path: root/captain
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'captain')
3 files changed, 203 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/captain/external.f90 b/captain/external.f90
index 7b1826a..49331ba 100644
--- a/captain/external.f90
+++ b/captain/external.f90
@@ -25,112 +25,10 @@ implicit none
- pure function get_status_utf8(status) result(res)
- use captain_db
- implicit none
- integer, intent(in)::status
- character(4)::res
- select case(status)
- ! Check mark 0x2714
- res = char(226)//char(156)//char(148)//" "
- ! Ballot x 0x2717
- res = char(226)//char(156)//char(151)//" "
- ! Runner 0x1f3c3
- res = char(240)//char(159)//char(143)//char(131)
- ! Sleeping 0x1f4a4
- res = char(240)//char(159)//char(146)//char(164)
- ! Envelope 0x2709
- res = char(226)//char(156)//char(137)//" "
- end select
- end function get_status_utf8
- function render_jobs_links(jobs, startindex, stopindex) result(res)
- use captain_db
- implicit none
- type(job), dimension(:), pointer, intent(in)::jobs
- integer, intent(in), optional::startindex, stopindex
- character(len=:), pointer::res
- integer::nsize, i, first, last
- character(len=16)::int_text
- character(len=(2*PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH + 64))::link
- character(PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH)::player, instruction
- character(1)::nl = new_line(' ')
- if(.not. associated(jobs)) then
- allocate(character(len=32)::res)
- res = "None Yet"
- else
- first = 1
- if(present(startindex)) then
- first = startindex
- end if
- last = size(jobs)
- if(present(stopindex)) then
- last = min(size(jobs), stopindex)
- end if
- if(first <= last .and. first <= size(jobs)) then
- nsize = (last-first+1)*(2*PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH + 64)
- allocate(character(len=nsize) :: res)
- res = " "
- do i = first, last
- call get_instruction_name(jobs(i)%instruction, instruction)
- call get_player_name(jobs(i)%player, player)
- write(int_text, '(I8)') jobs(i)%id
- link = "=> jobs/"//trim(adjustl(int_text))//".gmi "// &
- trim(get_status_utf8(jobs(i)%status))//" Job "// &
- trim(adjustl(int_text))//" - "//trim(instruction)
- res = trim(res)//nl//nl//link
- select case(jobs(i)%status)
- res = trim(res)//nl//"Completed on"
- res = trim(res)//nl//"Waiting to run on"
- res = trim(res)//nl//"Running on"
- end select
- res = trim(res)//" "//trim(player)// &
- " - Last Update: "//trim(jobs(i)%time)
- end do
- else
- ! Indices exceed array
- allocate(character(len=64)::res)
- write(int_text, '(I8)') first
- res = "None at index "//trim(adjustl(int_text))//" or beyond"
- end if
- end if
- end function render_jobs_links
function generate_jobs_gemini(req) result(res)
use captain_db
use server_response
+ use request_utils, only: render_jobs_links
use logging
implicit none
@@ -168,7 +66,7 @@ contains
res = "## Jobs "
- linklist => render_jobs_links(jobs, i_start_jobs, min(i_start_jobs+14, n))
+ linklist => render_jobs_links(jobs, i_start_jobs, min(i_start_jobs+14, n), .true.)
res = trim(res)//trim(linklist)
call write_log(linklist)
@@ -181,6 +79,7 @@ contains
use captain_db
use server_response
use special_filenames, only: get_task_result_static_filename
+ use request_utils, only: get_status_utf8
implicit none
type(request), intent(in)::req
@@ -405,6 +304,8 @@ contains
function generate_one_instuction_gemini(req) result(res)
use captain_db
use server_response
+ use request_utils, only: get_status_utf8
+ use request_utils, only: render_jobs_links
implicit none
@@ -430,7 +331,7 @@ contains
jobs => get_jobs_for_instruction(id_from_req)
if(associated(jobs)) then
n_jobs = size(jobs)
- job_link_text => render_jobs_links(jobs)
+ job_link_text => render_jobs_links(jobs, gemini_mode=.true.)
n_jobs = 0
job_link_text => null()
diff --git a/captain/requtils.f90 b/captain/requtils.f90
index 04ef6cf..742f8ac 100644
--- a/captain/requtils.f90
+++ b/captain/requtils.f90
@@ -84,6 +84,39 @@ contains
end subroutine basic_mimetype
+ pure function get_status_utf8(status) result(res)
+ use captain_db
+ implicit none
+ integer, intent(in)::status
+ character(4)::res
+ select case(status)
+ ! Check mark 0x2714
+ res = char(226)//char(156)//char(148)//" "
+ ! Ballot x 0x2717
+ res = char(226)//char(156)//char(151)//" "
+ ! Runner 0x1f3c3
+ res = char(240)//char(159)//char(143)//char(131)
+ ! Sleeping 0x1f4a4
+ res = char(240)//char(159)//char(146)//char(164)
+ ! Envelope 0x2709
+ res = char(226)//char(156)//char(137)//" "
+ end select
+ end function get_status_utf8
function is_request_static(req)
use server_response
use logging
@@ -152,5 +185,102 @@ contains
end if
end function request_static
+ function render_jobs_links(jobs, startindex, stopindex, gemini_mode) result(res)
+ use captain_db
+ implicit none
+ type(job), dimension(:), pointer, intent(in)::jobs
+ integer, intent(in), optional::startindex, stopindex
+ logical, intent(in)::gemini_mode
+ character(len=:), pointer::res
+ integer::nsize, i, first, last
+ character(len=16)::int_text
+ character(len=(2*PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH + 64))::link
+ character(PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH)::player, instruction
+ character(1)::nl = new_line(' ')
+ if(.not. associated(jobs)) then
+ allocate(character(len=32)::res)
+ res = "None Yet"
+ else
+ first = 1
+ if(present(startindex)) then
+ first = startindex
+ end if
+ last = size(jobs)
+ if(present(stopindex)) then
+ last = min(size(jobs), stopindex)
+ end if
+ if(first <= last .and. first <= size(jobs)) then
+ nsize = (last-first+1)*(2*PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH + 64) + 32
+ allocate(character(len=nsize) :: res)
+ if(gemini_mode) then
+ res = " "
+ else
+ res ="<ul>"
+ end if
+ do i = first, last
+ call get_instruction_name(jobs(i)%instruction, instruction)
+ call get_player_name(jobs(i)%player, player)
+ write(int_text, '(I8)') jobs(i)%id
+ if(gemini_mode) then
+ link = "=> jobs/"//trim(adjustl(int_text))//".gmi "// &
+ trim(get_status_utf8(jobs(i)%status))//" Job "// &
+ trim(adjustl(int_text))//" - "//trim(instruction)
+ res = trim(res)//nl//nl//trim(link)
+ else
+ res = trim(res)//nl//' <li><div class="job_result_listitem">'
+ link = ' <p><strong><a href="jobs/'//trim(adjustl(int_text))//'.html" >'// &
+ trim(get_status_utf8(jobs(i)%status))//" Job "// &
+ trim(adjustl(int_text))//" - "//trim(instruction)// &
+ '</a></strong></p>'
+ res = trim(res)//nl//trim(link)//nl//" <p><em>"
+ endif
+ select case(jobs(i)%status)
+ res = trim(res)//nl//"Completed on"
+ res = trim(res)//nl//"Waiting to run on"
+ res = trim(res)//nl//"Running on"
+ end select
+ res = trim(res)//" "//trim(player)// &
+ " - Last Update: "//trim(jobs(i)%time)
+ if(.not. gemini_mode) then
+ res = trim(res)//"</em></p>"//nl//" </div></li>"
+ end if
+ end do
+ if(.not. gemini_mode) then
+ res = trim(res)//nl//"</ul>"
+ end if
+ else
+ ! Indices exceed array
+ allocate(character(len=64)::res)
+ write(int_text, '(I8)') first
+ res = "None at index "//trim(adjustl(int_text))//" or beyond"
+ end if
+ end if
+ end function render_jobs_links
end module request_utils \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/captain/web.f90 b/captain/web.f90
index e466c63..e232e2d 100644
--- a/captain/web.f90
+++ b/captain/web.f90
@@ -159,7 +159,72 @@ contains
end if
+ res = trim(res)//nl//"</ul>"
end function generate_releases_html
+ function generate_jobs_html(req) result(res)
+ use captain_db
+ use server_response
+ use request_utils, only: render_jobs_links
+ use logging
+ implicit none
+ type(request)::req
+ character(len=:), pointer::res
+ type(job), dimension(:), pointer::jobs
+ integer::n, nsize
+ integer::i_start_jobs, ierr
+ character(len=:), pointer::linklist
+ character(10)::pager
+ n = get_jobs_count()
+ if(n == 0) then
+ allocate(character(len=1024) :: res)
+ res = "None Yet"
+ else
+ if(associated(req%query_string)) then
+ read(req%query_string, *, iostat=ierr) i_start_jobs
+ else
+ ierr = -1
+ end if
+ if(ierr /= 0) then
+ i_start_jobs = 1
+ end if
+ jobs => get_jobs()
+ ! 15 per page
+ nsize = 15*(2*PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH + 64) + 1024
+ allocate(character(len=nsize) :: res)
+ res = " "
+ linklist => render_jobs_links(jobs, i_start_jobs, min(i_start_jobs+14, n), .false.)
+ res = trim(res)//new_line(' ')//trim(linklist)
+ ! Pagers
+ res = trim(res)//new_line(' ')//"<p>"
+ if(i_start_jobs /= 1) then
+ write(pager, '(I8)') max(i_start_jobs - 15, 1)
+ res = trim(res)//'<a href="jobs.html?'//trim(adjustl(pager))//'">&lt;&lt; Newer</a> |'
+ end if
+ if(i_start_jobs+14 < n) then
+ write(pager, '(I8)') i_start_jobs + 15
+ res = trim(res)//' <a href="jobs.html?'//trim(adjustl(pager))//'">Older &gt;&gt;</a>'
+ end if
+ res = trim(res)//"</p>"
+ deallocate(linklist)
+ end if
+ end function generate_jobs_html
function request_templated(req) result(resp)
use page_template
@@ -199,8 +264,8 @@ contains
else if(trim(req%location) == "/jobs.html") then
call page%assign('title', 'Jobs')
- !contents => generate_jobs_gemini(req)
- !call page%assign('contents', contents)
+ contents => generate_jobs_html(req)
+ call page%assign('contents', contents)
else if(trim(req%location) == "/players.html") then