path: root/common
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Diffstat (limited to 'common')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/common/utilities.F90 b/common/utilities.F90
index 093595b..670d48f 100644
--- a/common/utilities.F90
+++ b/common/utilities.F90
@@ -467,4 +467,67 @@ contains
end function get_files_in_directory
+ subroutine get_one_line_output_shell_command(cmd, output, retcode)
+ implicit none
+ character(*), intent(in)::cmd
+ character(*), intent(out)::output
+ integer, intent(out), optional::retcode
+ integer::internal_retcode, ierr, unum
+ character(len=:), pointer::tempfilename
+ tempfilename => generate_temporary_filename()
+ call execute_command_line(trim(cmd)//" > "//trim(tempfilename), &
+ wait=.true., &
+ exitstat=internal_retcode)
+ if(present(retcode)) then
+ retcode = internal_retcode
+ end if
+ open(newunit=unum, file=tempfilename, status="old", iostat=ierr)
+ if(ierr == 0) then
+ read(unum, '(A)') output
+ close(unum)
+ end if
+ call delete_file(tempfilename)
+ deallocate(tempfilename)
+ end subroutine get_one_line_output_shell_command
+ subroutine toupper(str)
+ implicit none
+ character(*), intent(inout)::str
+ integer::i
+ interface
+ function toupper_c(c) bind(c, name="toupper")
+ use iso_c_binding
+ integer(kind=c_int), value::c
+ integer(kind=c_int)::toupper_c
+ end function toupper_c
+ end interface
+ do i=1, len_trim(str)
+ str(i:i) = char(toupper_c(IACHAR(str(i:i))))
+ end do
+ end subroutine toupper
+ subroutine echo_file_stdout(filename)
+ implicit none
+ character(*), intent(in)::filename
+#ifdef WINDOWS
+ call execute_command_line("type "//trim(filename), wait=.true.)
+ call execute_command_line("cat "//trim(filename), wait=.true.)
+ end subroutine echo_file_stdout
end module utilities \ No newline at end of file