path: root/player
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'player')
4 files changed, 81 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/player/instructions.f90 b/player/instructions.f90
index a3dc97a..1bd25ea 100644
--- a/player/instructions.f90
+++ b/player/instructions.f90
@@ -265,7 +265,11 @@ contains
if(.not. all(found,1)) then
success = .false.
- success = upload(url, filename)
+ if(index(filename, "*") > 0 .or. index(filename, "?") > 0) then
+ success = upload_glob(url, filename)
+ else
+ success = upload(url, filename)
+ end if
end if
else if(trim(operation) == "download") then
diff --git a/player/player.F90 b/player/player.F90
index bac6d6f..d41ec99 100644
--- a/player/player.F90
+++ b/player/player.F90
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ contains
identity = " "
+ token = "None"
i = 1
do while(i <= command_argument_count())
diff --git a/player/talking.f90 b/player/talking.f90
index 733f463..5cc3a48 100644
--- a/player/talking.f90
+++ b/player/talking.f90
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ contains
mod_url = url
open(newunit=unit_number, file=filename, status='UNKNOWN', &
- access='STREAM', form='FORMATTED', iostat=istatus)
+ access='STREAM', iostat=istatus) ! form='FORMATTED',
if(istatus == 0) then
status_code = request_url(mod_url, unit_number, return_type)
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ contains
allocate(character(len=len_trim(url)) :: mod_url)
mod_url = url
- open(newunit=io, form="formatted", status="scratch", access='stream')
+ open(newunit=io, status="scratch", access='stream')
status_code = request_url(mod_url, io, return_type)
diff --git a/player/tasks.f90 b/player/tasks.f90
index 87b7d66..2487e73 100644
--- a/player/tasks.f90
+++ b/player/tasks.f90
@@ -69,30 +69,84 @@ contains
end function shell
- function upload(url, source_filename)
+ function upload_glob(url, mask) result(res)
+ use utilities
+ implicit none
+ logical::res
+ character(*), intent(in)::url
+ character(*), intent(in)::mask
+ character(DIR_LIST_STRING_LENGTH), dimension(:), pointer::files
+ logical, dimension(:), allocatable::statuses
+ integer::i
+ ! We can cheat by using the get_files_in_directory function since it
+ ! is merely calling ls/dir, which will resolve the glob
+ files => get_files_in_directory(mask)
+ !allocate(files(2))
+ !files(1) = "/tmp/example/jagcdenc2.zip"
+ !files(2) = "/tmp/example/jagenc2.zip"
+ if(associated(files)) then
+ allocate(statuses(size(files)))
+ do i = 1, size(files)
+ statuses(i) = upload(url, files(i))
+ end do
+ res = all(statuses)
+ deallocate(statuses)
+ deallocate(files)
+ else
+ res = .false.
+ end if
+ end function upload_glob
+ recursive function upload(url, source_filename) result(res)
use config, only: token, captain
use gemini_protocol, only: titan_post_url, STATUS_SUCCESS
implicit none
- logical::upload
+ logical::res
character(*), intent(in)::url
character(*), intent(in)::source_filename
character(len=:), allocatable::mod_url
- integer::unit_number, istatus, url_length
+ integer::unit_number, istatus, url_length, i
+ ! Check for globbing - sloppy, but still...
+ if(index(source_filename, "*") > 0 .or. index(source_filename, "?") > 0) then
+ res = upload_glob(url, source_filename)
+ return
+ end if
+ ! If we're here, we have a single filename to upload
inquire(file=source_filename, size=file_size)
open(newunit=unit_number, file=trim(source_filename), status='UNKNOWN', &
access='STREAM', form='UNFORMATTED', iostat=istatus)
if(index(url, "://") > 0) then
- allocate(character(len=len_trim(url)) :: mod_url)
+ ! Leave room for a possble filename
+ url_length = len_trim(url) + len_trim(source_filename)
+ allocate(character(len=url_length) :: mod_url)
mod_url = url
- url_length = len_trim(url) + len_trim(captain) + 16
+ ! Leave room for a possble filename
+ url_length = len_trim(url) + len_trim(source_filename) + len_trim(captain) + 16
allocate(character(len=url_length) :: mod_url)
mod_url = "titan://"//trim(captain)
if(url(1:1) == "/") then
@@ -102,12 +156,23 @@ contains
end if
end if
+ ! If the URL ends in a slash, it's a folder, add the filename base.
+ if(mod_url(len_trim(mod_url):len_trim(mod_url)) == "/") then
+ i = max(index(source_filename, "/", back=.true.), index(source_filename, "\", back=.true.))
+ if(i > 0) then
+ mod_url = trim(mod_url)//source_filename(i+1:len_trim(source_filename))
+ else
+ mod_url = trim(mod_url)//trim(source_filename)
+ end if
+ end if
if(istatus == 0) then
+ Print *, "Writing "//trim(mod_url)
istatus = titan_post_url(mod_url, unit_number, file_size, token)
- upload = (istatus == STATUS_SUCCESS)
+ res = (istatus == STATUS_SUCCESS)
- upload = .false.
+ res = .false.
end if
@@ -145,7 +210,7 @@ contains
end if
open(newunit=unit_number, file=trim(destination_filename), status='UNKNOWN', &
- access='STREAM', form='FORMATTED', iostat=istatus)
+ access='STREAM', iostat=istatus) ! , form='FORMATTED',
if(istatus == 0) then
istatus = request_url(mod_url, unit_number, mimetype)