_table(table)
+ table%key = 'example'
+ call set_value(table, 'path', '"package"', stat)
+ call set_value(table, 'git', '"https://gitea.com/fortran-lang/pack"', stat)
+ call new_dependency(dependency, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_dependency_gitpath
+ !> Try to create a dependency with conflicting entries
+ subroutine test_dependency_gitconflict(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_dependency
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, toml_table, set_value
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ integer :: stat
+ type(dependency_config_t) :: dependency
+ call new_table(table)
+ table%key = 'example'
+ call set_value(table, 'git', '"https://gitea.com/fortran-lang/pack"', stat)
+ call set_value(table, 'branch', '"latest"', stat)
+ call set_value(table, 'tag', '"v20.1"', stat)
+ call new_dependency(dependency, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_dependency_gitconflict
+ !> Try to create a dependency with conflicting entries
+ subroutine test_dependency_wrongkey(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_dependency
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, toml_table, set_value
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ integer :: stat
+ type(dependency_config_t) :: dependency
+ call new_table(table)
+ table%key = 'example'
+ call set_value(table, 'not-available', '"anywhere"', stat)
+ call new_dependency(dependency, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_dependency_wrongkey
+ !> Dependency tables can be empty
+ subroutine test_dependencies_empty(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_dependency
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, toml_table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(dependency_config_t), allocatable :: dependencies(:)
+ call new_table(table)
+ call new_dependencies(dependencies, table, error)
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ if (allocated(dependencies)) then
+ call test_failed(error, "Found dependencies in empty table")
+ end if
+ end subroutine test_dependencies_empty
+ !> Add a dependency as an array, which is not supported
+ subroutine test_dependencies_typeerror(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_dependency
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, add_array, toml_table, toml_array
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(toml_array), pointer :: children
+ integer :: stat
+ type(dependency_config_t), allocatable :: dependencies(:)
+ call new_table(table)
+ call add_array(table, 'dep1', children, stat)
+ call new_dependencies(dependencies, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_dependencies_typeerror
+ !> Executables cannot be created from empty tables
+ subroutine test_executable_empty(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_executable
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, toml_table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(executable_config_t) :: executable
+ call new_table(table)
+ call new_executable(executable, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_executable_empty
+ !> Pass a wrong TOML type to the name field of the executable
+ subroutine test_executable_typeerror(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_executable
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, add_table, toml_table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(toml_table), pointer :: child
+ integer :: stat
+ type(executable_config_t) :: executable
+ call new_table(table)
+ call add_table(table, 'name', child, stat)
+ call new_executable(executable, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_executable_typeerror
+ !> Pass a TOML table with insufficient entries to the executable constructor
+ subroutine test_executable_noname(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_executable
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, add_table, toml_table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(toml_table), pointer :: child
+ integer :: stat
+ type(executable_config_t) :: executable
+ call new_table(table)
+ call add_table(table, 'dependencies', child, stat)
+ call new_executable(executable, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_executable_noname
+ !> Pass a TOML table with not allowed keys
+ subroutine test_executable_wrongkey(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_executable
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, add_table, toml_table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(toml_table), pointer :: child
+ integer :: stat
+ type(executable_config_t) :: executable
+ call new_table(table)
+ call add_table(table, 'wrong-field', child, stat)
+ call new_executable(executable, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_executable_wrongkey
+ !> Try to read values from the [build] table
+ subroutine test_build_valid(error)
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(package_config_t) :: package
+ character(:), allocatable :: temp_file
+ integer :: unit
+ allocate(temp_file, source=get_temp_filename())
+ open(file=temp_file, newunit=unit)
+ write(unit, '(a)') &
+ & 'name = "example"', &
+ & '[build]', &
+ & 'auto-executables = false', &
+ & 'auto-tests = false'
+ close(unit)
+ call get_package_data(package, temp_file, error)
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ if (package%build%auto_executables) then
+ call test_failed(error, "Wong value of 'auto-executables' read, expecting .false.")
+ return
+ end if
+ if (package%build%auto_tests) then
+ call test_failed(error, "Wong value of 'auto-tests' read, expecting .false.")
+ return
+ end if
+ end subroutine test_build_valid
+ !> Try to read values from an empty [build] table
+ subroutine test_build_empty(error)
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(package_config_t) :: package
+ character(:), allocatable :: temp_file
+ integer :: unit
+ allocate(temp_file, source=get_temp_filename())
+ open(file=temp_file, newunit=unit)
+ write(unit, '(a)') &
+ & 'name = "example"', &
+ & '[build]', &
+ & '[library]'
+ close(unit)
+ call get_package_data(package, temp_file, error)
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ if (.not.package%build%auto_executables) then
+ call test_failed(error, "Wong default value of 'auto-executables' read, expecting .true.")
+ return
+ end if
+ if (.not.package%build%auto_tests) then
+ call test_failed(error, "Wong default value of 'auto-tests' read, expecting .true.")
+ return
+ end if
+ end subroutine test_build_empty
+ !> Try to read values from a [build] table with invalid values
+ subroutine test_build_invalid_values(error)
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(package_config_t) :: package
+ character(:), allocatable :: temp_file
+ integer :: unit
+ allocate(temp_file, source=get_temp_filename())
+ open(file=temp_file, newunit=unit)
+ write(unit, '(a)') &
+ & 'name = "example"', &
+ & '[build]', &
+ & 'auto-executables = "false"'
+ close(unit)
+ call get_package_data(package, temp_file, error)
+ end subroutine test_build_invalid_values
+ !> Libraries can be created from empty tables
+ subroutine test_library_empty(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_library
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, toml_table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(library_config_t) :: library
+ call new_table(table)
+ call new_library(library, table, error)
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ call check_string(error, library%source_dir, "src", &
+ & "Default library source-dir")
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ if (.not.allocated(library%include_dir)) then
+ call test_failed(error,"Default include-dir list not allocated")
+ return
+ end if
+ if (.not.("include".in.library%include_dir)) then
+ call test_failed(error,"'include' not in default include-dir list")
+ return
+ end if
+ end subroutine test_library_empty
+ !> Pass a TOML table with not allowed keys
+ subroutine test_library_wrongkey(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_library
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, add_table, toml_table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(toml_table), pointer :: child
+ integer :: stat
+ type(library_config_t) :: library
+ call new_table(table)
+ call add_table(table, 'not-allowed', child, stat)
+ call new_library(library, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_library_wrongkey
+ !> Packages cannot be created from empty tables
+ subroutine test_package_simple(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_package
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, add_table, add_array, set_value, &
+ & toml_table, toml_array
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(toml_table), pointer :: child, child2
+ type(toml_array), pointer :: children
+ integer :: stat
+ type(package_config_t) :: package
+ call new_table(table)
+ call set_value(table, 'name', '"example"', stat)
+ call set_value(table, 'license', '"MIT"', stat)
+ call add_table(table, 'dev-dependencies', child, stat)
+ call add_table(child, 'pkg1', child2, stat)
+ call set_value(child2, 'git', '"https://github.com/fortran-lang/pkg1"', stat)
+ call add_table(child, 'pkg2', child2)
+ call set_value(child2, 'git', '"https://gitlab.com/fortran-lang/pkg2"', stat)
+ call set_value(child2, 'branch', '"devel"', stat)
+ call add_table(child, 'pkg3', child2)
+ call set_value(child2, 'git', '"https://bitbucket.org/fortran-lang/pkg3"', stat)
+ call set_value(child2, 'rev', '"9fceb02d0ae598e95dc970b74767f19372d61af8"', stat)
+ call add_table(child, 'pkg4', child2)
+ call set_value(child2, 'git', '"https://gitea.com/fortran-lang/pkg4"', stat)
+ call set_value(child2, 'tag', '"v1.8.5-rc3"', stat)
+ call add_array(table, 'test', children, stat)
+ call add_table(children, child, stat)
+ call set_value(child, 'name', '"tester"', stat)
+ call new_package(package, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_package_simple
+ !> Packages cannot be created from empty tables
+ subroutine test_package_empty(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_package
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, toml_table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(package_config_t) :: package
+ call new_table(table)
+ call new_package(package, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_package_empty
+ !> Create an array in the package name, which should cause an error
+ subroutine test_package_typeerror(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_package
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, add_array, toml_table, toml_array
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(toml_array), pointer :: child
+ integer :: stat
+ type(package_config_t) :: package
+ call new_table(table)
+ call add_array(table, "name", child, stat)
+ call new_package(package, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_package_typeerror
+ !> Try to create a new package without a name field
+ subroutine test_package_noname(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_package
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, add_table, toml_table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(toml_table), pointer :: child
+ integer :: stat
+ type(package_config_t) :: package
+ call new_table(table)
+ call add_table(table, "library", child, stat)
+ call add_table(table, "dev-dependencies", child, stat)
+ call add_table(table, "dependencies", child, stat)
+ call new_package(package, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_package_noname
+ !> Try to read executables from a mixed type array
+ subroutine test_package_wrongexe(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_package
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, set_value, add_array, toml_table, toml_array
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(toml_array), pointer :: children, children2
+ integer :: stat
+ type(package_config_t) :: package
+ call new_table(table)
+ call set_value(table, 'name', '"example"', stat)
+ call add_array(table, 'executable', children, stat)
+ call add_array(children, children2, stat)
+ call new_package(package, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_package_wrongexe
+ !> Try to read tests from a mixed type array
+ subroutine test_package_wrongtest(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_package
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, set_value, add_array, toml_table, toml_array
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(toml_array), pointer :: children, children2
+ integer :: stat
+ type(package_config_t) :: package
+ call new_table(table)
+ call set_value(table, 'name', '"example"', stat)
+ call add_array(table, 'test', children, stat)
+ call add_array(children, children2, stat)
+ call new_package(package, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_package_wrongtest
+ !> Try to read tests from a mixed type array
+ subroutine test_package_duplicate(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_package
+ use fpm_toml, only : set_value, add_table, add_array, toml_table, toml_array
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(toml_table), pointer :: child
+ type(toml_array), pointer :: children
+ integer :: stat
+ type(package_config_t) :: package
+ table = toml_table()
+ call set_value(table, 'name', '"example"', stat)
+ call add_array(table, 'test', children, stat)
+ call add_table(children, child, stat)
+ call set_value(child, 'name', '"prog"', stat)
+ call add_table(children, child, stat)
+ call set_value(child, 'name', '"prog"', stat)
+ call new_package(package, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_package_duplicate
+ !> Tests cannot be created from empty tables
+ subroutine test_test_simple(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_test
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, set_value, add_table, toml_table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(toml_table), pointer :: child
+ integer :: stat
+ type(test_config_t) :: test
+ call new_table(table)
+ call set_value(table, 'name', '"example"', stat)
+ call set_value(table, 'source-dir', '"tests"', stat)
+ call set_value(table, 'main', '"tester.f90"', stat)
+ call add_table(table, 'dependencies', child, stat)
+ call new_test(test, table, error)
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ call check_string(error, test%main, "tester.f90", "Test main")
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ end subroutine test_test_simple
+ !> Tests cannot be created from empty tables
+ subroutine test_test_empty(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_test
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, toml_table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(test_config_t) :: test
+ call new_table(table)
+ call new_test(test, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_test_empty
+ !> Pass a wrong TOML type to the name field of the test
+ subroutine test_test_typeerror(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_test
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, add_table, toml_table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(toml_table), pointer :: child
+ integer :: stat
+ type(test_config_t) :: test
+ call new_table(table)
+ call add_table(table, 'name', child, stat)
+ call new_test(test, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_test_typeerror
+ !> Pass a TOML table with insufficient entries to the test constructor
+ subroutine test_test_noname(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_test
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, add_table, toml_table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(toml_table), pointer :: child
+ integer :: stat
+ type(test_config_t) :: test
+ call new_table(table)
+ call add_table(table, 'dependencies', child, stat)
+ call new_test(test, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_test_noname
+ !> Pass a TOML table with not allowed keys
+ subroutine test_test_wrongkey(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_test
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, add_table, toml_table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(toml_table), pointer :: child
+ integer :: stat
+ type(test_config_t) :: test
+ call new_table(table)
+ call add_table(table, 'not-supported', child, stat)
+ call new_test(test, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_test_wrongkey
+ !> Create a simple example entry
+ subroutine test_example_simple(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_example
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, set_value, add_table, toml_table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(toml_table), pointer :: child
+ integer :: stat
+ type(example_config_t) :: example
+ call new_table(table)
+ call set_value(table, 'name', '"example"', stat)
+ call set_value(table, 'source-dir', '"demos"', stat)
+ call set_value(table, 'main', '"demo.f90"', stat)
+ call add_table(table, 'dependencies', child, stat)
+ call new_example(example, table, error)
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ call check_string(error, example%main, "demo.f90", "Example main")
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ end subroutine test_example_simple
+ !> Examples cannot be created from empty tables
+ subroutine test_example_empty(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_example
+ use fpm_toml, only : new_table, toml_table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(example_config_t) :: example
+ call new_table(table)
+ call new_example(example, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_example_empty
+ !> Test link options
+ subroutine test_link_string(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_build
+ use fpm_toml, only : set_value, toml_table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ integer :: stat
+ type(build_config_t) :: build
+ table = toml_table()
+ call set_value(table, "link", "z", stat=stat)
+ call new_build_config(build, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_link_string
+ !> Test link options
+ subroutine test_link_array(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_build
+ use fpm_toml, only : add_array, set_value, toml_table, toml_array
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(toml_array), pointer :: children
+ integer :: stat
+ type(build_config_t) :: build
+ table = toml_table()
+ call add_array(table, "link", children, stat=stat)
+ call set_value(children, 1, "blas", stat=stat)
+ call set_value(children, 2, "lapack", stat=stat)
+ call new_build_config(build, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_link_array
+ !> Test link options
+ subroutine test_invalid_link(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_build
+ use fpm_toml, only : add_table, toml_table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(toml_table), pointer :: child
+ integer :: stat
+ type(build_config_t) :: build
+ table = toml_table()
+ call add_table(table, "link", child, stat=stat)
+ call new_build_config(build, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_invalid_link
+ subroutine test_install_library(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_install
+ use fpm_toml, only : toml_table, set_value
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(install_config_t) :: install
+ table = toml_table()
+ call set_value(table, "library", .true.)
+ call new_install_config(install, table, error)
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ if (.not.install%library) then
+ call test_failed(error, "Library entry should be true")
+ return
+ end if
+ end subroutine test_install_library
+ subroutine test_install_empty(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_install
+ use fpm_toml, only : toml_table
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(install_config_t) :: install
+ table = toml_table()
+ call new_install_config(install, table, error)
+ if (allocated(error)) return
+ if (install%library) then
+ call test_failed(error, "Library default should be false")
+ return
+ end if
+ end subroutine test_install_empty
+ subroutine test_install_wrongkey(error)
+ use fpm_manifest_install
+ use fpm_toml, only : toml_table, set_value
+ !> Error handling
+ type(error_t), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+ type(toml_table) :: table
+ type(install_config_t) :: install
+ table = toml_table()
+ call set_value(table, "prefix", "/some/install/path")
+ call new_install_config(install, table, error)
+ end subroutine test_install_wrongkey
+end module test_manifest